2012-01 (一月禱告信)



我們剛在上週結束了三個主要聚會 – 冬令會、門徒訓練營及讀經營。雖然頗具挑戰且身體疲累,但卻非常值得。也因為如此,這個月的禱告信也比較晚才發出。

美中冬令會 這次冬令會破記錄的有2000人左右來參加。我們為了有這麼多人渴慕神的話語而感謝神。也有許多弟兄姐妹對未信者的得救有著很重的負擔。供應2000人屬靈及身體的需要不是一件容易的事。藉著眾多的禱告及從上而來的恩典,神在聚會中賞賜了許多美好的果子。感謝神差派了多支短宣隊前來幫忙。他們不單在傳福音的方面幫助我們,也在音樂、廚房、幼兒照顧及其他方面配搭幫忙。眾弟兄姐妹們在靈裡都大得激勵。將近400位的慕道朋友參加了冬令會,感謝神,約有100位決志接受耶穌成為他們個人的救主。請為各校園的跟進工作代禱,求神叫這羣年輕基督徒在祂裡面不斷成長。

門徒訓練 冬令會一結束,有近200位弟兄姐妹參加了緊接著的門徒訓練營。這個數字幾乎是上次門訓的翻倍。有些校園推動十幾位弟兄姐妹組隊來參加訓練營。他們中有許多要開十到十五個小時的車程來到中心。看見弟兄姐妹們紛紛組隊前來,接受裝備跟隨基督並服事祂,真是好得無比。這樣以團隊接受裝備回到自己的教會後,求神使用他們影響教會與校園為主火熱。中心擠滿了來學習的人,也充滿了神的祝福。大家都被聚會中所聽到的信息所激勵,他們的心也向神敞開。願神為了祂自己的榮耀使用這些弟兄姐妹。

讀經營 經過四個月的學習與準備,有超過八十位的弟兄姐妹前來參加讀經營,研讀被擄與歸回的書卷。藉由這些書卷,我們能認識到神復興的工作,和如何同心合意的一起服事祂。看見有這許多弟兄姐妹願意研讀神的話語,並學習成為基督門徒,我們真知道神對中國同胞有著祂特別的計劃。不但帶領人進入祂的國,神也預備祂的百姓在主耶穌再來之前在世界各處服事祂。請繼續為美中及各地的校園事工代禱。更請為基督工人中心的同工們代禱,福音禾場越來越大,中心同工人數卻多年來依然如舊。

春季福音營 雖然現在仍是冬天,但再過不久春假即將來到,福音營將在三月十六至十九日舉行。我們正在為此聚會作準備。您現在就可以開始邀請福音朋友來參加聚會。感謝神預備張伯笠牧師為我們的講員。聖荷西基督徒會堂 —南谷分堂將差派短宣隊來幫忙。請在禱告中記念這個營會。








Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the Lord in the beginning of both Western and Chinese new year!

Last week we just finished our three major meetings, Winter Conference, Discipleship Training Camp, and Bible Camp. It was challenging, exhausting, but worthwhile. Thus, this prayer letter is a little late.

WINTER CONFERENCE: Around 2000 people attended the Conference, a record-breaking number. Thank God for so many people who are hungry for the Word of God. There are also many people who have the burden for the salvation of unbelievers. To feed spiritually and to feed physically 2000 people was not an easy job. With many prayers and with grace from above, God blessed the Conference with many wonderful fruits. We thank God for sending many short-term mission teams to work with us. They served not only in evangelism but also in music, in the kitchen, in the nursery, and many other areas. Many brothers and sisters were lifted up spiritually. Close to 400 nonbelievers came to the Conference. Thank God, around 100 people decided to accept Jesus as their personal Savior. Please pray for the follow-up work in different campuses, so these young Christians will keep growing in Him.

DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING: About 200 brothers and sisters came for the Discipleship Training Camp immediately following the Winter Conference. This number is almost the double the previous record. Some campuses sent over ten brothers and sisters for the Training Camp. Many of them drove 10 to 15 hours to the Center. It was great to see brothers and sisters come as a team to equip themselves to follow Christ and to serve Him. With such a team to go back to their home church, we pray that they will impact their churches and their campuses to fire up for the Lord. The Center was full of people. It was also full of the blessings of God. Many people were encouraged from the messages in the camp. Their hearts were open to God. Pray that God will use these brothers and sisters for His glory.

BIBLE CAMP: After four months of study and preparation for the Bible Camp, more than 80 people joined the camp to study the Books of Exile and Return. Through these books, we can know the revival work of God and how to team together to serve Him in one mind.

Seeing so many people who are willing to study the Word of God and learning to be disciples of Christ, we know that God has a special plan for the Chinese people. Not only did He bring so many people to His kingdom, but also He is preparing people to serve Him in the near future and in the whole world before Jesus’ return to the earth. Please keep praying for the campus ministry in the Midwest and other places. Please pray for the coworkers of the CWC. The field is becoming much bigger, but our CWC coworkers still remain the same numbers for years.

SPRING GOSPEL CAMP: Although currently winter is with us, after a few weeks spring break will come and with it Gospel camp from March 16 to 19. We are now preparing for the Gospel Camp. Now is the time for you to start to invite the nonbelievers to come for this Camp. Thank God for sending Pastor Boli Zhang to be our speaker. From San Jose, the Chinese Church in Christ—South Valley will send a mission team to assist us. Please remember this Camp in your prayers.

By the grace of God, more and more students come to this country to study. God has turned their hearts to Him. Thank God for sending so many people to our different meetings. Last year we found that our facilities are not enough for such increased crowds. In the past two years, we had to turn some people down or make the registration deadline earlier. Nobody likes that. We are praying for a new 8-room dormitory to house 40 people. It will cost around $100,000. Please pray that the Lord will supply the need so that more people will be equipped to serve Him in this country and all over the world.

Thank you for coworking with us and praying for us. God bless you!

In Him


Pastor and Director