2012-08 (八月禱告信)




你知道莊稼已經熟了: 當人們為門徒訓練作準備時

讀經營(七月廿九至八月四日)的聚會 就在轉角,準備工作正忙碌地進行中。原本有一百八十位學員報名,到目前為止仍有一百五十位加上他們約卅五個孩子準備前來參加。中心的設備要容納近兩百個人並不容易,請為我們禱告。感謝神有這麼多弟兄姐妹願意研讀神的話。他們花了許多時間準備功課,也很期盼來參加聚會。除了學生之外,當中還有很多專業人士和教授。請代禱,求神以豐盛的祝福賞賜每一顆饑渴的心。講員為底特律來的諶志豪牧師和李玉惠姐妹,請為他們禱告。感謝神從羅省基督教會聯會差派由三位弟兄組成的短宣隊前來幫助我們。我們知道神的心意是要我們幫助學員們在神的話語上扎根穩固,如此在他們回到各自的校園及教會後,能夠幫助其他人認識神的話。當神的話摸著人,人就感到被摸著。當神的話穩固的扎根在祂兒女的心裡時,紮實的復興就來到了。


你知道莊稼已經熟了: 當新學生抵達時




你知道莊稼已經熟了: 當新同工加入基督工人中心時


你知道莊稼已經熟了: 當基督工人中心擴建宿舍時

別示巴樓(亦稱為 “Motel B”) 原有六間家庭宿舍—上層四間,下層兩間。我們計劃增建十六個房間—上層八間,下層八間。第一階段將完成上層的工程,預算工程費用為十萬美元。之後當神供應工程還需要的五萬美元時,我們將繼續完成下層八個房間的建築。在超過100 度的炎炎夏日,我們的同工Dale弟兄辛勞地打造地基。這是既熱又辛苦的工作。請為Dale弟兄及工程所需的經費代禱。我們盼望上層宿舍在十二月的聚會中能夠使用,以多容納四十人。當第二階段下層宿舍完成時,將能多容納另外四十人。






Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greeting in the very hot summer from Missouri. May the Lord keep our heart hot for Him and His kingdom.

Last weekend I had an opportunity to preach in a church retreat at Seattle, WA. The theme was “The Harvest Is Ready” 莊稼熟了, zhuāng jià shú le. Surely many people do not know the harvest is ready, for they are far from the field. Unless you get near to the field, you will not know the harvest is ready. Unless you care for the field and pray for the field, you will not notice that the harvest waits. Many people only look at markets 市場 shì chăng, and shops 商場 shāng chăng, but do not look at the field 禾埸 hé chăng. So they do not know the harvest is ready. They miss the opportunity to labor for the Lord. They miss the joy of reaping the harvest. They miss the great opportunity for gaining eternal blessing and reward from our King of Kings.

You know the harvest is ready: when people prepare for Discipleship Training

Bible camp is just around the corner (July 29 to August 4). We are very busy with preparation. Originally 180 adults applied for the Camp. So far 150 are still on the road to come with their almost 35 children. To prepare for almost 200 people to stay in the center is not easy. Please pray for us. Thank God for so many people are willing to study the Word of God. Many of them have spent much time to prepare their home work. They look forward to this Camp. Besides students, many of them work as professionals or professors. Please pray that the Lord will reward all these hungry hearts with abounding blessing from the Lord. Pastor Chihao Shen from Detroit, MI and Sister Grace Lee will be our speakers. Please pray for them. We also thank God for sending three short term mission members from First Evangelical Church of Los Angeles 羅省基督教會聯會to assist us. We know it is the will of God for us to help these people to build strongly on the Word of God, so that they may return to their campuses and churches to help others to know the Word of God. When the Word of God touches people, people feel touched. A solid revival will come as the Word of God roots solidly in the hearts of His children.

Discipleship training camp will be held right after the Bible camp, August 5 – 11 . So far around 90 people have already applied for the Discipleship Training Camp. Their hearts are ready to be built up by the Lord so they may be the witness of God in their campuses during the upcoming semester. They can reap the harvest on their campuses. Please pray for the speakers Rev. Chinyen Cheng and Rev. Benjamin Tam and all those who come to be equipped by the Lord for the Kingdom of God.

You know the harvest is ready: when new students arrive

This summer I often get phone calls from new students. In most cases I do not know them and they are not Christian. Some come to Columbia, MO to study, but some go to other campuses. This kind of contact from new students is more frequent than in the past. They are asking for churches to help them settle down for their new cities. This indicates that their hearts are ready for help from the churches. They should be friendlier and more easily accept the gospel. Let us prepare ourselves to reach them.

You know the harvest is ready: when God sends mission teams to the midwest

About seven churches will send mission teams to share the Good News to students from August 17 to 26. It is a great time to reach out to the students. Our goal is to stimulate brothers and sisters in all the campuses to care for students and lead them to Christ. Please pray that the team up between the mission teams and the local brothers and sisters will help more people stand up to reach students. We pray that besides more students accepting Christ from this special effort, please pray that more fishers of men will be raised up in all the campuses for the continuing need.

You know the harvest is ready: when a new coworker joins the CWC

Thank God, brother Liyu Tu joined our CWC team in July. He is now stationed in Columbia, MO and ministers to the brothers and sisters there with Pastor Ko. He will serve in Columbia for a year and transfer to ministry with other campus later. He is adjusting his life and ministry to the Midwest. Please pray for him that God will use him greatly.

You know the harvest is ready: when the CWC dormitory expands

Our Beersheba Hall—known to insiders as “Motel B”—has six rooms for families with four rooms at the upper floor and two rooms at the basement. We are planning to expand this building and add 16 rooms. It will have 8 rooms in the upper floor and 8 rooms in the basement. At the first stage we plan to finish the upper floor, with an estimate cost of $100,000. Later we will finish the 8 rooms in the basement for an additional $50,000, whenever the Lord supplies this need. Even during these weeks of 100 degree summer days, our coworker Dale labors on the foundation. It is a hot and hard work. Please pray for our coworker Dale and the financial needs of the building. We hope the upper floor will be livable during December camps, supporting an additional 40 people. When the basement gets done during the second stage in the future, we can accommodate another 40 people.

God is bringing revival in the Midwest campuses. Please join this harvest team through your prayers and your support.

May God bless you!

In Him

