2012-12 (十二月禱告信)



I. 十二月及一月初的重要聚會:

  1. 冬令會這是領人歸信基督,並在基督徒與教會中帶出復興的一個聚會。一直以來,神使用冬令會帶領了許多失喪的靈魂歸向祂。請代禱,願復興的靈在冬令會中行奇妙的大作為。冬令會將於十二月廿一日晚上至廿五日中午在密蘇里州堪薩斯城的Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center(前Hyatt Regency Hotel)舉行。感謝神為我們預備了多位祂的僕人在聚會中分享:邊雲波弟兄、台灣來的李健長老、賴若瀚牧師、蘇文峰牧師、何仲柯醫生、蘇绯雲博士以及多位本地牧者。英語聚會分初中、高中及青年組,並將由多位牧者及傳道人帶領。請預備您的心,並且邀請福音朋友來參加。報名資訊已張貼上網,歡迎下載聚會資訊,以方便邀請福音朋友參加。網上報名也已開放,請多加利用。這樣可幫助我們節省許多資料處理的時間。報名嚴格截止為十二月十六日中部時間下午四時正。請為同工與講員代禱。
  2. 門徒訓練營 將緊接著冬令會後,於十二月廿五日晚上至卅日中午在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。這是基督工人中心所有聚會中最重要的營會。是為校園查經班及教會裝備未來同工的聚會。我們不斷看到弟兄姐妹在門徒與同工訓練營中生命改變,將自己奉獻給神。講員為賴若瀚牧師及李健長老。請為他們代禱。目前已經有超過一百七十位弟兄姐妹,並加上他們的二十二位孩子報名。感謝神在過去兩年中帶領大批祂的兒女願意前來接受裝備並在祂裡面成長。也因著這個緣故,我們不僅將所有聚會及餐廳移到多功能活動中心 – 迦南樓舉行,並且也加蓋了一條有頂棚的走道,便利參加聚會的學員在雨雪的天氣裡往來於宿舍與迦南樓之間。今年八月我們更開始擴建別示巴樓,亦稱為 Motel B,將增加十六間家庭宿舍,目前工程仍在進行中。在接到這麼多弟兄姐妹的報名後,有鑑於中心目前的宿舍有限,實在無法容納所有想要參加訓練的人及他們的家庭,我們不得不限定只接受二百人報名參加。也因此我們的報名日期將提早一週於十二月九日截止。十二月九日後將不再接受報名。若您於十二月五至九日之間報名,我們會把您放在「後補名單」內,在確定有名額後,再按先後順序,會個別通知您是否已被接納來參加。我們非常願意接納每一位報名參加者都能來接受造就。但中心實在沒有足夠的空間。若您不能參加這次十二月的訓練,我們建議您改報名參加明年五月的訓練營。電子報名表已張貼上網。謝謝您的諒解。請為參加訓練的學員、講員、中心同工及短宣隊代禱。
  3. 讀經營 將在基督工人中心的營地(Warsaw, MO)舉行。這是幫助培養弟兄姐妹愛神並愛祂話語的最好機會。很抱歉,報名已截止。感謝神!共有一百六十位弟兄姐妹報名參加。請為這些已經報名,正在準備作業的弟兄姐妹代禱。

II. 擴建工程:

感謝神有越來越多的人為著跟隨基督並服事祂願意來接受裝備。雖然基督工人中心舉辦的訓練營不是一個娛樂性的營會,但神卻帶領了許多衷心想要在主裡學習並成長的弟兄姐妹前來。相信您們一定很了解我,我是一個不願拒絕有心學習並來參加訓練的人,但由於場地實在極不敷使用,我們不得不請求一些弟兄姐妹延遲到明年來參加訓練。我們將在現有的十四間家庭宿舍外,再加蓋十六間家庭式房間。總預算經費約需要廿五萬美元。從八月開工到現在,我們共收到約五萬元的奉獻。工程要有進展,需要更多人工並購買建築材料,但我們將量入為出,會以每周或每個月收到奉獻的進度來決定建造工程進度的快慢。同工Dale和John非常賣力地投入建造工程。感謝神,從中心年報 (若您沒收到我們的月曆,您可至中心網站查看) 的圖片中,您可看到宿舍的外壳已經完成。這樣,如果有足夠的經費,內部的工程將可在寒冷的冬季仍然繼續進行。我們盼望至少有一半的宿舍能在三月福音營時可供使用。今年福音營有約三百位參加者,由於地方有限,許多人只好打地鋪睡在地板上。請為此一工程的需要代禱。若神感動您或您的教會在年底時有特別的感恩奉獻,謝謝您考慮將對基督工人中心的建築經費列入您的感恩奉獻內。您的奉獻將更多地幫助那些想要認識主、渴望在這裡接受門徒訓練、及渴望在讀經營中對聖經更深的扎根的人有機會來參加聚會。

