2011-12 (十二月禱告信)



實在難以置信!2011年已經接近尾聲了。 這將是我們今年發給您的最後一封禱告信。神祝福的手托住了我們每天的生活與事工。感謝神在這一整年裡的賜福!


  • 由學生向他們自己的同學傳福音比大部分外來者容易得多。
  • 學生們喜歡自成一群。
  • 學生們對其他同學比外來者有更大的影響力。
  • 學生事工使生命改變。


  1. 建立一個使學生在兩年內成為有果效的同工的目標和計劃。
  2. 在學生接受基督為救主的同時,也向他們分享基督為生命之主。
  3. 藉著門徒造就班、浸禮班栽培學生成為門徒及同工。
  4. 學校上課期間,藉由本地教會和查經班的訓練聚會,繼續栽培學生成為門徒及同工。
  5. 大學放假期間,藉由密集的門徒訓練營,進一步栽培學生成為門徒及同工

以門徒訓練為前期及持續的帶領方式並非一個新的構思。耶穌在馬太福音廿八章說道:去教導萬民作門徒,給他們施洗,然後再教導他們 。



請為連接宿舍和迦南樓 (多用途大樓) 之間的通道工程代禱。求神使這個通道能按時完工,或者至少能夠有頂棚蓋使參加聚會者 ─ 特別是在冬天冰雪的日子 ─ 往來於各棟樓層之間既方便又安全。也請為此項工程所需要的約八萬元經費代禱。


  1. 基督工人中心冬令會 將在密蘇里州堪薩斯市的「Crown Center喜來登(堪薩斯市)酒店」(原凱悅酒店)舉行。時間為十二月廿二日晚上開始至廿六日中午結束。報名表已張貼上網(,供下載。網上報名表也已貼在中心網站。欲參加冬令會者,每一個人─ 不論是講員、中心同工、短宣隊員或兒童節目同工 ─ 都必須報名。嚴格截止時間是十二月十八日下午四時正。四時之後網上作業將自動中止。恕不接受逾時報名。英語聚會將分中、高年級及青年組。英語講員有Thomas Chen牧師、James Clark博士、Stephen Tan牧師…等。今年Thomas Chen牧師將帶領十二位由 加州Breakaway 基督教會來的短宣隊前來幫忙青少年及英語的聚會。我們很期盼與他們一起事奉。十八歲以下的青少年必須與至少父母中的一位同來。請代禱,求神傾倒下祂的祝福給每一位參加者。
  2. 十二月門徒訓練營 將於十二月廿六晚至卅一日中午在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。講員林三綱弟兄、林郭慕真師母及賴可中牧師。請為他們代禱。十二月門徒訓練營對於在新學期預備新的校園同工是非常重要的。讚美神,截至十一月廿日,我們已收到107份報名表。看來這次將會成為破記錄的參加人數,同時也提醒我們,講中文的學生來美學習的人數也在持續增加。我們需要在神的國度裡好好地裝備他們,以使他們在校園中服事學生們。歡迎您來參加冬令會及門徒訓練營兩個聚會。由於預期會有大批報名者,您需要即早報名。嚴格報名截止時間為十二月十八日晚上十一時五十九分。請在截止時間之前報名。恕不接受逾時報名。由於我們必須在前往堪薩斯城預備冬令會之前將報名手續處理好,因此請勿遲延。
  3. 一月讀經營 十一月十五日報名截止,共有104位弟兄姐妹報名參加讀經營。目前他們都在努力研讀,要在十二月十五日前完成並繳交指定作業。這次我們將研讀猶太人的被擄與歸回。包括耶利米、以西結、但以理、哈該、撒迦利亞及瑪拉基、以斯拉、尼希米和以斯帖等書。這些書卷都非常有意思,並且能應用在我們日常生活,及幫助我們屬靈成長。若您錯過一月讀經營,下一次參加讀經營的機會是2012年七月廿九日至八月四日。屆時我們將研讀「基督生平」。請您也在禱告中記念這次的讀經營聚會,叫參加者都藉著神的話被建立起來。

謝謝您忠心的代禱。盼望在冬季的各項聚會中見到您! 在結束這封信之前,請您為下列事項代禱!

  1. 為冬季每一個聚會之前與之後有好天氣,以利交通代禱。
  2. 為同工們的準備工作代禱。
  3. 為三個聚會的每一位講員代禱。
  4. 為在冬令會中服事的短宣隊代禱。
  5. 為有更多慕道友能來參加冬令會並將他們的心歸給神代禱。
  6. 為在冬令會中服事的義工們代禱。
  7. 為基督工人中心與新的喜來登酒店的管理部門人員有良好的關係和溝通代禱。
  8. 為門徒訓練營和讀經營代禱。

謝謝您! 上帝祝福您!






Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

Unbelievable! It is almost the end of the year 2011. This will be the last prayer letter we will send to you this year. It is God’s blessed hands which lift up our daily lives and daily ministry. Thank God for His blessing throughout the whole year!

