2011-11 (十一月禱告信)



神為中國學生來美國學習打開了一扇寬廣的大門。神更為這些學生打開了一扇更大的救恩之門。去年我們幫助了五個校園建立了中文查經班。今年我們又幫助三個校園開始了查經班。靠著神的恩典,這些校園查經班如今仍然有固定聚會。開展一個校園事工不是一件容易的事,要維持這個事工更是困難! 感謝神興起了許多忠心的人,在個校園裡成為祂的見證。他們有些是學校裡的學生,有些是常要花幾個小時的車程到這些校園幫忙的平信徒。這些查經班在第一年裡都是很辛苦的支撐著。 感謝神,有一些學生開始起來,預備自己更有效的服事祂。當我再度去探訪這些查經班時,年輕的學生們都很喜樂地將門徒訓練的報名單交給我。他們都期盼研讀神的話語,並在自己的校園服事。請為這些年輕的弟兄姐妹們和查經班代禱。我們為在不同的校園裡美好的服事機會感謝神。

六對退休的夫婦於十月十日至十一月一日前來基督工人中心幫忙。他們屬於一個叫作RVICS(Roving Volunteers In Christ’s Service)的美國退休義工團體。弟兄們幫助我們搭建連接迦南樓(多用途大樓)與家庭宿舍之間的通道。感謝神賜給我們好天氣。在過去兩週裡只有兩、三天比較冷。天氣很暖而且沒有下雨。建築工程進行的又快又順利。謝謝您的代禱。當他們離開時工程應該已大致完工,本地的工人將會繼續完成。RVICS的姐妹們幫忙做一些縫紉、油漆、整理亭園及清潔的工作。中心許多的房間已經有廿五年沒有油漆過了。他們的勞苦給予中心極大的幫助。每天晨更之後,他們便帶著喜樂的心開始工作。他們很希奇的看到神如何在美國帶領了那麼多的中國學生歸向祂,也為自己能有份於這事工感謝神。感謝神因祂有說不盡的恩典。

我們感謝神,有越來越多的人來參加門徒訓練及讀經營。在過去我們只有在聚會人數很多的時候才使用迦南樓— 例如讀經營或在職信徒訓練 —而且從來不曾在冬季。冬季聚會都是在馬可樓舉行,以避免外面的冰天雪地及刺骨寒風。2010年十二月的門徒訓練,由於聚會及飯廳都容納不下,我們因此不得不拒絕了一些來報名參加的弟兄姐妹。這條新搭建的通道將解決壞天氣的問題。有了這一條加蓋的通道,將便利參加聚會者往來於各棟樓層之間。請為這項工程代禱。RVICS離開後,還會留下一些未完成的工作。請為同工Dale代禱,求神賜給他智慧和能力。也請為此一工程所需經費代禱。預計工程費用是$80,000左右。



  1. 冬令會 將在密蘇里州堪薩斯市的喜來登酒店(Sheraton Kansas City Hotel)舉行。這裡原是凱悅酒店,從十二月一日開始,凱悅將轉屬於喜來登旗下。冬令會將於十二月廿二日晚上開始至廿六日中午結束。報名表將於本週張貼上網,供下載、郵寄。我們希望十一月十五日以前能準備好接受網上報名。欲參加冬令會者,每一個人都必須上網報名。嚴格截止時間是十二月十八日下午四時正。請勿延遲!感謝神已預備了多位祂的僕人在冬令會中分享祂的話語。請為講員們代禱:林三綱弟兄、林郭慕真師母、鄧英善牧師、洪予健牧師、遠志明牧師、賴可中牧師及其他本地的講員。感謝神,加州聖荷西的Thomas Chen牧師將帶領他們教會的短宣隊(目前已有十三位隊員)來幫忙青少年及英語的聚會。英語聚會將分中、高年級及青年組。十八歲以下必須與父母同來。請代禱,求神傾倒下祂的祝福給每一位參加者,同時也叫我們在祂新的異象中得著復興。
  2. 十二月門徒訓練營 將於十二月廿六至卅一日在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。講員有林三綱弟兄、林郭慕真師母及賴可中牧師。我們為這幾位講員感謝神。在過去兩個月中,我們看到有許多人接受耶穌基督成為他們個人的救主。這個營會不僅是能幫助他們屬靈的成長,同時也是幫助那些願意在主裡裝備自己的基督徒。請預備自己來參加,並邀請別人同來。嚴格報名截止時間為十二月十八日晚上十一時五十九分。請在截止時間之前報名。此一聚會單單是為已經重生得救的基督徒預備,並要求全程參加。
  3. 一月讀經營 將在門徒訓練營之後舉行。我們將研讀以色列被擄與歸回的歷史。包括以斯拉、尼希米、以斯帖、哈該、撒迦利亞、瑪拉基、以西結、但以理等書,以及兩約之間。這些書卷對我們屬靈生命都非常有意義,更能預備我們來服事神。曾祥新牧師和李玉惠姐妹將是我們的講員。參加者在營會開始前需要先準備功課。報名截止日期為十一月十五日。每位參加者都必須曾參加過門徒訓練,才能參加讀經營。請勿延遲報名。已經有八十位多位弟兄姐妹開始按照進度表準備功課。指定專題報告作業已經郵局寄出。

請您為基督工人中心的同工們在進入年底忙碌的服事代禱。各營會需要籌備,而校園事工仍必須在學期中進行。謝謝您忠心的代禱。盼望在冬季的各項聚會中見到您! 上帝祝福您!




