2012-03 (三月禱告信)






今年的福音營將於三月十六日(週五)晚上至三月十九日(週一)中午舉行。感謝神差派兩位祂忠心的僕人,來幫助我們向尚未認識神的學生們傳福音。他們是紐澤西來的劉志雄長老,及加州聖荷西來的區謙遜牧師。幾個星期前,我們得知需要另請講員,原本很擔心在這麼短的時間中是否能找到替代的講員? 藉著禱告與神的恩典,神自己差派了這兩位講員。我們知道神的眼目看顧這個福音營,我們也相信神將在當中行更大的作為。感謝神也感動加州兩個教會,他們共將差派十五位成員的短宣隊前來在聚會中分享福音。求神叫我們– 中西部的教會與查經班 – 在禱告中記念並邀請更多福音朋友來參加聚會。當然,若沒有基督徒的參與,福音朋友自己也不會來參加。因此,您來參加聚會也是非常重要的。為了不同的需要,我們不但預備了有福音信息,也有造就信息。請為此一聚會代禱。




這是基督工人中心專為在職場工作的弟兄姐妹預備的聚會,為要裝備他們在校園或教會服事。全家人可以一起同來參加。學生們必須先報名參加五月廿至廿五日的門徒與同工訓練營後才能繼續參加此訓練。除了蘇文隆牧師、吳繼揚牧師外,我們還邀請了袁曉牧師在聚會中分享。聚會日期為五月廿五日 (您必須在晚餐前抵達) 至五月廿八日午餐後。請預留時間來參加並為聚會代禱。




  1. 江士民姐妹—感謝神! 經過兩個月的辛勤工作,並靠著神的恩典,江姐妹終於完成了所有報稅資料和奉獻收據的整理。2011年的奉獻收據已經寄出。如果您到現在還沒收到奉獻收據,很可能是寄丟了或是因地址錯誤已遭退回,請您電話或電郵與中心聯絡。現在江姐妹開始專注於校園服事的事工、其他行政工作以及籌備福音營和五月的訓練營。請為她代禱。
  2. 曾瑗姐妹—除了固定在愛荷華市的事工和愛荷華州附近各校園的服事外,由於在愛城 (Ames)的一位牧師退休,當地的需要增大,因此曾姐妹的服事量也更將加重。請為她在冬季裡開車往返各地的平安代禱。
  3. 關靜淳姐妹— 感謝神有更多年輕人加入大學生團契。也有許多學生靈命成長;他們開始參與Fayetteville教會的服事,成為多人的祝福。弟兄姐妹們也和密蘇里州Joplin 及 Springfield的同工們合作,關懷堪薩斯州 Pittsburg 的校園。請繼續為關姐妹的服事代禱。
  4. 潘曉明弟兄—神在密西西比州,阿拉巴馬,田納西州,及東阿肯色州大大的使用了潘弟兄。他定期去到六個校園團契探訪服事,這實在相當不容易。請為他和他的全家人代禱。
  5. Dale Beyer弟兄— 我們為著神藉著Dale弟兄一家人賜給我們的祝福感謝神。他們全家都投入了基督工人中心的各項事工。除了維修中心的各項設施外,Dale 弟兄也一直在做工程建造的工作。更常常是在寒冷的天氣下在室外工作。請為他和他的一家代禱。
  6. 高榮德牧師 —由於甲狀腺機能亢奮的副作用影響視力,上個月高師母的眼睛進行了一個手術。感謝神,手術順利成功,她現在不需要戴眼鏡也能看得清楚。請繼續為她甲狀腺機能亢奮的控制代禱。兩週前,高牧師的母親在美國聖路易診斷出左腎有癌症,醫生們一致建議儘快手術摘除。感謝神,母親雖高齡九十三歲,但手術順利,醫生們也對結果表示滿意。請為她的身體恢復代禱。未來幾週高牧師將前往南德州、內布拉斯加州和北達科達州帶領聚會。請為他代禱。








Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thanks to be God! This winter is unseasonably warm. It makes our campus ministry traveling easier. We also thank you for remembering our ministry in your prayers.

Last weekend I had a chance to minister at Salt Lake City and surrounding campuses. In the past, not many Chinese students studied in those mountain areas. But recently numbers increased, especially for younger students. A few score campus coworkers joined this campus ministry training class from Utah and Idaho to study how to build up the student ministry.

