2012-04 (四月禱告信)








中心的創辦人于力工牧師是一位非常有創意性的人,一生有很多「第一」:他建立北美第一間華人神學院,編輯了第一本中英對照聖詩、中英對照聖經、第一本中文聖經助讀本等,他一生的事奉是以校園事工作開始,也以校園事工作結束,(最後的講道是在2009年的美中冬令會)。這位有創意性的主僕,在他六、七十多年的學生事工中,卻以傳統的門徒訓練與靈命造就為主力。他在這方面實在對我的影響很大,我也喜歡有創意,靠著主的恩典,我是中國傳道人中第一位自行駕駛飛機往來各地傳福音,也是第一位用Power Point 傳福音的傳道人(當年投影機要由兩人來抬),但在學生事工與校園同工建立上,數十年來都守住傳統的方法作門徒訓練來建立同工,每次在比較各類校園事工的方法後,仍然覺得最有效的校園工作,就是二千多年前主耶穌所用的門徒訓練方法,離開此方法,其他的方法往往只帶來「白累」!



  1. 為福音營感恩,為初信弟兄姊妹的成長禱告。
  2. 為各地的初信栽培事工禱告,求主加添弟兄姊妹同工愛心與力量做跟進工作。
  3. 為新宿舍的建立禱告,求主賜下經費(約8-10萬美元)加蓋一可容40人的宿舍,可應付人數急速增加的學生訓練事工。
  4. 為中心同工忙碌的工作禱告。


  1. 五月門徒及同工訓練營 (五月廿至廿五日)
  2. 國殤週末帶職同工訓練營(五月廿五至廿八日)
  3. 青少年門徒訓練營 (六月三至九日)
    這個營會是為裝備青年人成為基督的門徒而舉行的。參加者必須是重生得救,並願意全程參加的基督徒。雖然在營會中會有一些輕鬆的活動時間,但這個營會的主要目標是裝備年輕人在未來成為同工及基督的見證人。感謝神預備Pastor Peter Fong及其他多位講員來帶領聚會。報名截止日期為五月廿日。更多資訊請上中心網站查閱。
  4. 八月讀經營(七月廿九至八月四日)
    感謝神! 許多弟兄姐妹已報名參加讀經營。他們都非常渴慕神的話語。這次我們將研讀基督生平– 四福音。對基督徒而言,認識基督的生平並學習跟隨祂的榜樣而行是非常重要的。我們的講員是李玉惠姐妹及諶志豪牧師。來參加讀經營之前有要先完成相當多的作業,請您及早報名以便早早開始準備做功課。報名截止日期為六月十五日。請為此一聚會代禱。更多資訊請上中心網站查詢。






Dear Brothers and Sisters, Peace to you.

Greetings in the Lord! May the resurrecting life and victorious power of our Lord be upon you!

It has been a warm springtime in the Midwest this year. Students enjoy their spring break. Spring break is also a good time for us to proclaim the Gospel! Nearly 300 people came for the Gospel Camp from March 16 to 19. Every possible space was occupied, with once again record-breaking attendance! God brought about 70 nonbelievers to the meeting. By His grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, 26 of them accepted Jesus as their personal Savior! May all the glory be to Him!

As the number of students from abroad continues to grow, campus ministry has been flourishing in every campus. Some have suggested that we should consider conducting campus ministry with new techniques to reach out to students. Suggestions have included finding a more active way to preach the Gospel; being more creative in our program arrangements; or to not preach the Word in the beginning, lest the nonbelievers be scared away. They suggested that we could begin with sports activities such as ball games, mountain climbing, or horse riding to prepare the hearts of the attendees. This proposal would refrain from mentioning the gospel message for the first part of a weekend meeting, and leave the sharing of gospel to the last day.

In the past CWC meetings, we have always been using the simple, Bible-focused way to evangelize and edify the attendees. We have not had much recreation time during the meetings. Praise the Lord! Even in this kind of traditional meeting program, more and more people have come to the meetings Sometimes we have had to turn down those who applied late! More and more have believed the Lord and have been edified in the Lord. Compared to other organizations, CWC’s meetings have hardly any promotion in print or other media. For example, we sent out the application forms for the December Winter Conference about five weeks before registration was due. Our co-workers were too busy! The forms included many rules. For example, we admonished that all attendees must attend all classes or else pay that night’s full hotel fee. Perhaps some did not come because of these tough rules, but we continue to have full meetings. Attendance grows! Two thousand came to the December 2011 meeting.

We believe that a meeting that aims for lifelong commitment cannot rely on recreational activities to attract people. The many people whom God has readied for that commitment are not satisfied with tennis. They find satisfaction in the Word of God and the love of God. Preparing activities will only exhaust and distract coworkers. Though a few people might be attracted by sports and games, more people are served by presentations focused on the Bible and God’s work. If a meeting focuses on the Word of God, brothers, sisters, and nonbelievers will prepare to receive the Word of God. The power of the Holy Spirit will be filling the meeting soon. Once they are filled with the Word of God, their lives will be changed and they can influence their campuses. They themselves will come back again and invite people to the next meeting. The people who have been to gospel, discipleship, and other trainings are our best advertisements!

