2012-11 (十一月禱告信)


感謝主!在過去數週我有機會在遠東的校園學生當中服事。有一次,經過福建省一個大城中的大學城,十幾間大學緊連在一起,非常壯觀,學生總數約有二十多萬。但當地的弟兄姊妹告訴我:整個大學城基督徒的學生總數卻約只有一千多人;從表面上看起來,這數字還不錯,殊不知卻只佔學生0.5% 的比例;西北一大城市也是一樣:學生人數約有二十萬,基督徒也只有約一千人;在華中另一大城市,人口約有六百萬,當地傳道人告訴我:所有大學與大專生人數加起來,也約有一百萬人,但基督徒人數卻也只有約2,000人,比例上只有0.2%。中國大陸基督徒的比例約有10%,北美校園基督徒與華人學生的比例約為5% 至 10% 之間 ,所以相對來看,中國校園福音事工實在有需要加強的地方。現在雖然有不少弟兄姐妹已盡心、盡力的在校園中服事,但從統計的數字來看,差不多等於0。中國的大學生與研究所學生人數應不低於3000萬人,每年本科畢業生也不少於660萬人,成為一巨大的人流洪水,湧進社會與世界裡,當然其中也有些人來到北美進深。年青人是國家的希望,他們在求學時若沒有被主得著,國家將來的希望在那裡?有人告訴我:在中國,在大學附近不僅餐館多,旅館也很多。一天我們入住華西北的某一校園大門前的一間連鎖旅館,在旅館中常見到年青的男女大學生,成雙入對的進出旅館。中國的一些研究報告也指出,中國大學生約有50%是同居或常進出旅館。年青時就浸淫在罪惡當中,如此低的道德水準,這國家的將來實在堪憂,以後建立的社會,必落在神的審判中。如何能改變這時代的黑暗景況呢?校園福音事工實在是其中非常重要的一環,在基督裡的新生命與大能,才是這個時代的希望。

在美中校園服事逾數十年中,最能使人靈命更新的是門徒訓練營 ,不僅能使人生命更新,也帶動了美中校園查經班與校園的興旺。常有人問我:可否在中國也有這樣的訓練營?經過禱告與等候,最迎開始了一次的門徒訓練營,為期約五天。由於環境的限制,只能容許二十多人參加,除了有本地多間校園學生與同工來參加,也有弟兄姊妹乘車三十多個小時來參加,他們都非常地用心,從早到晚殷勤的學習,靈命大得復興,明白門徒道路、立志走主的道路、在生活上作主的見證、在同學中傳福音;因為他們知道,校園事工必須靠學生自己推動才能產生果效。營會結束過後幾天,我曾到他們的校園中探望,大家分享營會對他們的影響;一位姊妹分享說:在營會結束後幾天 ,主幫助她帶領了兩位同學相信主,大家都非常地感動,因為看到神實在能使用學生作奇妙的工作,大家更樂意要更多在校園中服事,使更多學生在在求學間能為主作見證,影響更多人歸信主、建立更多查經小組,將福音在校園傳開;畢業後,也能在社會中為主作美好的見證、在各地建立聚會與教會。

在大陸事奉中最喜樂的事,莫過於能重見以前在美中校園中信主的弟兄姊妹,在中心接受訓練與裝備後回到祖國,繼續積極的事奉,在校園中冒著危險,盡力傳福音,在門徒與同工練營會中與我們一起同工,又在當地的教育界有美好的事奉,這是何等的美與何等的喜樂。求主繼續藉著基督工人中 心的訓練營,建立更多弟兄姊妹,帶動美中與各地的校園事工,畢業後在各地與祖國被神大大地使用。






日期 –冬令會將於十二月廿一晚至廿五日中午舉行。聚會資訊已張貼上網。十一月十五日起開放網上報名;,十二月十六日中部時間下午四時正,網上報名程式將自動關閉。許多弟兄姐妹來電詢問網上報名的日期,謝謝您的耐心等候,並請留意。

