2012-06 (六月禱告信)




一. 人手不足:



在過去不少的學生,有心追求神的話語與接受裝備,我們就鼓勵他們雖然暑期返家,但早一點返回美國,一方面可以參加為期一週的八月讀經營及接下來一週的門徒與同工訓練,好在開學前學習神的話,並裝備自己;另一方面在參加訓練營後,他們可以返回校園協助迎新事工、接待與關懷新生。感謝主! 許多弟兄姐妹接受了我們的建議,對自己、對當地校園的工作都有極大的助益。有些校園的同工或傳道人常擔心若弟兄姊妹參加八月的訓練營,會減少迎新同工的人手,其實這種顧慮是不需要的,因為唯有弟兄姊妹先在主前受裝備,他們就成為校園團契的主力同工,不僅能帶動校園事工的興旺,更能預備自己在新的學期重新得力事奉主。

暑期間雖然有很多學生離開校園,有的返家,有的旅行,但留在校園的弟兄姊妹,仍然可以應付迎新的事工,只要我們懂得如何推動學生起來作,其秘訣在於: 要增加新生工作的人力,也就是不僅學生要參與,上班的弟兄姊妹也要參與。感謝主,近年來有不少的華人弟兄姊妹在各大學或任教職、或從事研究、或其它行政工作,他們是當地的居民、也成為當地華人教會的同工、更是校園團契的導師,他們在靈命上比較成熟,對學生的影響極大。但若這些上班的弟兄姐妹只要求學生來作新生工作,自己卻整天忙著上班或作家中的雜事,學生們也會有樣學樣,光說不作;但若這些教職或上班的弟兄姊妹肯帶頭作迎新事工,甚至願意請假來參與迎新事工,他們積極參與的榜樣,必能激勵學生們盡其所能地投入事奉;若是他們能帶著年輕的學生們一同接待新生,並將自己過去多年的經驗,與年輕同工們分享,迎新事工就會更有果效。加上: 年輕學生與上班的弟兄姊妹一同配搭,教會總動員,一同事奉主,既可建立同工關係,又有足夠的人手,迎新事工必大能收效。

B. 愛心關懷與傳福音的平衡:

在策劃迎新事工時,有人主張迎新事工要著重愛心的接待,安排接機、住宿與其他,不用急著將福音傳給他們,免得一傳福音就嚇跑了福音朋友,先作關懷事工,等與新同學關係建立以後,再傳福音給他們。可是迎新時若不傳福音,什麼時候才是傳福音的好時機呢?因為常常是: 在我們與他們的關係建立之前,他們一安頓下來,人就不見了;一買了車子,我們就沒有辦法再找到他們。正如前段所述: 迎新聚會來的人雖多, 但兩個月後,留在教會或團契的同學可能只剩下一成,就更少有機會跟他們談福音。這樣看來,還是要趕緊傳福音,靠著主的恩典,總會有人信主。不快快將福音傳給人,校園事工是沒有希望的。大城市裡華人留動性不大,可以慢慢去傳福音,但學生流動性極快,在一個學期中,若畢業的人數超過信主得救的人數,這個校園團契是往「死亡」的方向而去;但若信主得救的人數超過畢業生的人數,校園團契是往「興旺」的方向而去。我們必須及時傳福音,校園事工才有希望。新同學初來乍到美國,是最需要我們的時候,此時向他們傳福音,他們肯聽、也願意信,所以我們應把握機會向他們傳福音。

迎新是傳福音的預工,也必須早早以福音作跟進,這樣才不會讓愛心空空虛擲,並能早日收到福音的果效。有些校園同工覺得: 做好新生的愛心接待後,已是精疲力盡,哪有餘力再傳福音? 若遇到這樣的情況,可考慮請外來的短宣隊一同配搭,本地的弟兄姊妹(學生與上班)全力做愛心接待工作,短宣隊員可多作人個人福音工作或佈道。兩者相輔相成,福音就必興旺起來。

