2012-05 (五月禱告信)




幾週前當我從加州開車回密蘇里的路上,經過Arizona州北部一個小城,人口約六萬人,北部是高山,城建在海拔七千英呎的半沙漠高原上,另有一種風景的美。從遠處去望這城市,似乎沒有值的停下的理由,但在GPS的顯示上 ,卻發現這城市有一所州立大學,心中有一感動要進城去看看有沒有華人學生在此讀書?車開到校園前,並不覺得這校園有多大,看來並不會有什麼華人學生在此讀書。但車子一進校園,卻發現到處都是中國同學,有的在車站等車、有的在圖書館讀書、有的在宿舍外面遊玩…打聽之下發現,這校園中國同學約有三至五百人,大多為本科生;真沒有想到在如此荒僻的大學城內,竟有如此多的華人學生。走在路上,我碰到中國學生就問他們這校園有沒有華人查經班?回答都是「沒有」,我又問他們有沒有認識中國基督徒同學? 有人說「沒有」,有人竟反問我:「什麼是基督徒?」真看出福音對這一群學生實在是太陌生了!向他們傳福音的華人弟兄姊妹在那裡呢?心中深深嘆息,我們華人弟兄姊妹實在錯過了許多傳福音的大好機會。





  1. 孫永光教授
    基督工人中心的董事孫永光弟兄,在四月三十日息了地上的勞苦,到天上與他所愛以及一生事奉的主同在。孫教授及師母在密蘇里州立大學教書數十載, 從查經班開始至今天的教會,孫教授都是忠心的服事, 每一位在那裡經過的校友都受過他的關愛及扶持, 對他留下深深的懷念。 他與我們同工三十年, 在學生事工上鼓勵我們、 幫助我們, 也關心我們每一位同工; 他雖然死了,但作工的果效卻隨著他, 求主此時安慰他的家人。
  2. 江士民姐妹
    時光飛逝! 一個學期又接近尾聲。江姐妹也開始忙於籌備五月門徒及同工訓練、帶職同工訓練、青少年門徒訓練、及八月讀經營。除了準備這些聚會外,江姐妹周間得忙於中心的行政工作和週末的校園探訪事工。請為她代禱!
  3. 關靜淳姐妹
  4. 曾瑗姐妹
    二月份愛荷華州 Ames 中國教會的牧師退休。在教會還在尋找新牧者的期間,曾姐妹在當地分擔了更大的服事量。請在禱告中記念她在愛荷華州的服事。
  5. 潘曉明弟兄
  6. Dale Beyer弟兄
    我們為Dale Beyer弟兄一家在基督工人中心的服事感謝神。Dale弟兄除了日常在中心的維修工作外,還負責中心各項建設工程,例如目前正在進行的走道工程。他們一家也經常在各項訓練聚會中幫助帶領孩童及青少年活動。求神繼續使用並祝福這個家庭。
  7. 高榮德牧師


  1. 請為五月的兩個訓練營及六月的青少年門徒訓練營的籌備代禱。並為帶著渴慕的心計劃來參加訓練的弟兄姐妹能在主裡受造就代禱。
  2. 為五月及六月營會的講員代禱。
  3. 為已經報名參加八月讀經營的弟兄姐妹代禱。他們目前正研讀四福音書並準備做讀經營要求的作業。
  4. 請為五月及八月要畢業的學生代禱。求神引導並帶領他們,不論到那裡都事奉祂。也請記念那些仍留在學校的同學,求神幫助他們起來,在新的學年來臨時在校園裡服事主。
  5. 請為我們計劃能建造一棟可容納四十人的新宿舍代禱,求神預備所需要的經費。工程費用約需十萬美元。有了這增建的宿舍,我們將能更有效的應付人數急遽增長的門徒訓練事工。我們希望在今年夏天動工,但目前還沒有足夠的經費開始這項工程。您的代禱及在財務上的支持將成為未來來參加聚會者的祝福。
  6. 當各地學生事工不斷增長時,請繼續為我們代禱。特別是過去幾個月中各項物價節節 上漲,請記念我們在財務上的需要。