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the Lord to you during this Thanksgiving season. It is time again to count the blessings of God and give thanks to Him. Without His strength, we can do nothing.

God has opened a great door for Chinese students to come to study in this country. He has also opened a greater door to them for salvation. Last year we helped five campuses start Chinese Bible study groups. This year we helped three campuses start Bible study groups. By the grace of God, all these campuses still have Bible studies. It is not easy to start a campus ministry. It is harder to sustain a campus ministry! Thank God for raising up many faithful people to keep His witness in these campuses. Some of these witnesses are students and some are lay people who must travel hours to help these campuses. During the first year, these groups struggle for survival. Thank God, some students stepped up to prepare themselves to better serve Him. When I revisited these groups, young students joyfully handed in their discipleship training application forms to me. They are looking forward to studying the Word of God and serving in their campuses. Please pray for these young brothers and sisters and these campus groups. Thank God for the wonderful opportunity to minister in different campuses.

Six retired couples in a group called RVICS have come to the CWC to help us from October 10 to November 1. Men are helping build the walkway between Canaan Hall (the multipurpose building) and the family dorm. Thank God for the good weather. We have had only two or three cold days in the past two weeks. It was warm and did not rain much. The construction went quickly and smoothly. Thanks to prayer, by the time they leave most project should be done. Our local workers will continue this project. RVICS women are sewing, painting, gardening, and cleaning. Many of our rooms have not been repainted in 25 years. Their labors are a big help for the Center. Every day after the group devotion they work with a joyful heart. They were amazed to see how the Lord has led so many Chinese students to Him in the United States. They are grateful that they can be part of the ministry. Thank God for His indescribable grace.

We thank God that more and more people come for the Discipleship Training and the Bible Camps. In the past, we used Canaan Hall for meetings only when we had many people—such as at Gospel Camp or the Lay-Minister Training—and never in winter. We met in Mark Hall in the winter to shelter from cold winds, snow, or ice. In the December 2010 Discipleship Training, we sadly had to turn down some people because we ran out of meeting and dining space. This walkway will help solve bad weather problems. With the covered walkway, campers can cross between the buildings easily. Please pray for this project. After RVICS leaves, some construction work will remain. Please remember our coworker Dale for wisdom and strength. Please also pray for the financial need for this project. We estimated it may cost around $80,000.

The Winter Conference and Camps are right around the corner. Our coworkers are becoming busier preparing for the camps. Due to the heavy working schedule of our coworkers, the application forms for all these three meetings are not completed. Please pray that the Lord will give us strength to finish all of the application forms on or before November 15. Please pray for Sister Cindy, as she is the only coworker working in the office.

Winter Meeting:

  1. Winter Conference will be held at the Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center at Kansas City, Missouri. This is the original Hyatt Regency Hotel. Starting December 1, Hyatt is under the new Sheraton management. The Conference will start from the evening of December 22 to the noontime of December 26. The application form will be posted on the web this week, to download and mail. Online application will be ready we hope by November 15. For the Winter Conference, EVERYBODY needs to register online. The strict due date is at 4:00 pm on December 18. Late applications will not be accepted for any reason. Please do not delay. Thank God that He has prepared many good speakers to share His Word to us. Please pray for all of our speakers: Bro. and Mrs. Bellman Lin, Rev. Patrick Tang, Rev. Y. J. Hong, Rev. Z. M. Yuan, Rev. Kenny Lai and local speakers. We thank God the youth and English minister, Pastor Thomas Chen from San Jose, CA will bring their church’s mission team (so far there are 13 ) to come over to minister to the youth and English attendees. The English meeting will be divided into Junior, Senior, and Young Adult groups. All teenagers below 18 years old are required to come with their parents. Please pray that the blessings of God will pour onto everyone and revive us with His new vision.
  2. Discipleship Training will be held at our own facility at Warsaw, MO from December 26 to December 31, 2011. Our speakers will be Bro. and Mrs. Bellman Lin and Rev. Kenny Lai. Thank God for these speakers. We have seen so many accept Jesus Christ as their Savior in the past two months. This Camp is not only for their spiritual growth, but for all the Christians who want to be more equipped in the Lord. Please prepare yourself for coming, and also invite people to come. The strict due date for this is also on December 18, but at 11:59 pm. Apply before this deadline. This camp is exclusively for the born-again Christians and full-time attendance is required.
  3. January Bible Camp – After the Discipleship Training Camp is Bible Camp. We will study the books from the Captivity of the Israelites and their return. This includes the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Ezekiel, Daniel and also the history between the testaments. These books are very meaningful for our spiritual lives and can prepare us to serve Him. Rev. Jacob Tsang and Sister Grace Lee will be our speakers. Attendees need to do their homework before coming to the Bible camp. The application due date is November 15. All applicants need to attend the Discipleship Training first before they join the Bible Camp. Please do not delay your application. More than 80 people have started to prepare as instructed by the camp syllabus. The assigned topic study has been postal-mailed to the applicants.

Please pray for all the CWC coworkers as we enter the busy ministry at the end of the year. Many camps must be prepared. Many campus ministries must be served during the school days. Thank you for your faithful prayers. See you soon in the winter meetings! God bless you.

In Him,

Billy Ko