有些人擔心傳福音後會引起福音朋友的反彈,這種情形當然也有可能發生,其實主耶穌在差派門徒分頭出去傳福時,也早已教導了他們 (太 10:14)。耶穌預先告訴門徒們,傳福音時會遭到別人的拒絕,門徒必須要有被拒絕的準備。不論短宣隊傳福音或一般弟兄姊妹傳福音,都會被人拒絕或被人批評,若怕引人反感或不悅,就是跟本不要去傳。但保羅提醒我們:我們欠了福音的債(羅 1: 14),若不傳福音,校園事工也是走向死亡。

我們可以用家庭來作個比方: 一個家庭若要將兒女帶領好,必需有兩個角色: 父親的角色: 較為嚴厲;但也需要母親的角色: 耐心、愛心的引領,循循善誘。父母若能彼此配合,共同引領小孩,小孩就容易被建立起來。反之,父母的角色若不能彼此配合,互相批評,小孩就會無所適從,任自己的意思而行。在傳福音的事工上也須如此,有些人用父親的角色,迅速的切入福音的主題,將福音快快傳開。有些弟兄姊妹用母親的角式,耐心指導,循循善誘開導學生,多多為傳福音的人說好話。若能這樣配合,校園事工必能興旺。反之,彼此指責,校園事工必受攔阻。



  1. 五月門徒與同工訓練 – 過去由於許多學生在暑假期間回國,參加五月訓練的人數相對較少。但今年有超過七十五位的弟兄姐妹來參加了五月門徒與同工訓練。講員的信息感動了十幾位年輕的學生,願意奉獻自己的生命在將來全時間服事主。請為他們代禱,求神保守他們的心。
  2. 帶職信徒訓練 – 八十多位全職工作的弟兄姐妹參加了國殤週末的帶職信徒訓練,其中有許多位是第一次來參加。他們被信息所感動,幾乎所有的參加者都決定在職場並每日的生活中跟隨主,為祂作見證。更有許多弟兄姐妹決定再請一週的假前來參加八月讀經營或門徒訓練。感謝神,這些弟兄姐妹尊主為大,願意改變生命,愛主過於他們的工作與娛樂。求神繼續在他們的教會中使用他們。


我們為擴建宿舍以供應更多參加聚會者的需要已禱告了好幾個月。我們計劃擴建家庭宿舍「別是巴樓」- 或稱“Motel B” – 增加八個房間。讚美神,來參加訓練營、讀經營、福音營的人數越來越多,但也使得現有宿舍不敷使用,以致我們有時不得不提早截止報名的日期。希望新增加的宿舍能解決這個問題。神已經感動了一些弟兄姐妹為此工程奉獻金錢;目前的奉獻距離所需要的十萬美元還相差甚遠,但我們預期有足夠的經費開始打造地基。求神繼續供應建築工程所需的一切。過去卅多年,基督工人中心的每一項建築工程都是憑信心進行。我們從來不向銀行貸款,只按照神的供應一步一步的建造。靠著神奇妙且豐盛的恩典,祂供應我們所需使建築工程順利進行。目前我們共有七棟建築物,每一棟都顯明神奇妙的手在其中運行。祂是唯一值得我們信靠與跟隨的主。感謝神,七位退休的美國弟兄姐妹將前來幫忙建造。看見神的手在動工,我們也預備地基的打造,當這羣弟兄姐妹十月份來到時,就可以開始建築的工程。請為建築工程與所需經費代禱。


  1. 為六月三至九日舉行的青少年門徒訓練營代禱。求神預備參加者的心願意領受從主來的教導。為講員、輔導及中心同工代禱。
  2. 請為八月各營會的講員代禱。
  3. 為已報名參加八月讀經營的弟兄姐妹代禱。求神幫助他們準備讀經營的功課,喜愛神話語的心,有智慧明白研讀的書卷,並且從學習中得造就。
  4. 為參加五月兩個聚會的弟兄姐妹代禱,求神幫助他們繼續為主火熱,為主作見證並在自己所屬的教會或本國服事祂。為學生、教職員代禱,使他們在即將來臨的新學期中為主所用。
  5. 請繼續為擴建能夠容納四十人的宿舍工程代禱,求神供應一切所需。
  6. 為八月與九月的短宣隊代禱。求神叫我們能接觸到更多的學生;也感謝神,今年有更多的短宣隊計劃來美中與基督工人中心同工,到更多校園去傳福音。
  7. 為各地校園的迎新事工代禱。求神幫助各校園團契將迎新與傳福音配合,將神的愛與祂愛子的救恩藉著此一事工表明出來。迎新事工實際上包括了到機場接新生、招待新同學臨時住宿、幫助他們認識校園及新環境、帶他們買日用所需及其他與主耶穌所說:「我作客旅,你們留我住」的應用。若您還不曾參與迎新事工,請快快投入!
  8. 為有更多傳道人願意參與基督工人中心的校園事工,以及中心財務上的需要代禱。