  1. 五月門徒及同工訓練營 (五月廿至廿五日)
  2. 國殤週末帶職同工訓練營 (五月廿五至廿八日)
  3. 青少年門徒訓練營 (六月三至九日)
    這個營會是為裝備青年人成為基督的門徒、一生跟隨祂並事奉祂而舉辦的。參加者必須是重生得救,並願意全程參加的基督徒。感謝神預備Pastor Peter Fong、Dr. and Mrs. Elwood Chipchase, Pastor Steve Tan, 及其他多位講員來帶領聚會。嚴格報名截止日期為五月廿八日。更多資訊請上中心網站查閱。
  4. 八月讀經營(七月廿九至八月四日)
    感謝神! 至目前為止,已有九十七位弟兄姐妹報名參加讀經營,他們現在正在作會前指定的作業。這些弟兄姐妹每次在中心與讀經營的老同學相聚時,他們總愛在一起分享自己在準備讀經營功課時的得著。感謝神使用讀經營幫助弟兄姐妹享受研經之樂。這次我們將研讀基督生平 – 四福音。對基督徒而言,認識基督的生平並學習跟隨祂的榜樣而行是非常重要的。我們的講員是李玉惠姐妹及諶志豪牧師。來參加讀經營之前要先完成相當多的作業,請您及早報名以便早早開始準備做功課。報名截止日期為六月十五日。請為此一聚會代禱。更多資訊請上中心網站查詢。






Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings to you in the Lord! May the resurrected life and the victorious power of the Lord be upon you and your family!


Several weeks ago, I passed through a small town in northern Arizona on my way back to Missouri from California. The population of the town was only about 60,000. At an altitude of about 7,000 feet, with high mountains to the north, the scenery of this semi-desert area was strangely beautiful.

At first glance there seemed no reason for me to stop in this town, but as I noticed on my GPS that there was a state university there, my heart told me that I should go and see if there were any Chinese students on campus. I thought there would not be any Chinese students because it was such a small campus, but I saw Chinese students everywhere. Some were waiting for bus, some were studying in the library, and some were playing outside the dormitory. I later found out that there are 300-500 Chinese students, mainly undergraduates, in this university. I was truly surprised to realize that there are so many Chinese students in this remote college town.

As I walked around on the campus I asked some Chinese students if there was any Chinese Bible study group on campus, and got the answer “No.” I then asked if they knew any Chinese Christians? Some said “No,” and some asked, “What is a Christian?” The gospel is a foreign word to them! Where were the Chinese brothers and sisters who could be sharing the gospel to these students? My heart was troubled with the thought that we have missed many golden opportunities of sharing the gospel.

Thank the Lord that I later met a student who told me that he knew a Christian and gave me that person’s name and address. I made a phone call to this student, and he made an effort in his busy schedule to meet with me. We talked a bit outside the library, and he told me that he was not a Christian. I was quite disappointed at first that the only one who was thought to be a Christian was not a Christian. Thanks be to the Lord, right away I was thinking if others thought this student was a Christian, he must be on the edge of accepting the gospel. I need to hurry up and share the gospel to him. Less than an hour after I shared the gospel with him, he sincerely opened his mouth and asked Jesus to be his personal Savior. This experience demonstrates that in a place where the gospel has been overlooked, God has prepared some people’s hearts to accept the gospel. They are waiting for us to reach out to them. Our delay could be very costly spiritually, to them and to ourselves, and is a poor response to the eternal debt we owe God for His great mercy and love.