地點 –密蘇里州堪薩斯城的Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center。交通資訊也已張貼上網。我在幾個月前去Sheraton洽談時,酒店正在進行整修。他們告訴我內部整修工程會在冬令會前完成。我們拭目以待。Crown Center的展示館也屬於Sheraton酒店所有。神使我們在他們眼前蒙恩,今年也允許我們使用展示A館及三分之一的展示B館作為餐廳,空間將比過去大了三倍。如此一來,兒童聚會將可以在舊的餐廳舉行,展示B館也可用為教室。感謝神的預備。

目的 –冬令會主要是造就已信主的弟兄姐妹及向未信者傳福音。請您現在就開始預備您的心,並且邀請福音朋友來參加。

講員 –神差派了邊雲波弟和兄、何仲柯醫生、蘇绯雲博士、賴若瀚牧師、李健長老、蘇文峰牧師,以及四位本地牧者:簡楊青牧師、劉本恩牧師、蔡炎康牧師、李祥麟弟兄為我們的講員。

青少年和大學生英語聚會 – 這是為七年級以上至大學說英語的年輕人預備的。講員有:加州山景城來的梁子仁牧師,密蘇里州聖路易市的趙崇輝牧師及堪薩斯州 Shawnee市來的陳瑞基牧師。更多資訊請上網查詢。

B. 十二月門徒訓練營

這是為造就弟兄姐妹跟隨基督並學習如何在查經班和教會服事主的訓練聚會。將於十二月廿五至卅日在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。講員為賴若瀚牧師及台灣來的李健長老。報名嚴格截止時間為十二月十六日晚上十一點五十九分。讚美神!已經有八十一位報名參加。報名表及詳細資訊均以張貼上網。

C. 一月讀經營



  1. 讚美主所賜下更多在各地校園向中國學生傳福音的機會。感謝神,許多學生在主裡靈命不斷地成長。
  2. 感謝神,過去三個星期中,差派了三對退休的美國夫婦(RVICS)來到中心幫忙建築工程。
  3. 請為新宿舍的蓋建工程代禱:為工人的安全及所需經費代禱。
  4. 請為冬季三項聚會的籌備工作代禱:求神預備弟兄姐妹及慕道朋友的心。
  5. 請在禱告中記念江士民姐妹日常在中心繁重的行政事工及週末校園事工。
  6. 請為關靜淳姐妹在阿肯色州Fayetteville的服事代禱,求神賜給她更多的智慧服事當地的年輕的中國學生。
  7. 請在禱告中記念曾瑗姐妹在愛荷華州的事奉。冬天開車往來不易,請為她行車的安全及在 各校園的服事代禱。
  8. 請為潘曉明弟兄一家在密西西比州Starkville代禱。潘弟兄除了在Starkville的服事外,還奔波於田納西的Memphis、阿拉巴馬州的Mobile和Tuscaloosa服事。
  9. 請為涂立宇弟兄在哥倫比亞的服事代禱。求神使用他成為當地學生的祝福。
  10. 請為Dale弟兄一家代禱:他天天忙著中心的建築工程,還要為明年搬遷到瓜地馬拉宣教做準備。
  11. 請為高牧師代禱,求神賜更大的智慧與能力來滿足各地日益成長的學生事工的需要。也請繼續記念高師母的身體健康。






Dear Brothers and sisters—God’s peace be with you!