1. 八月讀經營 (七月廿九至八月四日)

感謝神!目前已有超過一百位弟兄姐妹報名參加這次的讀經營。他們正認真的準備參加聚會。感謝神使用讀經營幫助弟兄姐妹喜愛學習聖經,求神興起更多能帶領查經並在各校園及教會分享神話語的人。這次我們將研讀基督生平– 四福音。講員為李玉惠姐妹及諶志豪牧師。報名截止日期為六月十五日。請為此一聚會代禱。更多資訊請上中心網站查詢。

2. 八月門徒與同工訓練營 (八月五至十一日)






Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace to you in the Lord!

Thanks be to the Lord! By the grace of God, student ministry on college campuses is taking a summer break, and we have just finished both the May Discipleship and Lay-Minister Training. This month I would like to address the topic “Campus Welcome and Gospel Ministries.”

Although the old school year has just come to an end, the new school year is right before our eyes. Campus coworkers have already begun planning and preparing their welcome ministries for the new semester. Praise the Lord! The number of new student enrolled has been up in recent years. Every semester hundreds of new students flock to different campuses, and the coworkers welcome them with excitement, hoping to attract a full house of new students to the welcome meetings and draw as many as possible to the ministry even before the semester begins. For these reasons, though exhausted with all the work, the coworkers’ hearts are filled with joy. But as the semester begins, though some of the new students may continue to attend the meetings at first, very few remain after 2 or 3 months. Why? Here are my thoughts:

A. Lack of Manpower

Taking care of new students is a heavy task itself. For example, since some campuses are one or two hundred miles from the nearest airport, it takes a commitment of 4 to 5 hours just to welcome a student at the airport and bring him or her back to campus. Providing temporary housing for new students is also a material test of our love. In addition, helping them enroll for classes or settle in the dorm are all cumbersome services. It would be difficult for one person alone to help even one student with all of these needs. We must see our mutual cooperation as vital to the success of this ministry.

As more students come from wealthier families, after their first year, many travel back home during the summer. They extend their vacation as long as possible, sometimes not arriving until classes have already begun. Thus, the truly new students have already been on campus for weeks by the time the “old students” return. Some new students even mistake these returning students for new students. Although it would be ideal for the old students to help welcome the new students, they end up being welcomed by the new students! As campus coworkers are short-handed while welcoming new students, these late-return students unintentionally add more burdens to the coworkers.

In the past, we have always encouraged students who desire to pursue the Word of God and receive training to return to the U.S. earlier and attend our week-long Bible Camp followed by a week-long Discipleship Training Camp in August. After growing in God’s Word, they are equipped to return to school and help welcome and care for the new students. Thanks be to the Lord! Many brothers and sisters have accepted our suggestion and brought great benefit to themselves and to the campus ministry. Some campus coworkers and ministers have expressed concern that encouraging brothers and sisters to attend camp in August will result in a shortage of coworkers for the welcome ministry. In most cases, though, not until these brothers and sisters are equipped for service do they become key coworkers for their campus fellowships. The training they receive is intended to strengthen their desire to serve the Lord more effectively in the coming semester and contribute to a thriving campus ministry.

Many students may leave the campus for home or travel during the summer, but those who stay on campus could handle the welcome ministry as long as they know how to mobilize the students. The secret to operating an effective new student ministry is to increase manpower, which requires both student participation and the involvement of non-student brothers and sisters.