III. 新同工:

神為我們預備了一位新的同工 – John Besse。John 和他的妻子 Jennifer將於十二月一日起加入基督工人中心為全職同工。他們是由密蘇里州Lincoln來的,有兩個女兒和一個已經成家了的兒子,在Warsaw 聖經教會聚會。他們非常愛主並樂意服事神。John從八月起就與我們同工,並大力投入 Motel B 的擴建工程,是一個很勤奮工作的人。感謝神為我們的預備。Dale目前仍然是我們的同工,他正為要去瓜地馬拉參與 “Hope for Home Ministry”宣教籌措經費,若神感動您,請在財務上並禱告中支持他們。感謝神帶領順利的交接。請在禱告中記念Beyer 及Besse這兩個家庭。

IV. 代禱事項:


  1. 請為冬令會代禱。願神藉著這個聚會得著校園事工。
  2. 為有更多福音朋友歸信基督代禱。
  3. 為聚會期間有好的天氣及參加者旅途的平安代禱。
  4. 為同工們的預備工作代禱。
  5. 請為各項聚會的講員代禱。
  6. 為在冬令會中服事的短宣隊代禱。
  7. 為在冬令會中服事的義工代禱。
  8. 為在冬令會中提供餐飲食物的餐館代禱。
  9. 為門徒與同工訓練營及讀經營代禱。
  10. 請為建築工程及所需經費代禱。並為參與建造的同工們代禱。

期待在冬季的各項聚會中見到您。 願神的平安與美善的恩典常與您同在!





Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the Lord during this year’s final month! Has time run faster than last year? In the next few weeks, we especially need your prayers. We will be very busy for all the meetings. Although some students fly away for vacation or go back home, many of them stay here for the holidays. It will be a great time to reach them. Our conference and camps will be a wonderful time to minister to them and to bring them back to the Kingdom of God.

I. Important Meetings of December and early January:

  1. Winter Conference – It is a time to reach people for Christ and to bring revival to Christians and to churches. God has been using the conference to turn many lost souls to Him. Please pray that the Spirit of revival will do mighty works during the conference. Winter Conference will be held at the Sheraton Kansas City Hotel in Crown Center (formerly named Hyatt Regency Hotel) in Kansas City, Missouri. The date is from the evening of December 21 to noontime of December 25. Thank God for bringing many wonderful speakers: Brother Yunbo Bian, Elder Chien Li from Taiwan, Rev. Johann Lai, Rev. Edwin Su, Dr. William Ho, Dr. Esther Su, and many local speakers. The English meeting will be divided into Junior high, Senior high, and young adult groups with many great pastors and ministers. Please prepare your heart to attend and also pray and to invite nonbelievers to this conference to hear the Gospel. The application form has been posted online. Please download it, so it is ready when you invite someone. Online registration is open. Online registration saves us lots of time to handle the data. The strict due date will be 4 pm Central time, December 16. Late applications will not be accepted. Please pray for the coworkers and speakers.
  2. Discipleship Training will be held at CWC at Warsaw, MO right after the Winter Conference, December 25 evening to noontime December 30. It is the most important camp in all of the CWC meetings. It develops future coworkers for the campus Bible Study groups and the churches. We see many brothers and sisters’ lives changed here. They dedicate their lives to serve God in the Discipleship Training camp. Our speakers will be Elder Chien Li and Rev. Johann Lai. Please pray for them. Right now we have received over 170 applications plus 22 kids. We thank God for bringing in the past two years so many His people willing to be trained and grow in Him. For this reason, in those past two years not only we moved all of our meetings and dining to our multipurpose building, Canaan Hall, but also we built the walkway to help the campers go to Canaan Hall easily in the rainy or snowing days. In August we also started to expand Beersheba Hall—also known as “Motel B”—for 16 more family rooms. This construction is still underway. After receiving so many applications, we are concerned that our sleeping rooms will not be enough to accommodate so many people and their families. We feel very sorry that probably we must limit attendance to 200 people. Therefore our application deadline has moved one week earlier to December 9. After December 9, we cannot accept any applications. For those who apply in between December 5 to 9th, we will put you at our waiting list. Once we have more space or any people drop the Training, we will take “first come, first serve”, and will notify you individually whether you have been accepted. We wish all can be edified but we really have run out of space. For those who cannot come to this December Training, we suggest you to apply for the 2013 May Training instead. The electronic application has been posted on our website already. Thank you for your understanding. Please pray for those who will come to the Training and also remember in prayers our speakers, the CWC coworkers, and the short-term missionaries.
  3. Bible Camp will be held at CWC at Warsaw, MO. It is a great opportunity to develop brothers and sisters to love God and love His Word. We are sorry the due date for the application is past. Thank God for more than 160 applications we have received. Please pray for those who already applied and currently are busy working on their home works.