Praise the Lord! In the past few weeks, I had the opportunity to serve on student campuses in the Far East. On one occasion, I passed by a campus in a big city of Fujian Province. The campus consisted of several universities adjoined together and looked very spectacular. The total number of students there was around 200,000. The local brothers and sisters told me that there were only around 1,000 Christians on those campuses. Superficially, this figure was not bad, but actually this only accounted for 0.5% of the student population. Similarly in another big city in the northwest China, the student population was around 200,000 but there were only around 1,000 Christians. In another big city in central China with a population of about six million, a local minister told me that all the university and college students added together were around one million, but there were only about 2,000 Christians—0.2%. The proportion of Christians in mainland China was about 10%; while in the United States, the proportion of Christian students among Chinese students was between 5 to 10%. Campus ministry in mainland China needs to be strengthened. Although many brothers and sisters have served wholeheartedly and diligently in campus ministry, statistically the proportion is almost zero. The total of Chinese undergraduate and graduate students should not be less than 30 million. Each year, no less than 6,600,000 undergraduate students graduate. These students flood into the world. Of course some of them come to the United States for advanced study. Young people are the country’s future. If they did not get to know Jesus Christ when they were students, what is the hope of the country? I was told that in China, there were not just many restaurants near college campuses but hotels as well. One day while we stayed in a chain-hotel just at the front door of one university in northwest China, I noticed many young college male and female student couples going in and out of the hotel. Some Chinese studies pointed out that about 50% of Chinese college students live together or frequently check in-and out of the hotels. They lived in sin while they are young. Such low moral standards made us worry about the country’s future—that this society would fall into God’s judgment. How can we change the present dim situation? Campus ministry is an important part of the solution—the new life and power in Christ is the hope of this era.

After serving in campus ministry for several decades, I’ve concluded that discipleship training is the most effective means of spiritual revival. Discipleship training not only renews lives, it also mobilizes Bible study groups and campus revival. Frequently people asked me—could we have such training in China? After praying and waiting, we recently started a discipleship training camp that lasted for five days. Due to environment limitation, we could only allow 20 some people to attend. Some of the participants were local campus students and coworkers. Some needed to take more than 30 hours public transportation to come to this training. They were very attentive and diligent in learning from morning till night. They were revived spiritually—understanding the way of the disciple, committing to the Lord’s way, willing to witness for the Lord in their daily lives and evangelizing among their schoolmates. They realized that they themselves were most effective in mobilizing campus ministry. Several days after the training, I visited them on their campus. They shared the impact of what they had learned from the training. A sister shared that several days after the training, the Lord helped her lead two classmates to the Lord. We were all touched because we witnessed how the Lord used students to do wonderful works. As a result, we were even more willing to serve on campuses so that more students could witness for the Lord, more people are influenced to accept Christ, more Bible study groups are established, and the gospel is shared on campuses. After graduation, these disciples could witness for the Lord in the larger society and help plant churches and Bible studies.

The most joy in serving in mainland China was to meet again those brothers and sisters who accepted Christ in the midwest US campuses. After receiving Discipleship training and being equipped in CWC, they returned to China and served actively. They took the risk to evangelizing on campuses. They worked with us in the coworkers and discipleship training. They also had wonderful ministry in the education sector locally. This is so beautiful and so much joy! May the Lord continue to use CWC’s training to build up more brothers and sisters, and to mobilize campus ministry in the Midwest US, so that these disciples will be used greatly by the Lord after graduation in mainland China and everywhere!

Construction of the New Dormitory

Thanks be to God that in the past three months, Dale and the other two workers worked very hard to build this new dormitory. The work went very fast. Right now we can see the roof, though inside has many jobs to be finished. I recalled earlier this year when we planned to build this new dormitory, we wished for six to eight sleeping rooms for families. However, in August when we dug the foundation, we found out the ground level allows us to double the size of the building. So, we can build 16 sleeping rooms. Of course the total cost will almost be double of our original $100,000 plan. We wish to complete the upper eight rooms within the next half of the year. This upper level may need to cost around $150,000. If the Lord is willing, we would finish the other eight rooms at the basement by the end of 2013. The progress will depend on whenever the Lord through His people gives us the additional $100,000. From August to October, we have received about $40,000 in designated offerings for the building. We have long way to go. Currently, the CWC camp ground only has 14 family rooms. After the completion of this new dormitory, we can have 30 family rooms! Due to the increasing numbers of the brothers and sisters attending our camps, we can see this need. Please continue remembering our needs in your prayers.

Three Meetings in the Winter

We have already started to prepare for the three meetings in this winter.

A. Winter Conference:

Date—it will be from Dec. 21 evening to the noontime of Dec. 25. The program has been posted on our web. Due to the online cost, we plan to open the online registration from Nov. 15. The online registration will be automatically off at 4:00 pm central time of Dec. 16. Many people have asked the dates of online registration. Thanks for your patience and please keep an eye on it.