Praise the Lord! In recent years, the number of Chinese brothers and sisters who teach, do research, or work as administrators on university campuses has been increasing. They are residents of the city, coworkers of the local Chinese church, and spiritual counselors to the campus fellowship groups. Due to their position and their spiritual maturity, they have great influence upon the students. If the working brothers and sisters focus on their own personal business and expect the students to carry out the new-student ministry alone, the students, following their example, will remain idle in the face of the opportunity to serve and minister to the new students. But if these working Christians would take the lead—even taking vacation time from work—and proactively mobilize the old students to participate in the welcome ministry, the old students would be greatly encouraged by their examples. New student ministry will be very effective if the working brothers and sisters disciple the young students and share their past experiences. The new student ministry will thrive if the professionals co-labor with students. The whole church is mobilized to serve the Lord together, and relationships are strengthened among coworkers to generate sufficient manpower.

B. Balance in caring and evangelism

When discussing plans for the coming year’s new student welcome ministry, someone often suggests that we refrain from preaching the Word at first and focus instead on receiving the new students, providing airport pickups, arranging temporary housing, and seeing to their needs with love. In another words, they believe that we should show that we care first, then preach after a relationship has been established. But when will be a better time to share the gospel if we do not share when they first arrive? The disappointing experience is that before a relationship can develop, the new students disappear after they settle in the dorm. Once they have a car, they are difficult to reach. A great number may come to the welcome party, but only about ten percent will still be attending the fellowship two months later. After the initial welcoming period, there is often no further opportunity to share the gospel with new students. Knowing this, we conclude that we need to share the gospel with the new students as soon as possible. By the grace of God there will always be fruit harvested. Campus ministry will have no future if we do not seize every opportunity to preach the gospel.

In some respects it may be easier for Chinese brothers and sisters to share the gospel in big cities because of low turnover of church volunteers. But please consider this: Student turnover happens quickly. If in a semester the number of graduating Christians exceeds the number of new believers, the campus fellowship population is moving toward extinction. If the number of new believers exceeds the graduating believers, the campus fellowship can flourish. We have to share the gospel in a timely manner for campus ministry to have an impact. New students need us most when they first come to the States, and that is when they are willing to listen and to believe the gospel. We should seize the opportunity to share the gospel with them.

We should think of new student ministry as preparation of our new friends for evangelism: our acts of love need to be followed by presentation of the gospel so that our efforts will be produce eternal fruit. Some campus coworkers may attend to the new students’ needs with such dedication that they feel too worn out to then share the gospel. If this is the case, they can consider co-working with a short-term mission team. The local brothers and sisters (students and career people, and also Christian friends who don’t speak Chinese language) concentrate on receiving the new students and material needs. The mission team focuses on sharing of the gospel and personal evangelism. The two groups complement each other, and the ministry will flourish.

Some worry that new students might resent our efforts to share the gospel with them. This could certainly happen. Before sending His own disciples out to preach, Jesus warned them that some people would reject their message (Matthew 10:14). He still sent them out! Paul admonishes us that we are obligated to share the gospel (Romans 1:14). If we are trying to make others happy or show that we care without sharing the gospel, we need to re-evaluate our concept of ministry. No campus ministry should expect to prosper in the absence of a commitment to evangelism.

Let us take the family as an example: For a family to raise good children, two roles are needed: traditionally a father who is strict, and a mother who cares for the children with patience and love. When the father and the mother work together to raise the children, the children mature well. But if parents fail to work together and criticize each other instead, the children will be confused and wander in their own way. It is the same in the gospel ministry: Some take the father-figure role to cut to the point of the gospel, while those taking the mother-figure role should care and guide with patience and speak kindly about those who preach the gospel. Let us act in the best interest of our potential “spiritual children” by cooperating with, not criticizing, one another.

Before the gospel ministry starts again in the new semester, we pray that the Lord will prepare our hearts that together we may bring the students to the Lord. We pray that we will not fear hardship, but rather trust in the Lord and preach the gospel on campus in one accord.