For the Kingdom of God and the advancement of the gospel in China, God has been bringing multitudes of students to the United States. Many campuses that hardly had any Chinese students four to five years ago have hundreds of now. This would be a great opportunity to reach out to them, but unfortunately no one seems to be aware of their existence. Others who may be aware of the opportunity to not feel called to share the gospel to them, lack the courage to reach out to them effectively, or do not know how to make contact with these campuses. We have lost not only many opportunities to share the gift of eternal life with these students, but the joy of sharing the gospel. There is actually no reason to be timid about pioneering a new campus ministry. Though it is challenging, it is filled with endless joy. In the past, when we coworked with the short-term mission teams on new campuses, the workload was heavy and we did not have the support of local co-workers, but we witnessed God’s amazing work each time. Many believed in the Lord each time. Not only was a new Bible study group established, the spirit of the team members was rekindled by the mighty work of the Lord.

As for the existing campus Bible study groups or churches, we also need to have a sense of “Campus Innovation!” Three or four years ago, many campuses which had a Chinese student population of about 400, may have one Bible study group with 30 people. And today the number of Chinese students may have grown to 1,000 on those kind of similar campuses, yet they still have only one Bible study group with 30 people. Looking at the increase in the number of students on these campuses, we could consider their student ministries are not just stagnant but deteriorating. In conclusion, campus Bible study groups or fellowships should share the gospel more aggressively, establish new mission fields, start more Bible study groups, and thus enjoy the joy of effective ministry. In addition to having meetings on Fridays, we could also have new small groups on weekends or during the week so that many more people could be blessed. May God raise and equip more brothers and sisters to lead Bible studies or share in the ministry of caring and outreach so that the revival of God will come to campuses everywhere.


  1. Dr. Albert Sun
    Brother Albert Sun, one of our CWC board members rested and be with the Lord on April 30. Dr. and Mrs. Sun have taught at University of Missouri-Columbia for many decades. From the years of the Columbia Chinese Christian Fellowship to today’s Columbia Chinese Christian Church, Dr. Sun served the Lord faithfully. All the students who studied there before remembered him and were taken cared by him. He coworked with the CWC for more than 30 years as our board member. He continually encouraged us, supported us and loved each one of our cowokres. He rested from his labor, but his deeds will follow him. Please remember Dr. Sun’s family in your prayers.
  2. Sister Cindy Chiang
    Time flies! Another semester ends. Sister Cindy is busy again preparing for the May Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp, Lay-Minster Training Camp, Youth Discipleship Training Camp, and August Bible Camp. Besides those meeting preparations, her hands are full with CWC administration work on weekdays and campus ministry on weekends. Please pray for her!
  3. Sister Ching-Chun Kuan
    Thank God for many opportunities to reach many students in Arkansas. Sister Kuan needs your prayers to lead those students to Christ and equip them to reach other students in the upcoming school year.
  4. Sister Vivian Tsen
    In February the pastor of the Chinese Church in Ames, Iowa retired. While the church is searching for the new pastor, Sister Tsen shares a bigger load at Ames. Please remember her ministry in the state of Iowa in your prayers.
  5. Brother John Pan
    God has been blessing Brother Pan’s ministry in Mississippi, Tennessee and Alabama. It is not easy to travel around and also take care of a family of three children. Please keep pray for his ministry and his family.
  6. Brother Dale Beyer
    Thank God for his family’s ministry in the CWC. Besides the routine maintenance in the Center, Brother Dale also handles building projects such as the walkway now in construction. He and his family often help in the children and youth ministry during our camps. Pray that God keeps using and blessing this family.
  7. Pastor Billy Ko
    Mrs. Ko has been more stable regarding her hyperthyroidism, but still needs many prayers. Pastor Ko’s mother went through surgery for removing her kidney cancer and implanting a heart pace maker. Such surgery was very heavy for her old age at 93. Thank God for the successful surgery. She is back to home at St. Louis recovering. Thank God for continuing to bless Pastor Ko’s family. Please keep praying for them. Also pray for Pastor Ko’s ministry in different campuses and his pastoring ministry in Columbia, Missouri.


