2012-07 (七月禱告信)


在炎熱的夏天裡,奉主的名向您問安! 願我們為主發熱心!

七月是舊學年的結束,也是新學年的開始。在這一期的禱告信中,我願意藉著但以理和他的三個朋友在巴比倫求學的經歷,從他們追求主、見證主的榜樣,一方面幫助我們去檢討過去一學年的校園事工;另一方面也激勵我們: 如何去訂定下年度的目標?好讓我們在新學年的事奉裡,能完成主的託付。


以色列人犯罪,得罪神,神差遣先知勸他們悔改,但他們一直都不肯悔改,神就讓他們被擄去巴比倫。但以理與他的三個朋友:沙得拉、米煞、亞伯尼歌也在其中。 巴比倫城是當時世上一個非常繁榮、進步的城市。本來被擄的人要過奴僕的生活,但是巴比倫王卻從以色列人中,挑選一些「年少沒有殘疾、相貌俊美、通達各樣學問、知識聰明俱備」的人進入巴比倫最重要的學府讀書,那是當時世界上最有名的學校,程度也是非常地高,在這些人當中包括了當時一些年僅十多歲的猶太年青人:但以理和他的三個朋友也在被入選的人當中。


  1. 是一個很小的團契──這個團契人數不多,只有4個人,卻是神所喜愛的團契;他們一起禱告與追求神,神就使用這個團契彰顯祂的榮耀,影響了整個巴比倫王國。校園事工,其實不要只看重人數;不要用活動或放DVD吸收人。團契事工開始時不要著重馬上要有許多的人;有時許多的人只會讓你疲於奔命。更重要的是:要得著幾個人,好好地去追求主,特別是得著這些年輕的學生,讓他們起來去事奉主,去影響別人,那校園的事工就會產生極大的果效。
  2. 是一個年青的團契──年輕人到了一個新的環境,常常會學壞或跌倒。這班年輕人在被擄中受了神的管教,就回到神的面前。他們從此非常看重神,沒有跟從當時花花的世界,卻專一跟從神;他們被神得著了,雖然非常年輕,卻能按神的心意而行,神也透過他們做偉大的工作。求主幫助年青的弟兄姊妹「不要叫人小看你年輕,總要在言語、行為、愛心、信心、清潔上,都作信徒的榜樣」(提前 4:12),像但以理一樣。年長的弟兄姊妹也要相信年青的弟兄姊妹,讓他們在神的事工上,也可以一同擺上、一同學習、一同事奉、一同為主多結果子。
  3. 是一個被人輕看的團契──但以理和他的三個朋友是被擄的外國學生,巴比倫人就會輕看他們;他們是十多歲的人,連以色列人也會輕看他們。他們雖然被人輕看,還是忠心地向著神;所以神看重他們,非常賜福給他們,藉他們影響巴比倫王與他的王國。讓我們學習像但以理,在別人的社會中不自卑,以神為榮,在別人的國土上,彰顯神國的榮耀與權柄。
  4. 是一個刻苦的團契──但以理與他的朋友們本可以吃巴比倫王所吃的美食,雖然眼前擺著的是最有名、最昂貴、最美味的酒食,他們卻立志不吃王的飯、不飲王的酒,不讓這些不潔淨的食物沾污自己。讓我們也學習在安逸、舒適的環境裡,能攻克己身,叫身服我,使我們的生活能榮耀主,見證主的名,也可以為主作工。
  5. 是一個看重神話語的團契──雖然但以理與他的朋友知道他們不吃王的食物會得罪王,會遭到嚴重的懲罰,但他們仍肯照神的話語去作。他們非常看重神的話語與神的律法;他們寧願死,也不肯貪圖世上的享樂,更不願得罪神。團契可以用什麼吸引人呢?當神的話語一解開,人明白神話語的奇妙,心就會被主所吸引,一同追求神。今日的團契,過去稱為查經班,求主使我們不要從「查經班」變成「團契」,從「團契」變成「專喫」;也不要只有「茶經」卻沒有「查經」。神的話語才是團契的中心,讓每一位來參加團契的人,都以神的話為樂,團契必然得興旺。