  1. May Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp – Previously since many students returned to their home countries, fewer people attended the May training campus than other camps. This year more than seventy-five people attended the May Discipleship Training Camp. The message of the speakers moved more than ten young university students to dedicate their lives to serve God full time in the future. Please pray for them. May God keep their hearts right for this vision.
  2. Lay Ministers Training Camps – More than eighty working people came for this camp over the Memorial Day weekend, many for the first time. They were moved by the messages. Almost all the attendees decided to follow Him and witness for Him in their work and daily life. Many working brothers and sisters also decided to take a week off from their jobs to join the August Bible Camp or August Discipleship Training. Thank God, these people are willing to change their lives and put Jesus the Lord above their work and leisure. May God keep using them as they serve in their churches.


For few months, we have been praying for an additional dormitory to host more attendees for the camps. We are planning to extend Beersheba Hall, the family dormitory—also known as “Motel B”—to add eight more sleeping rooms. Praise God that more and more people come to our Camp for Trainings, Bible Camps and Gospel Camps. Increasingly often we have run out of rooms. Sometimes we have halted accepting applications. We pray that this new dormitory will be built to solve this problem. God has been moving the hearts of some people to donate money for this project. Current donations are far from our goal of $100,000. However, we expect to have enough money to start laying the foundation of the building. We will keep praying to the Lord to supply the need for the building. For the past thirty years, all of our building projects similarly proceeded totally by faith. We never borrowed money from the banks. We build step by step according to how much money God has provided. By the wonderful and abundant grace of God, He supplies the needs, and the building project progresses. Now we have seven buildings. All of them show the wonderful hand of God. He is the One we can trust and follow. Thank God, a group of seven retired American couples will come to help our construction work. As we see God’s hand is moving, we are preparing for the foundation work. When these couples come in October, they can work on the new building construction. Please pray for the building project and the building fund.


  1. Pray for the Youth Discipleship Training Camp that runs June 3-9. Pray for the young people who come to the camp, and that they will have ready and willing hearts to receive edification from the Lord. Pray for the speakers, counselors, and CWC coworkers.
  2. Pray for all the speakers for the camps in August.
  3. Pray for those who have already applied for the August Bible Camp. Pray that as they are studying the Bible Camp homework, they will have a love of the Word of God, gain wisdom in understanding the books, and will be edified from their studies.
  4. Pray for those who have attended the last two May Training Camps. Pray that they will keep on fire for the Lord, being able to witness for Him and serve Him in the churches or their home countries. For those who are university students, faculty, or staff, pray that they will be able to serve the Lord in their campuses for the upcoming new school year.
  5. Please continue to pray that the Lord will supply the need for the new dormitory which can house forty people.
  6. Pray for the preparation of the short-term mission teams in August and September. Pray God that more students can be reached. Also thank God that this year more mission teams plan to come and work with the CWC to reach out to more campuses in the Midwest.
  7. Pray for the new student welcome ministries on all campuses. Pray that all campuses will have great cooperation with the mission to show the love of God and the salvation from His Son. Practically, this involves picking up students at airports, helping them with at least temporary housing, exploring the community and campus, helping them with shopping, and many other applications of “I was a stranger, and you took me in”. If you have not participated in this welcoming process, volunteer!
  8. Pray that more ministers will join the CWC campus ministry teams. Please continue to pray for the financial needs of the CWC.


1. August Bible Camp (July 29 – August 4)

Thank God! So far more than 100 brothers and sisters have applied for the Bible Camp. They are studying hard to prepare for the camp. Thank God for using this Bible Camp to help people enjoy studying the Bible. Pray that this camp will help develop more people to lead Bible studies and share the word of God in all the campuses and churches. This time we will study the Life of Christ – The Four Gospels. The speakers are Sister Grace Lee and Pastor Chihhao Shen. The due date for the Bible Camp is June 15, 2012. Please pray for the camp. Please visit our website for additional information, and apply today.

2. August Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp (August 5-11)

This is a very important training camp to equip brothers to serve the Lord for the next school year. Please pray for the camp. Speakers are Rev. C.Y. Cheng and Rev. Y. Y. Tan. Please pray that many brothers and sisters will come and be edified. The application form has been posted on the web.

Once again, thank you for your love, for your financial support, and for remembering our ministry and the coworkers in your prayers. It is important for us to keep serving Him. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

Serving together for His Glory,

Billy Ko (Pastor)