In the last two months, God has given me many opportunities to share in many campuses about the importance of helping young Chinese students become disciples of Christ, so that they in turn can carry out the campus ministry and expand the Kingdom of God. In this note I also would share with you the importance of equipping students to serve:

  • It is much easier for students to reach out to their fellow students than for most outsiders.
  • Students like to team up together.
  • Students have a greater effect on other students than most outsiders.
  • Student ministry transforms lives.

Many campus ministries put too much emphasis on how many people attended the meetings, measuring success by numbers. However, for a successful campus ministry, it is better to put more emphasis on its quality. We first need to edify people to be disciples of Christ, with good spiritual quality, and train them to serve the Lord. This is the best long-term effective way to do student ministry. The following methods will help develop students be good-quality coworkers on campus:

  1. Have a goal and plan to develop students become effective coworkers within two years.
  2. Share to students the Lordship of Christ at the same time they accept Christ as their Savior.
  3. Develop students as disciples and coworkers through a disciple-making, pre-baptism class.
  4. During school sessions, continue to develop students as disciples and coworkers through training programs via the local churches and Bible studies.
  5. During college recesses, further develop students as disciples and coworkers through intensive Discipleship Training camps.

Discipleship training as an up-front and continuing practice is hardly a new idea. Jesus said in Matthew 28 to go teach people to be disciples, baptize them, and teach them again.

Students stay on campus only a few years. We have to use all the above five methods together to edify them to live and serve Christ on their campuses. Thank God! After sharing these five steps of equipping students to serve Christ on their campus, during the last few months, many campuses have decided to encourage their students to come for the Discipleship Training camps during this coming December. Some of them will drive to CWC for over 15 hours from Ohio, Texas, and New Mexico. Please pray for them and pray for the training camp that will impact many changing lives and bring revival to many campuses.

(Please click here to down load the article, in Chinese, for The Five Steps of Building Student Coworkers.)

Please pray for the walkway building project between the dormitories and Canaan Hall, the multipurpose building. Pray that it can be completed on time or at least can be a covered walkway so that this winter brothers and sisters can walk between buildings easily and safely, especially in the snow or freezing rain. Please also pray for the budget need, around $80,000.

Future Meetings:

  1. The CWC Winter Conference, will be held at the “Sheraton Kansas City Hotel in Crown Center” (formerly the Hyatt Regency Hotel) in Kansas City, Missouri this year from the evening of December 22 to noontime of December 26. The application form has already been posted online. Please download it. Online application is also available on the website. Everybody—whether speakers, CWC coworkers, mission team members, or children workers—must register. The strict due date is 4 pm on December 18. After 4 pm, the online resources will be disconnected. Late applications will not be accepted. The English meeting will be divided into Junior, Senior, and Young Adult groups. The English speakers will be Pastor Thomas Chen, Dr. James Clark, Pastor Stephen Tan, and others. This year Pastor Chen will bring a twelve-member short-term mission team from Breakaway Christian Church from California. We are looking forward to their ministry. Youth under 18 years old must come with at least one parent also attending! Please pray for the Conference and plan ahead to come. Currently the CWC coworkers have been busy preparing for the Conference. Please pray for them too. Pray the Lord will shower His great blessings onto those who come to Him.
  2. Discipleship Training will be held at Warsaw, MO from December 26 evening to December 31 noontime, 2011. Our speakers will be Brother and Mrs. Bellman Lin and Rev. Kenny Lai. Please pray for them. December’s Discipleship Training camp is crucial to prepare the new campus workers for the new school year. We praise God. As of November 20 we have received 107 application forms. This is shaping up to be a record attendance and reminds us that increasing numbers of Chinese-speaking students have come to the US to study. We need to train them well in God’s Kingdom so that they also can minister to students. We welcome you to attend both Winter Conference and the Discipleship Training. But especially in view of the large initial registrations, you need to apply early. The strict due date is 11:59 pm Dec.18. We can not accept any application after this time. We must process applications before we head to Kansas City for the Winter Conference. So, please do not delay.
  3. January Bible Camp – As of the November 15 due date, 104 people applied for the Bible Camp. Right now they are all studying so they will turn in their assigned home work before Dec. 15. This time we will study the books concerning the captivity and return of the Jews: Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. They are all very interesting books and can apply to our daily lives and help our spiritual growing. If you miss this January Bible Camp, the next chance to join us will be held from July 29 to August 4, 2012. At that time, we will study the “Life of Christ”. Please remember this Camp in your prayers so that the attendees can be edified through God’s Words.

Thank you for your faithful prayers. See you soon in all the winter meetings! Before I finish this letter, I ask you to pray!

  1. Pray for good weather for traveling before and after each meeting in this winter season.
  2. Pray for the preparation work of all the coworkers.
  3. Pray for all the speakers for all three camps.
  4. Pray for the mission teams for the Winter Conference.
  5. Pray that more nonbelievers will come to the Winter Conference and turn their hearts to God.
  6. Pray for all the voluntary coworkers serving in the Winter Conference.
  7. Pray for a good relationship and understanding between us and the new Sheraton Hotel managers and staff.
  8. Pray for the Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp, and the Bible Camp.

Thank you and God bless you.

In Him,

Billy Ko