Location—it will be at Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center. As to how to get here, the information has also been posted on our web. A few months ago, when I visited the Sheraton, they were making a big renovation. They told us it should be done before our conference. We are looking forward to a new hotel setting. Sheraton has also owned the Crown Center Exhibit Halls. God let us have favor in their eyes. This year they let us use Exhibit Hall A and 1/3 of the Exhibit Hall B as our dining room. The size will be 3 times bigger than the old dining room. In this kind of situation, the children can use the old dining room, plus part of the Exhibit B as their classrooms. We thank God for all of this.

Purpose—This Conference is for both Christians’ edification and nonbelievers’ gospel message. You can start to prepare your heart and also invite nonbelievers to come.

Speakers—God has sent Brother Yunbo Bian, Dr. William Hok, Dr. Esther Su, Pastor Johann Lai, Elder Chien Li, Pastor Edwin Su and four local ministers: Pastor Jerry Jing, Pastor Puong Lau, Pastor Vincent Choi and Brother Henry Lee to be our speakers.

Youth and College English program—This program is for the 7th grade up to college English-speaking youths. Pastor Brian Leong from Mountain View, CA, Pastor Dat Trieu from St. Louis, MO, and Pastor Steve Tan from Shawnee, KS will be the speakers.

For more information, please go to our website.

B. December Discipleship Training

Discipleship Training is to edify bothers and sisters to be the followers of Christ and also learn how to serve the Lord in their Bible study groups and churches. It will be held from the evening of Dec. 25 to the noontime of Dec. 30 at the CWC, Warsaw, MO. Pastor Johann Lai and Elder Chien Li from Taiwan will be our speakers. The strict due date is 11:59 pm, Dec. 16. Praise God! Already 81 people have applied for the Discipleship Training Camp. All the forms and the details have also been posted on the web.

C. January Bible Camp

The Bible Camp will be held from the evening of Dec. 30, 2012 to noontime of Jan. 5, 2013. This time we will study the Book of Acts and the life of Apostle Paul. Sister Grace Lee and Pastor Stephen Chang will be our speakers. Praise God! So far 107 people have applied for the Camp and will start to do their last stage homework from Nov. 1. If you plan to come, please do not delay. The strict due date will be on Nov. 15.

Praise and Prayer Requests

  1. raise the Lord for greater opportunity to reach the Chinese students in different campuses. Thank God for many students growing spiritually in the Lord.
  2. Thank God for three retired American couples (RVICS) who came to help our building projects in the past three weeks.
  3. Please pray for the new dormitory building project. Please pray for the safety of the workers and the financial needs.
  4. Please pray for the preparation of the three meetings in the winter. Please pray for the hearts of the brothers and sisters and the nonbelievers.
  5. Please pray for Sister Cindy Chiang’s administrative ministry at the CWC office on weekdays and campus ministry on weekends.
  6. Please pray for Sister Ching Kuan’s ministry at Fayetteville, AR. She needs more wisdom to reach out to the young Chinese students there.
  7. Please pray for Sister Vivian Tsen’s ministry in Iowa. Traveling in Iowa during winter is not easy. Please pray for the safety and her ministry in different campus groups.
  8. Please pray for Brother Xiaoming Pan and his family in Starkville, MS. Beside stations and ministers at Starkville, he also ministers at Memphis, TN, Mobile and Tuscaloosa, AL. Please pray for him.
  9. Please pray for Brother Liyu Tu’s ministry in Columbia so that he can be a blessing to the students there.
  10. Please pray for Brother Dale and his family, as he is working on the building project busily and also preparing to move to Guatemala for mission work next year.
  11. Please pray for Pastor Ko, that he will have greater wisdom and strength to cover the needs of growing student ministry in different areas. Please also pray for the health of Mrs. Ko.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support for CWC and all of our coworkers. We appreciate your support. Please keep praying for us especially at the end of the year.

May God bless you!

In Him

Billy Ko
