2013-02 (二月禱告信)



新年的來臨,也是新學期的開始。進入二月,學生們都開始認真地學習。他們知道學習對他們未來的生活非常重要。在這裡的學習對他們以後的家庭和國家都將大有益處。許多學生告訴我,他們在美國的大學生活中最大的收穫就是得以認識基督,成為上帝的兒女;能夠在未來的年日中成為神所使用的器皿,擴張神的國度。在美國的幾年使他們的靈命得著栽培,這也將對他們的國家造成影響。這讓我想起約翰衛斯禮、慕迪、大衛李文斯頓、以及戴德生的時代,神曾在許多的大學校園裡,在學生中間帶出極大的復興。學生們將自己的生命奉獻給神,也給國家帶來復興。更有許多人一生服事神,在世界各地成為神國偉大的宣教士。學生事工在神眼中是非常重要的。(更多有關「美中華人校園事工的重要性」資訊請按此處) 。讓我們為學生們禱告,求神開他們的心與眼,使他們在大學學習的同時,也樂意更多、也更深地學習聖經。求神復興他們的屬靈生命,在校園中帶出復興。也請為基督工人中心的事工以及同工們在學生中間的服事代禱。

三月福音營 –我們正積極地籌備三月福音營。莊祖鯤牧師將為講員之一。請為此營會代禱。這是帶人信主的最好時機。願聖靈賜能力給弟兄姐妹去關懷還不信主的朋友,也感動慕道朋友的心歸向祂。請為莊牧師、其他講員及加州短宣隊代禱。福音營將於三月十五日晚上—當晚沒有晚餐供應—至三月十八日中午。請邀請您的朋友來參加,也為他們的得救代禱。

新宿舍工程 –雖然新宿舍距完工還有一段距離,但我們已在去年十二月的門徒訓練時使用了底層的六個房間。目前同工們仍正繼續趕建底層的工程,計劃在三月福音營之前能將八個房間蓋建完成以供使用。我們的禱告是在今年 十二月之前,全部十六間宿舍都能完成使用。工程總經費約是廿五萬美元。請繼續為此一工程代禱。

聖地進修團 – 將於六月十六至廿八日成行。我們將跟隨使徒保羅、以及主耶穌在地上時在耶路撒冷地區的腳蹤而行。此行程將包括希臘、土耳其及以色列三個國家。請留意網上進一步的資訊。

五月門徒與同工訓練營– 將於五月十九(週日)至廿四日(週五)在基督工人中心舉行。林三綱弟兄將是其中一位講員。請為自己能來參加並為此一聚會代禱。

國殤週末帶職門徒訓練營 – 將於五月廿四(週五)晚上至五月廿七日(週一)中午在中心舉行。這是為全職工作者準備的訓練營。請預備心來參加,並為聚會代禱。

八月讀經營 – 目前正接受報名。這次我們將研讀保羅書信。這些書卷都不大容易,因此建議及早開始準備。目前已有九十八位弟兄姐妹已經報名並開始準備功課。他們當中大部份的人是在一月讀經營中就把報名單交來了。他們都嚐到研讀神話語的甘甜,並且知道在讀完使徒行傳後,他們已有研讀保羅書信的基礎。報名截止日期為六月十五日。若您有心來參加,請勿拖延時間,以便開始準備。


  1. 江士民姐妹 – 三個營會結束後,江姐妹繼續忙著完成中心行政及稅務的工作。這些工作相當不輕鬆,請為她代禱,願神的喜樂靈充滿她。她計劃在二月十五日前將2012年的奉獻收據預備好,謝謝您的耐心。
  2. 關靜淳姐妹 – 除了在阿肯色州Fayetteville的服事外,關姐妹也會去堪薩斯州Pittsburg 有約兩百位華人學生的校園城幫忙。請在禱告中記念她。
  3. 曾瑗姐妹 – 愛荷華州Ames城的牧師退休後,曾姐妹在那裡的服事就比以前更重。她同時也在愛荷華州其他的地區,包括 Iowa City, Davenport 和 Waterloo忙碌的奔波。請為她代禱。
  4. 潘曉明弟兄 – 南部各州的校園存在著極大的需要。他除了在密西西比州的Starkville牧會外,潘弟兄還到密西西比州的Oxford、田納西州的 Memphis、阿拉巴馬州的Tuscaloosa 及Mobile各地的校園服事。這些都是非常大的宣教工場。請為他的事工及家庭代禱。
  5. 涂立宇弟兄 – 他在 密蘇里州Columbia的服事是基督工人中心及哥城教會極大的祝福。涂弟兄也會去伊利諾州的Carbondale及阿肯色州的Fayetteville幫忙。請為他代禱,求神祝福他,聖靈引導他。
  6. Dale Beyer弟兄 – Dale 和他全家一直是我們的祝福。Dale現在仍然殷勤地蓋建新的宿舍。他們一家同時也在準備搬到瓜地馬拉宣教。他們計劃四月份就到宣教工場。請為他們在未來幾個月中的轉換以及募集經費代禱。
  7. John Besse弟兄 – 感謝神新同工John Besse弟兄於十二月加入我們。在過去三個聚會裡,他給予我們極大的幫助。聚會結束後,他又開始許多需要整修的工作。請為他代禱,求神賜他智慧與精力,也請為他的妻子 Jennifer和兩個女兒代禱。
  8. 高榮德牧師 – 高牧師很歡喜在各地校園的服事。他總是很高興知道弟兄姐妹對神的話語有一顆尋求的心,並且願意服事神。謝謝您為高師母的代禱,她的健康有很大的進步。請繼續記念高師母,並為高牧師忙碌的事工代禱。







Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greeting in the Lord and happy Chinese New Year!