  6. 是一個禱告的團契──但以理與他的朋友每次遇到困難,就一同到神的面前禱告;藉著禱告,他們得以為王解夢。他們平常就禱告,碰到困難也禱告,但以理一天禱告三次。這個團契真是看重神的話語、也看重禱告。所以他們雖然很年輕,卻懂得跟從神的旨意去行,他們懂得為主站立得穩、做見證,也使別人認識神的旨意與祂永遠的計劃。教會與團契最冷清的地方,就是禱告會。校園的禱告會,其實是團契復興的根據地,禱告會得興旺,就能帶動團契的興旺。每週末一、兩次的聚會不足以幫助學生在一、兩年內被建立起來,也不足以成為能帶領別人的同工。但禱告會卻可以幫助弟兄姊妹真正經歷神的大能,靈命有長足的成長。
  7. 是一個同心合意的團契──他們同心合意在神的面前一同禱告,又一同以神為中心,把自己奉獻給神、為神而活、一同站立抵擋試探,因此他們也常常一同讚美神與感謝神!教會與團契最痛苦的地方,往往是長執會或同工會。驕傲與不同心的靈使「同工」變成「同攻」,弟兄姐妹常常是胸懷大志來參加同工會,卻帶著破碎的心情而歸。同工們需要一同學習合一的事奉、同心的禱告、看別人的建議比自己的強,放下自己的意思、成全別人的意思,用愛心彼此建立,合一的靈才能帶出事奉的喜樂與能力。
  8. 是一個有信心的團契──但以理與他的朋友們以信心立志不吃王的食物,以信心向神禱告:「神啊!幫助我們,救我們脫離這個試探,幫我們開路!」這些年青人常常禱告,平時就常禱告,遭遇困難時更一同禱告。神藉著一個人對祂的信心能帶出驚人的力量,神藉著一個團隊的信心所產生的力量,更是不可限量,這是但以理團契所帶出的見證。願主藉著合一的禱告大能,使我們的團契成為大有信心的團隊,因著依靠神,在各樣的困難中,打那美好的勝仗,為主得著更多人的靈魂。
  9. 是一個蒙恩的團契──他們因著信心專一的跟從神,不僅靈命好,考試也考得非常好,他們平常跟人講話的時候,都是充滿智慧,也深得王的信任與重用。他們肯同心為神站立,困難過去後,就一同在神前蒙恩。華人的聚會往往最大的困難就是不同心與分裂,以至事奉的人不能蒙恩,教會與團契也常在水深火熱中,合一的心不見,神的恩典也被隱藏。
  10. 是一個榮耀神的團契──透過這個團契,外邦人都知道以色列人的神是一個偉大的神,耶和華在全地作王,要按祂的心意治理全地,地上一切的君王都在祂的手下。萬國要歸服祂、敬拜祂。當我們一同在合一中禱告、追求與事奉神,我們就成為神施恩的地方,不信主的人也看到神的榮耀在我們中間,他們的心也會被吸引到主面前,來參加聚會的福音朋友必會增加,信而受洗的人數也會天天加給我們,因為神的榮耀已彰顯出來!





維修同工Dale Beyer弟兄一家在基督工人中心已忠心地服事了將近五年的時間。神藉著他們全家的服事多多的祝福了我們。去年春天Dale一家去瓜地馬拉短宣回來後,神就將當地的需要放在他們的心裡,為了回應神的呼召,他們一家將參與Hope for Home Ministry在瓜地馬拉的服事。目前他們正開始準備一切,計劃在明年初的前數月成行。請在禱告中記念他們。Dale弟兄一家同時也等候神在弟兄姐妹心中為他們代禱和奉獻上的支持。他們正在清理家當,預備從簡地只帶數箱行李成行。也請為中心代禱,正如神如何呼召Dale弟兄去瓜地馬拉,也求神呼召一位接替Dale弟兄在中心服事的同工。