II. Building Expansion:

We thank God for so many people willing to come to be equipped to follow Christ and to serve Him. Our Training camp is not an entertainment camp, but God still brings so many people who are sincere to learn and grow in the Lord. You know me well, I do not want to reject anyone who has the heart to learn. But for the Training, our space is not enough and we have to postpone some people’s attending to next year. Our new dormitory will have 16 family sleeping rooms, adding to the current 14 family rooms. The estimated cost is around $250,000. From this August to now, we have received around $50,000. If we wish to progress, more labor and material must be purchased. We only can build according to the speed the offering comes in each week or each month. Our coworkers Dale and John work very hard on this building project. Thank God, from our annual newsletter (if you did not get our wall calendar, you still can go to our website to see the picture), you can see the outside is almost enclosed. Thus we can keep working inside during the cold season, provided there is funding. We wish to make half of the building usable for the March Gospel Camp. This year we had about 300 people came to the Gospel Camp and many slept on the floor. Please pray for this need. If the Lord moves in you or your church’s heart to give some special thanksgiving offering at the end of the year, thanks for considering the CWC building project in your thanksgiving. Your giving will help lots of people who want to know the Lord here, who wish to be disciple-trained here and who wish to go deeper in the Bible in the Bible Camp.

III. New Coworkers:

God has given us a new coworker, John Besse. John and his wife Jennifer will join the CWC as a full time coworker starting December 1. They have two young daughters and one grown and married son. They are from Lincoln, MO and attend Warsaw Bible Church. They love the Lord and like to serve God. John started to work with us in August and helped a lot on the “Motel B” expansion. He is a diligent worker. We thank God for His provision. Dale is still working with us as coworker. Dale’s family is raising funds to join “Hope for Home ministry” in Guatemala as missionaries. If the Lord moves in your heart, you can support them financially and in prayers. We thank God for this smooth transition. Please also remember both the Beyer family and the Besse family in your prayers.

IV. Prayer Requests:

Thank you for your faithful prayers in the past one year. Please continue praying for us especially in December. It is not an easy month but it will be full of blessings. Please pray:

  1. Pray for the Winter Conference, that God will revive campus ministry through it.
  2. Pray for more nonbelievers to turn to Christ.
  3. Pray for good weather and safe traveling during the meeting time.
  4. Pray for the preparation works of all the coworkers.
  5. Pray for all the speakers for all the three meetings.
  6. Pray for the mission teams for the Winter Conference.
  7. Pray for all the volunteer workers for the Winter Conference.
  8. Pray for the restaurant that will prepare for the food for the Conference.
  9. Pray for the Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp and the Bible Camp.
  10. Pray for the building project and the building fund. Pray for all the coworkers in this project.

I am looking forward to seeing you and your family in the winter meetings. May the peace of God and His wonderful grace be with you always!

In Him,

Billy Ko