  1. Pray for the preparation work for the two adult training camps in May and for the Youth training camp in June. Please also pray for all those who have planned to come with thirsty hearts to be edified in the Lord.
  2. Pray for all the speakers for the camps in May and June.
  3. Pray for those who have already applied for the August Bible Camp. They are studying the four Gospels and preparing for the homework for the Camp.
  4. Pray for those students who will graduate this May and August. Pray the Lord to guide them and lead them to serve Him wherever they go. Please also remember those students who are still on campus, to stand up, to serve the Lord in their campuses for the upcoming new school year.
  5. Please continue to pray that the Lord will supply the need for the future new dormitory which can accommodate forty people. The cost may be around US$100,000. With this added facility, we will be able to accommodate the fast-growing Discipleship Training ministry. We pray to start working on this project this summer, but now we still do not have enough money for this yet. Your prayers and financial support will be a blessing to those future campers.
  6. While the student ministry is growing everywhere, please continue praying for our financial needs especially as all costs have gone up rapidly in the past few months.


  1. May Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp [May 20 – 25]
    Even though our application forms came out very late, God still moved in people’s hearts to turn in their E-application forms. Some of them plan to attend this Training before they go back to their home countries to visit their families and for vacations. Some of them were encouraged to turn in their forms because they wish to be more equipped to serve God. Some of them want to take this last opportunity to equip themselves before they take new jobs after graduating from the universities. Some of them will move back to China after their graduation. Please pray that the Lord will fulfill such goals in this training camp. Please pray for the speakers of the camp, Rev. Wilfred Su and Rev. David Wu. The due date is May 15. All the information has been posted online and has been postal mailed to your church and the fellowships.
  2. Lay Minister Training Camp [May 25 – 28]
    Please pray that this camp will edify more fulltime working people to serve Him and enabled to reach more people for the Lord. Our goal is using this long weekend to equip fulltime working Christian to grow. We called all the working people as “Lay Ministers”. This is not a training camp for full-time ministers, but for all who want to serve. All students including Ph.D. students must first attend the May Discipleship Training held from May 20 – 25 if they wish to continue this long-weekend Lay Minister Camp. Besides the Rev. Wilfred Su, Rev. David Wu, also Rev. Xiao Yuan will speak. A children’s program and child care will be provided. Families are welcome. The due date for application is May 18, 2012. This training lasts 3 days. Starting this year we request that all the attendees arrive at the Center before 5:30 pm on Friday, May 25. If you wish to come, you may need to ask for Friday afternoon off from your working place. Please plan and apply early. For additional information, please visit our website.
  3. Youth Discipleship Training Camp [June 3 – 9]
    This is a great discipleship training Camp to equip youths to become disciples of Christ, follow Him, and serve Him for ones whole life. Attendees must be born-again Christians who will attend fulltime. Thank God for bringing Pastor Peter Fong, Dr. and Mrs. Elwood Chipchase, Pastor Steve Tan, and other speakers to teach in the camp. The strict due date for application is May 28. Please visit our website for additional information.
  4. August Bible Camp [July 29 – August 4]
    Thank God! 97 brothers and sisters have already applied for the Bible Camp. They are studying hard to prepare for the camp. Every time when they see each other in the CWC Bible Camp, they like to share and study what they have learned from the Bible camp homework. Thank God for using this Bible Camp to help people enjoy studying the Bible. This time we will study the life of Christ – the four Gospels. To know the life of Christ and follow the example of Christ is very important for Christians. The speakers are Sister Grace Lee and Pastor Chihhao Shen. Significant homework must be completed in preparation for this camp. Please apply early so that you can start the homework. The due date for the Bible Camp is June 15. Please pray for it. Please visit our website for additional information.

Once again, thank you for your love, your financial support, and remembering our ministry and the coworkers in your prayers. It is important for us to keep serving Him. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

Serving together for His Glory,

Billy Ko (Pastor)