八月讀經營已於六月十五日截止報名。有近一百八十人報名,人數幾乎是過去最高記錄的兩倍。我們為有這許多弟兄姐妹愛慕研讀神的話語而讚美神。請為他們代禱,求神幫助他們堅持這樣的熱忱,在聖經上建立根基,並學習如何在神的話語上服事祂。也請為中心的同工代禱,安排一百八十人的住宿將再一次將中心每一吋可用的空間完全使用。同時也為講員: 諶志豪牧師及李玉惠姐妹代禱。



我們的同工Dale弟兄正帶領工人整地,準備打造增建新宿舍的地基。在炙熱的天氣裡 – 有時溫度超過100°. – 進行工程是件不容易的事。求神保守他們身體與靈命的健康,也求神使基礎工程平安、順利的完成。加蓋的宿舍將能滿足參加聚會人數增長的需求。也求神使我們能在Roving Volunteers in Christ’s Service的退休弟兄姐妹年底來到之前完成一切準備的工作。





Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

Greetings in the name of the Lord in the middle of the hot summer! May we always fire up for the Lord!

July is the end of one school year and the beginning of a new school year. In this month’s newsletter I would like to use the experience of Daniel and his three friends—how they pursued the Lord and witnessed for the Lord while in Babylon—as examples to help us review our campus ministries in the past semester. Their examples motivate us to set goals of our ministries for the next school year, that we may fulfill the mission that God has entrusted us.

The Model of the Babylonian Campus Fellowship

Read about this in the book of Daniel, first and second chapters.

The Israelites had sinned and rebelled against God. God sent prophets and urged the Israelites to repent. Yet the Israelites were stiff-necked. God therefore gave them to the hand of the Babylonians and captivity. Daniel and his three friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were among the captives taken from Israel 500 miles to Babylon in what is now Iraq.

The city of Babylon was very prosperous and modern in that world. Most of the Israelite captives would live as slaves, but the king of Babylon ordered to bring separate some Israelites who were “young and without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand” and sent them to the most important institute in Babylon to study. It was the most prestigious and advanced school of the world at that time. Some young Israelites in their teens were chosen. Daniel and his three friends were among them.

These young men lived together. Not only did they study in the classroom, they also prayed and meditated upon God’s Words after class. They became the earliest student fellowship in a higher education institute. What were the characteristics of this fellowship?