The new year starts, and the new semester. As February begins, students are studying hard. They know their studies are very important for their future lives. Their education here will benefit their future families and their countries. Many students have told me that the biggest reward from their college lives in the United States is that they came to know Christ here and became children of God. They can be the vessels of the Lord and can be used by God in the future to expand the kingdom of God. The years here edified their spiritual lives and will impact their own countries. It reminds me of the eras of John Wesley, D. L. Moody, David Livingston, and Hudson Taylor, when God sent revival to many university campuses and students. Many students committed their lives to God and revived their countries. Many dedicated their lives to serve God and became great missionaries for His Kingdom all over the world. Student ministry is very important in the eyes of God. (Click here for more information on “The Importance of Midwest Chinese Campus Ministry”). Let us pray that God opens the hearts and eyes of the students, so they are willing to study the Bible more and deeper than how they study for their own majors. Pray that God will revive their spiritual lives and bring revival to all campuses. Please also pray for the ministry of CWC and all the coworkers as they minister to many students.

March Gospel Camp – We are working hard to prepare for the March Gospel Camp. Pastor Tsu-Kung Chuang will be one of our speakers. Please pray for the Camp. It is a great time to bring people to Christ. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give power to brothers and sisters to reach out to their non-believing friends. Pray that the Holy Spirit will move the hearts of nonbelievers to Him. Pray for Pastor Chuang, other speakers, and the California mission teams. Gospel Camp starts the night of Friday March 15—no supper is provided on March 15—to noon March 18. Please invite your friends and pray for their salvation.

New Dorm Construction – Although the new dormitory is far from finished, we already used six sleeping rooms in December Training. We keep working on the basement. We plan to finish all eight sleeping rooms in the basement by the March Gospel camp. We pray that all sixteen sleeping rooms are finished by this December. The total project budget is around $250,000. Please continue praying for this project.

Holy Land Trip – The Holy Land Study Tour will be held from June 16 to 28, 2013. We will follow the footprints of Apostle Paul and some of Jesus’ earthly journey in the Jerusalem area. We will travel to three countries: Turkey, Greece and Israel. Please watch for further information posted on our web site.

May Discipleship and Coworkers Training will be held at CWC from Sunday May 19 to Friday May 24. Brother Bellman Lin will be one of our speakers. Please start to pray for your own attendance and remember this meeting in your prayers.

Memorial Day Weekend Lay-Minister Discipleship Training will be held at CWC from Friday May 24 evening to Monday May 27 noontime. This Training is for full-time working people. Please prepare your hearts to come. Remember this meeting in your prayers too.

August Bible Camp is taking application now. This time we will read the Pauline Epistles. They are not easy. Early preparation is advised. So far 98 people have turned in their application forms and started to prepare for their homework. Most of them turned in their forms in the January Bible Camp. They have tasted the sweetness of reading the Word of God. They know after reading the Book of Acts, they have the foundation to continue to read the Epistles of Apostle Paul. The due date is June 15. So, please do not delay if you want to join and start to prepare.

Coworkers Prayer Corner

  1. Sister Cindy Chiang – After wrapping up all the three camps, Sister Chiang still keeps working very hard for all the office and tax work. It is not easy work. Please pray for her. May the joy of God’s Spirit fill her heart. Thanks for your patience for your 2012 offering receipts. She plans to finish them by February 15.
  2. Sister Ching Chun Kuan – Besides ministry at Fayetteville, AR, Sister Kuan also is ministering at Pittsburg, KS to help around 200 Chinese students there. Please remember her in your prayers.
  3. Sister Vivian Tsen – After the retirement of the Ames, IA pastor, Sister Tsen has been working very hard for the additional ministry in Ames. She is still very busy elsewhere in Iowa, including Iowa City, Davenport, and Waterloo. Please remember her in prayer.
  4. Brother Xiaoming Pan – Great needs exist in all the campuses in the southern states. Besides pastoring in Starkville MS, he has been serving the campuses in Oxford MS, Memphis TN, Tuscaloosa AL, Mobile AL, and other towns. They are all great mission fields. Please also remember his ministry and his family in prayer.
  5. Brother Liyu Tu – His ministry in Columbia has been a blessing to CWC and the church in Columbia, MO. Besides Columbia, he ministers also at Carbondale IL and Fayetteville AR. Please pray that blessings from God and the Holy Spirit will guide him.
  6. Brother Dale Beyer – Dale and his whole family have been a great blessing to us. Dale is still laboring in the Center constructing the new dormitory. At the same time, he and his whole family has been preparing to move to Guatemala as missionaries. They plan to move to the mission field in April. Please pray for this transition period and fund raising in the next few months.
  7. Brother John Besse – Thanks be to God that our new coworker, John Besse, joined us in December. He is a great help in the past three meetings. After all the camps were over, he found much repair work needed. Please pray for his wisdom and energy. Also please remember his wife Jennifer and their two daughters in your prayers.
  8. Pastor Billy Ko – Pastor Ko enjoys the ministry everywhere, in many campuses. He feels excited to know that many brothers and sisters have searching hearts for the Word of God and are willing to serve the Lord. Thanks for your prayers that Mrs. Ko’s health is improving. Please continue praying for her and Pastor Ko’s busy ministry.

May God bless you and your whole family.

In Him,


Pastor and Director