In this meeting, I shared with those coworkers that, if you wish to establish a campus ministry, the first thing you must do is build up the students. After the students believe in the Lord, you must continue building them through different kinds of Discipleship Training. In this way, not only can they start to serve immediately, but also they can have beautiful testimonies and influences. This kind of ministry will influence other students to join the meetings and believe in the Lord. The students’ time to come to Christ and learn discipleship is quite brief compared to most non-student situations. So we need to use different methods to build them. There should be a weekly Discipleship class to train them in their school time. During their break time, we should encourage them to attend the Discipleship Training camp. There they can listen to the speakers’ advanced teaching and also learn from their campmates from different campuses and who have been trained before. God has changed their lives. So they can be a good example to the new campers in spiritual lives, ministry, and other ways. Thanks be to God. The Utah and Idaho audience agreed, for they have seen this kind of example. In the beginning, the student ministries in Utah’s state universities lacked power. But not long ago, a student from Missouri transferred there. This brother often attended the Christian Witness Center’s Discipleship Training when he was a student in Missouri. Once he transferred to Utah, he aggressively participated in student ministry. His example encouraged the local students. Very soon he was elected as the chairman of that Student Fellowship. In one year, their membership double, and their campus ministry revived. Praise to the Lord.

Evangelism Emphasis Month and Gospel Camp

This year, the Gospel Camp will be held from the night of Friday March 16 to noontime on Monday, March 19. Thank God for sending two of His faithful servants to help us reach out to those nonbelievers. Elder Peter Liu from New Jersey and Rev. Samson Ou from San Jose will be our speakers. A few weeks ago, we learned we needed to find new speakers. In this short period we were concerned to find a substitute. But through prayers and by God’s grace, He sent these two speakers to us. We know God’s eyes are on this Gospel camp. We trust Him will do greater things. We also thank God that He also moved the heart in two churches in California. They will send around 15 short-term mission team members to help us share the Gospel. We pray that we, the Midwest churches and the Student Fellowships can also pray and invite more nonbelievers to attend this Gospel Camp. Of course without the Christians’ personal attendance, those nonbelievers will not come. So, your own attendance is very important too. We have Gospel messages and edifying messages for different groups’ different needs. Please pray for this Camp.

May Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp

May Discipleship Training Camp is very important for training new coworkers for the next school years. Thank God for sending as our speakers Pastor Wilfred Su, professor of LOGOS Evangelical Seminary, El Monte, California, and Pastor David Wu, Pastor of Cincinnati Chinese Church. Discipleship camp runs from May 20 to 25. Please start to prepare yourself to attend. The application form has been posted on the web.

Memorial Weekend Lay Minister Training Camp

This camp is the only CWC camp specifically dedicated to train working people to serve the Lord in their campuses or their churches. They can come with their whole families. We only accept full-time working people. Students are requested first to attend the preceding Discipleship Training. They may then have the privilege to extend that study to this Lay Minister Training. Besides the above Pastor Wilfred Su, Pastor David Wu, we also invite Pastor Xiao Yuan to share in this camp. The date will be from May 25—you must arrive before dinnertime—to May 28 after lunch. Please pray for these meetings and reserve your time to come.

Youth Discipleship Training Camp:

This is the only camp set aside to train the English-speaking young people to be disciples of Christ. The date will be from June 3 to 9. Please pray for the camp and invite your youth to come.

Coworkers’ Prayer Corner:

  1. Sister Cindy Chiang—Thank God! After almost two months hard work, by the grace of God, Sister Chiang finally wrapped up all the tax work and the offering receipts. All the 2011 offering receipts have been mailed. If you have not received it, it must be lost or have been returned to the CWC because of the wrong address. You may call or email her for your receipts. Right now, she has begun to concentrate on the campus ministry, other office work, and the Gospel Camp and the Trainings in May. Please pray for her.
  2. Sister Vivian Tsen— Besides regular ministry in Iowa City and the campuses around Iowa, more workload will be likely from Ames, IA because the senior pastor of Ames Iowa has retired. Please pray for her travel safety during this winter season.
  3. Sister Ching Chun Kuan—Thank God for more young people joined the college group. More college students are growing spiritually. They are helping the church ministry, in Fayetteville, and become the blessing of God. Brother and Sister have teamed with the coworkers of Joplin and Springfield, MO to reach out to the campus in Pittsburg, KS. Please keep praying for the ministry of Sister Kuan.
  4. Brother John Pan—God has been using him greatly in Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and Eastern Arkansas. He has regularly reached out to six campus fellowships. It is not an easy work. Please pray for him and his whole family.
  5. Brother Dale Beyer— Thank God for so many blessings He gives us through this family. Their whole family participates in the ministry of CWC. Besides maintaining the whole CWC facility, Dale has been doing much construction works. He often works outdoors through the cold weather. Please pray for him and his family.
  6. Pastor Billy Ko—Last month Mrs. Ko had eye surgery because her hyperthyroidism affected her eyes. Thank God the surgery went smoothly and now she can see without glasses. Please keep praying for her hyperthyroidism. Two weeks ago, Pastor Ko’s mother was reported to have cancer for her left kidney. All the doctors recommended quick surgery to remove the bad kidney. Thank God, at her age 93, the surgery went well and the doctors are pleased with the result. Please keep praying for her recovery. For the next few weeks Pastor Ko will travel to Southern Texas, Nebraska, and North Dakota. Please pray for him.

Again, we appreciate your faithfulness, both financially and prayerfully.

May God bless you!

Serving God together with you,

Billy Ko

Pastor and Director