  1. The Babylonian Campus Fellowship was a small group! It had only four members. Yet it was beloved by God. They prayed and pursued God together, and God used this tiny group to manifest His glory. The whole Babylonian empire was influenced! I conclude from this and other examples that today’s campus fellowship should not worry about numbers. Certainly we want to reach all. But when the campus ministry starts, we need not fixate on attendance and entertaining activities to build numbers. Too many people can wear out the coworkers. Numbers alone do not yield a self-sustaining, viral fellowship. The most important thing is this: to solidly win a few people. Lead the young students to pursue God. Lead them to stand up and serve the Lord and influence others. By doing so, the campus ministry will have great effectiveness.
  2. It was a dedicated fellowship. When young people come to a new environment, they are notoriously vulnerable to bad examples and temptations. But this group of young men had been disciplined by God through teaching and through the hardships of captivity. They turned their hearts to God. They chose to pursue God. They did not follow the attractive trends of the world. They chose to follow God wholeheartedly. They followed God’s will in their lifestyle. God also accomplished great works through them. They would have agreed with the direction of a later Israelite, “do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12). Older brothers and sisters should trust younger brothers and sisters and give them opportunities to be involved in God’s ministries: to commit, to learn, to serve and to bear fruit for the Lord together.
  3. It was a despicable fellowship! Daniel and his three friends were captured foreigners. They certainly would be loathed by the Babylonians. They were teens and were treated specially. Quite likely their fellow Israelites dismissed them. Though despised, they lived their lives faithful to God. Therefore God valued them. He blessed them and used them to have great influence upon the king of Babylon, on the kingdom of Babylon, and on the Israelites. Let us learn from Daniel that we need not feel rejected in a foreign society. We can live faithfully to God and manifest the glory and sovereignty of God’s kingdom.
  4. The Babylonian Campus Fellowship was a disciplined fellowship. Daniel and his friends could have taken the most delicious food from the Babylonian king, yet they determined not to defile themselves with the royal unclean food and wine. Let us also learn that in an easy and comfortable environment we should still “beat my body and make it my slave” (1 Corinthians 9:27) so that our lives may glorify the Lord, witness His name, and work for Him.
  5. It was a fellowship that emphasized God’s Word. Knowing that they would offend the king or would be severely punished if they rejected the king’s meal, Daniel and his friends still chose to follow God’s Word. They took God’s Word and laws very seriously. They would rather please God and die than offend God and live. What can a fellowship group do to attract people? When the Word of God is unfolded, and when people realize how wonderful His Word is, their hearts would be drawn to the Lord and seek after Him. Chinese Christian campus fellowships often are called Bible Study Groups. May God help us that we will not change the name from “Bible Study Group” to “Fun Group”. Let us not slip from “Fellowship” to “Eating Only”. (In Chinese language, “fellowship” is written團契. Remove the enclosing rectangle of the first word and move it to the second word, and you get專喫, meaning “just eat!”.) Let us not slide from “Bible Talk” to “Tea Talk”. (A Mandarin pun: “Scripture Study” 查經chá jīng sounds exactly like “Tea-leaf reading” 茶經 chá jīng). God’s Word should be the center of the fellowship group. Let everyone who comes to the fellowship find joy in His Word. Solid, God-pleasing, enjoyable fellowship will result.
  6. It was a praying fellowship. When Daniel and his friends encountered difficulties, they came before God and prayed. Through the prayers, they were able to interpret dreams for the king. They prayed unceasingly and in difficult times. Daniel prayed three times a day. This group took God’s Word seriously and emphasized prayers. Even they were young, but they knew how to follow the will of God. They knew how to stand firmly for the Lord, how to witness for Him, so that others can also know the will of God and His eternal will. In many fellowships and churches, prayer meeting is the most unpopular meeting. Campus prayer meeting actually should be the base of revival. When the prayer meeting is revived, the whole fellowship will be revived. Did we not say that God’s Word must be central? We also say that one or two weekly Bible meetings for one or two years cannot build up students nor train coworkers to become leaders! But when we also have prayer meetings, brothers and sisters experience God’s mighty power and spiritual lives grow.
  7. The BCF was a unified fellowship. They prayed in one heart before God, their center. They presented themselves before God and lived for Him. They resisted temptations together, standing firm together. The result is they also praised and thanked God together! Board meeting or coworker’s meeting usually is where people suffer most in the church or fellowship. The spirit of pride and division often causes co-workers to become co-attackers. (English readers, you missed another great Chinese pun. Co-workers同工 tóng gōng become co-attackers同攻 tóng gōng). Brothers and sisters come to the coworkers meeting with great enthusiasm, but leave with angry or broken hearts. Coworkers need to learn to serve together, pray together, see others’ suggestions better than ours, set aside our own agenda, complete others’ agendas, support each other with love. Then we can bring out the ministry with one spirit.
  8. It was a faith fellowship. By faith Daniel and his friends determined not to eat the king’s meal. By faith they prayed to God: “God! Help us and deliver us from this temptation, make a way for us!” These young men prayed together always, in normal days and in difficult times. They walked in faith whether God rescued them or not. Through a person’s faith in Him, God would bring out His amazing power. Through the faith of a group of people, God would bring out even immeasurable power. This is the testimony Daniel’s fellowship has brought out. Through the unifying powers of prayers, may the Lord help our fellowship become a team with great faith. By trusting in God, even in many difficulties, we still can fight the good fight and win more souls for the Lord.
  9. It was a blessed fellowship. By faith, they followed God with one heart; so not only did they have a good spiritual life, the king gave them a good test score. When they talked, their words were full of knowledge; so they won the trust of the king. They stood firmly before God with one mind; so they were blessed by God. When the heart of unity is gone, the blessings from God will be hidden too.
  10. The Babylonian Campus Fellowship was a God-glorifying fellowship. Through this fellowship, the gentiles knew the God of Israel is the almighty God. Jehovah reigns in the whole universe and it will be administered according to His will. All the kings of the earth are under His hand. All the nations eventually will submit before Him and worship Him. When we pray, seek after Him and serve Him with one mind, we will become the instrument of His blessings. The nonbelievers will also see God’s glory in our midst. Their hearts will be drawn before God. The nonbelievers’ attendance to our meetings will grow too. The numbers of those who believed and are baptized are added to us because God’s glory has been manifested.

