2012-02 (二月禱告信)


感謝神賜給美中地區一個溫暖的冬天,使我們能 – 到目前為止 – 在不被冰雪阻攔之下,為主努力做工。


三月福音營 – 目前我們正為三月十六至十九日將舉行的春假福音營積極地準備中。請為此一聚會代禱。原定講員因事不能前來,但感謝神,祂為我們另外預備了兩位講員:紐澤西來的劉志雄長老,及加州來的區謙遜牧師。感謝神在冬令會中帶領約有一百多位朋友歸入祂的名下。我們看見神的手如何在當中工作,帶領更多人歸向祂。藉著您的代禱,神更將使用這次的春假福音營帶領更多的學生得救,並且藉門徒訓練營裝備他們,在神的國度中服事祂。對許多人而言,春假福音營可能是他們今年暑假畢業,回到自己家鄉之前所參加的最後一個營會,因此這是在學期結束前帶領人歸入基督的一個大好機會。請開始為您周遭尚未信主的福音朋友代禱,並邀請他們前來參加這次的福音營。也請您為講員、中心同工及加州來的短宣隊代禱。


  1. 江士民姐妹– 冬季各項聚會結束後,江姐妹就非常忙碌的處理中心的行政工作、稅務工作並預備2011奉獻收據。這些都不是容易的事。我們希望在二月中旬能將您的奉獻收據付郵寄出。謝謝您的耐心與理解。請為江姐妹有健康的身體,能夠按時完成這些工作代禱。在繁忙的工作中,求聖靈以喜樂托住她。
  2. 關靜淳姐妹– 十二月底,阿肯色州Fayetteville華人教會中的一位主要同工離世歸主。請代禱,求神安慰扶持這個家庭及教會。也請為關姐妹在這段困難時期的服事代禱。
  3. 曾瑗姐妹– 感謝神在曾姐妹所服事的寒冷的愛荷華州賜下溫暖的冬天。也為有更多學生在本州各大學學習感謝神。這個月愛荷華州有一校園教會的牧師將要退休,當地教會將需要曾姐妹更多的幫助。請為她代禱。
  4. 潘曉明弟兄– 潘弟兄已經在美南各校園服事了近半年的時間。感謝神,藉著潘弟兄的服事,許多校園蒙神大大祝福。除了日常在密西西比州Starkville的服事外,潘弟兄每月還去密西西比的 Oxford,田納西的 Memphis, 阿肯色的 Jonesboro,以及阿拉巴馬的Tuscaloosa和 Mobile各校園探訪。這是一片廣大的福音禾場。若沒有您的代禱,這真不是容易的事工。請繼續為潘弟兄一家和他們的服事代禱。
  5. Dale Beyer全家– Dale弟兄的一家人在冬令會、門徒訓練營、及讀經營中完全投入兒童及青少年服事。這是一份很重的工作,但即使家人中有人生病,他們仍然忠心服事。現在他們都已復原並且家庭學校也開始上課了。Dale弟兄正很努力地忙於完成走道工程及一般固定的維修工作。我們為這一個美好的家庭和他們的服事感謝神。請在禱告中記念他們。
  6. 高牧師– 這個月將去探訪猶他州的Logan及 Salt Lake City,並德州的San Antonio。求神使用高牧師的事奉祝福這些地區的校園,叫更多學生被興起,在他們自己的校園中服事主。由於甲狀腺機能亢奮的副作用影響,高師母的眼睛最近動了一個手術。請繼續為她身體的康復代禱。

謝謝您們的代禱並在財務上的支持! 願神祝福您們!




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank God for the wonderful warm weather in the Midwest this winter. We can work hard for the Lord without—so far—the distraction of snow and ice.

A brother donated his family’s van to the Center, his fourth such gift in the past 20 years. I led him to Christ about 38 years ago. What another unexpected reward of following Christ! I flew to New York two weeks ago to drive this minivan back to Missouri. Thank God, this allowed an opportunity to share CWC’s ministry in a church in New Jersey. Moreover, I had another opportunity to visit a campus church in Ohio. Last December, 10 people from this Ohio church drove more than 800 miles to attend our Discipleship Training. They shared to me how God changed their lives in the Discipleship Training camp. After their returned to Ohio, they studied the word of God together and together served with excitement the Lord on their campus. The training certainly impacted their campus ministry. Thank God for the great revival among the campuses. Pray God to use Discipleship Training camps to revive His work over all the campuses in the Midwest.

March Gospel Camp – Currently we are preparing for the next big meeting, the spring break Gospel Camp. Please remember this Camp in your prayers. It will be held from March 16 to 19. The originally-planned speaker cannot come. But thank God, He prepared two other speakers for us. They are Elder Peter Liu from New Jersey and Pastor Samson Ou from California. We thank God that around 100 people in faith turned to the Lord in the last Winter Conference. We have seen how God’s hand is working and bringing more people to Him. Through your prayers, God will use this spring Gospel Camp to bring more students to be saved and then be equipped in the Discipleship Training to serve Him in His Kingdom. The Gospel Camp will be the last camp here for many people who will graduate and return to their home countries this summer. It is a great opportunity to reach more souls to Christ before the end of the school year. Please start to pray for the salvation of your unbelieving friends and invite them to this Gospel Camp. Please also pray for the speakers, the CWC coworkers, and the mission teams from California.

Coworkers News:

  • Sister Cindy Chiang – After all the camps of the winter, she is very busy with office work, tax work, and preparing the 2011 offering receipts. It is not an easy job. We expect your receipts will be mailed out in the middle of February. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please pray that she will have good health to finish all these work in time. Pray the Holy Spirit will lift her up with the joy in her busy schedule.
  • Sister Ching Chun Kuan – One of the church leaders in the Chinese Church at Fayetteville, Arkansas passed away last December. Please pray that God will lift up the family and the church. Please pray for the ministry of Sister Kuan in this difficult time.
  • Sister Vivian Tsen – Thank God for the warm winter for her ministry in the cold Iowa. Thank God for more students in the universities in Iowa. A pastor in Iowa will retire this month. The church will need more help from Sister Tsen. Please pray for her.
  • Brother Xiaoming Pan – He has served the campuses in the south for about half a year. Thank God many campuses were blessed through his ministry. Besides daily ministry at Starkville, MS, he also has monthly service at Oxford, MS, Memphis, TN, Jonesboro, AR, Tuscaloosa, and Mobile, AL. It is a great mission field. Without your prayers it is not an easy ministry. Please continue to pray for Brother Pan’s family and their ministry.
  • Dale Beyer’s whole family – In the Winter Retreat, Discipleship Training and the Bible Camp, their whole family served together among the children and the youth. It was a heavy work. Some of their family members were even sick. Now they are recovered and their home school has started. Currently Dale is busy finishing the walkway project and routine maintenance work. We thank God for this wonderful family and their ministry. Please remember them in your prayers.
  • Pastor Ko – This month he will visit Logan and Salt Lake City in Utah, and also San Antonio in Texas. Pray that his ministry will be a blessing to those areas so that more students will be raised up to serve the Lord in those campuses. Mrs. Ko just had an eye surgery due to the side effect of her hyperthyroidism. Please keep remember her health recovery in your prayers.

Thank you for your prayer and financial support. May God bless you!

In Him


Pastor and Director