Rev. Moses Yu, founder of Christian Witness Center, was a person of great innovation. He held many “firsts” in his lifetime: He established the first Chinese seminary in North America, edited the first Chinese/English Hymnal, the first Chinese/English Bible, and the first Chinese Study Bible. His life ministry started in campus ministry and ended in campus ministry. (He gave his last sermon at the CWC 2009 Winter Conference.) In his 70-plus years of student ministry, this creative servant of God served the Lord by using mainly the simple, Bible-focused program of discipleship training and spiritual edification. Rev. Yu had great influence on me in how I influence people for Christ. I like creative solutions. By the protection of the Lord I fly an airplane to different places to preach the Gospel, apparently the first Chinese preacher to do that. I think I was also the first to preach the Gospel in Chinese using Power Point. In the old days, we needed two people to carry the projector! But in student ministry and the preparation of campus co-workers, we have yet to see significant benefits of program changes for discipleship training to equip co-workers. I keep my eyes open. Yet, every time when I compare the options for an effective student ministry, I have always come to the conclusion that the method of discipleship training our Lord Jesus used over 2,000 years ago is still the most effective way, and all other agendas would only end as wasted effort.

Twenty-some years ago when we had our May Discipleship Training Camp in Missouri, there was a “Life Camp” held in a neighboring state at the same time that offered activities such as horse riding, archery, and ball games, with a little gospel and spiritual message. Brothers, sisters, and co-workers in that state and surrounding states who desired spiritual growth chose instead to travel a long way to attend the CWC Discipleship Camp. They felt the CWC camp would help them grow in the Lord and be encouraged in God’s Word, but the Life Camp could not satisfy their spiritual needs. After a few years, we did not hear of Life Camp. We find that “creative” does not necessarily mean “effective.” We want to maximize the opportunities we have in the constant flow of student ministry. The discipleship training method the Lord Jesus used and the one we see in the book of Acts has repeatedly proven to be the most effective strategy. If we challenge students to become disciples of the Lord, and give them knowledge, skills, encouragement, and prayers to help them to be effective, if we can satisfy them with God’s Word, then the student ministry will flourish.


  1. Give thanks to God for the Gospel Camp. Also pray for the spiritual growth of the new believers.
  2. Pray for the new believer follow-up ministry in every area. May the Lord bless the co-workers with love and strength to help these brothers and sisters to grow in Him.
  3. Please pray that the Lord will supply the needed new dormitory to house 40 people. This will cost about US$100,000. With this added facility, we will be able to accommodate the fast-growing student training ministry.
  4. Pray for each of the CWC’s busy coworkers.


  1. May Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp [May 20 – 25, 2012]
    Praise God, more and more people are willing to be equipped and have turned in their May Discipleship Training forms. Some of them told me that they had planned to fly back to their countries as soon as school closed; but they decided instead to attend the May Training Camp, then fly home, and then come back early for the August Bible Camp. They have a vision to share the good news of Jesus to their family members and friends back home. They want to be better equipped with the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit before they go back. Thank God for using this opportunity to prepare people to bring the gospel to China and other parts of the world. Discipleship Training speakers are Rev. Wilfred Su and Rev. David Wu. Please pray for the camp and the speakers. The due date for application is May 15, 2012. Please visit out website for more information and application.
  2. Lay Minister Training Camp [May 25 – 28]
    This is not a training camp for full-time ministers, but a training camp for full-time working people. Students should attend first the May Discipleship Training May 20 – 25. We pray that God will use this camp to equip many Christian professors and full-time working people to reach out the students for Him and serve in their churches. Joining Rev. Wilfred Su and Rev. David Wu, Rev. Xiao Yuan from Washington DC will also share with us. A children’s program and child care will be provided. Families are welcome. The due date for application is May 18, 2012. For additional information, please visit our website.
  3. Youth Discipleship Training Camp. [June 3 – 9]
    This is a discipleship training Camp to train teenagers to become disciples of Christ. Attendees must be born-again Christians who will attend full time. The main goal for this camp is to equip young people to be future workers and to witness for Christ. Thank God for bringing Pastor Peter Fong and other speakers to teach in the camp. The due date for application is May 20. Please visit our website for additional information.
  4. August Bible Camp [July 29 – August 4]
    Thank God! Many brothers and sisters have already applied for the Bible Camp. They are eager for the Word of God. This time we will study the Life of Christ – The Four Gospels. To know the life of Christ and follow the example of Christ is very important for Christians. The speakers are Sister Grace Lee and Pastor Chihhao Shen. Significant homework must be completed in preparation for this camp. Please apply earlier so that you can start the homework earlier. The due date for the Bible Camp is June 15. Please pray for it. Please visit our website for additional information.

Once again, thank you for your love, for your financial support, and for remembering our ministry and the coworkers in your prayers. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

Serving together for His Glory,

Billy Ko (Pastor)