May the characteristics of the Babylonian Fellowship guide our campus fellowships. We thus can serve the Lord more effectively in the new semester. Our campus fellowship can win more souls for the Lord, the coworkers can be edified, and God’s kingdom will come.

CWC Ministry Sharing

For many people, July is vacation time. They rest a while then return to work or school. For the CWC coworkers, July is a month for preparation to win people for Christ. We get ready for busy August and the upcoming semester.

About 80 young people came for the youth discipleship training camp in June. Thank God! It is not a camp for summer entertainment, but a week to prepare young people to walk with God and serve Him in their lives. We thank God that many young people’s eyes were open to see the purpose of God for them. Many dedicated themselves to walk with Him.

Our maintenance coworker Brother Dale Beyer and his family have served at the CWC faithfully for almost five years. We have received many blessings from God through the ministry of the entire family. After his short-term mission trip in Guatemala last spring, God put a burden in their hearts. Responding to God’s calling and will, Dale and his family will join the ministry of Hope for Home ministries in Guatemala. They are preparing for the move, planned to occur in the first months of 2013. Please remember them in prayers. They are waiting for the Lord for brothers’ and sisters’ prayer and financial support. They are reducing their personal belongings to fit into their suitcases. Please also pray for the CWC that the Lord will call someone to fill Dale’s position at the CWC, just as He has called Dale to Guatemala.

More and more students are coming to study in the midwest. The field is getting much bigger. Thank God for calling Brother Liyu Tu to join the ministry of the CWC. Brother Tu just graduated from Overseas Theological Seminary in California this May. He has a heart to reach students for Christ. He will join us from later this month. Please pray for his ministry and his moving from California to the midwest in early July.

Registration for August Bible Camp closed June 15. Around 180 people applied, almost double our previous peak. We praise God for so many people who love to read the Word of God. Please pray for them, that they keep this enthusiasm, lay their foundation on the Bible, and learn how to serve God from His Word. Please also pray for the CWC coworkers; we must arrange the lodging for these 180. Again we will fill almost every space at the CWC. Please also remember in prayer the speakers, pastor Chih-Hao Shen and sister Grace Lee.

August Discipleship training, August 5 to 11, is open for application until July 28. Please visit our website for information and apply early. So far 80 people have applied. Rev. Chin-Yen Cheng and Rev. Benjamin Tam will be our speakers. Please pray that this Camp will prepare more brothers and sisters for their future ministry for the Lord in their next school year.

Pastor Billy Ko is busy arranging short term missions for August and September. More than ten churches from the east and west coasts will come to the midwest to reach out to Chinese students for His name. This will be a great opportunity to share the Good News. Please pray for these mission teams while they prepare. Please also pray for the local churches, that they can have a good coworking spirit to participate with the mission teams to expand the Kingdom of God.

Our coworker Dale is leading workers to dig and prepare the foundation of the new dormitory. It is not easy to do construction works in the steamy summer heat—sometimes the temperature is over 100°. Please pray the Lord to protect them physically and spiritually. Please also pray that the construction work can be done safely and smoothly. A bigger dormitory will meet the needs for increasing numbers of attendees at our campground. We also pray and wish the work can be done before the retired couples missions teams, Roving Volunteers in Christ’s Service, arrive at the end of this year.

Thanks for your prayers, financial support and the encouragement while we are standing side by side to share the Gospel on all the campuses and equip people for the Kingdom of God. May God bless you all!

In Him
Billy Ko
