2013-05 (五月禱告信)




聖地進修團 (六月十七至廿八日)
如果您計劃參加這次的聖地進修團,現在報名還來得及。這不是一個觀光旅遊團,而是一個幫助弟兄姐妹更明白聖經背景和歷史,更認識基督的生平、並且踏著保羅腳蹤而行的研習團。有興趣者可以上網 (按此處) 或直接與中心連絡詢問詳情及預訂機位等資訊。我們並不經常組織這類的進修團,因此,希望您不要錯過今年的機會。

五月門徒訓練 (五月十九日晚上至廿四日中午)

國殤週末帶職同工訓練營 (五月廿四日晚上至五月廿七日中午)

裝備全職上班的基督徒去關懷、並向更多學生傳福音是非常重要的。這不是為全時間學生、或全職的傳道人所舉辦的營會;這個聚會是專為全職上班的基督徒所預備的。除了上面的林三綱弟兄及李悌華姐妹兩位講員外,謝文傑長老是另一位講員;他曾在工業界服務多年,極適合向上班者分享「過來人」 的經驗。我們要求參加者必須在週五下午五時卅分晚餐之前抵達中心營地。報名截止日期為五月十七日。歡迎您帶全家一起來參加此聚會,我們會提供兒童節目。請儘早計劃並報名參加。更多資訊請上中心網站查詢請按此處。

暑假期間在美中各地有許多青少年的營會,但青少年門徒訓練營卻是少之又少。這個營會主要的目的是:裝備青少年成為耶穌的門徒、並委身跟隨祂。參加者必須是重生得救的基督徒,並且要全程參加。Peter Fong 牧師、及其他有心栽培青少年的的講員將前來帶領與教導。報名截止日期為五月廿八日。更多資訊請上中心網站查詢請按此處。

八月讀經營 (七月廿八至八月三日)




關姐妹每天都以愛心關懷在阿肯色州 Fayetteville 校園裡的學生、媽媽們、及長輩們,當地的同工都感謝她在那裡的服事,Fayetteville的學生事工也逐漸成長,並且更多學生願意起來服事神。暑假之後有很多學生要畢業離開,請代禱,求神興起、裝備更多學生在新學期中與關姐妹同工。



John Besse弟兄
去年大部分的時間我們都花在蓋建走道、和擴建新的宿舍工程上,因此中心的一般維修就鮮少去做。從一月開始,John弟兄就得花時間去做彌補。除了一般的維修外,最近我們也有一些突發事件的發生:由於參加聚會的人數不斷增加,中心的化糞池就變得太小、不敷處理廢物。目前 John正進行開挖一個更大的化糞池以解決問題。請為他的工作代禱。John弟兄有一個嚴重身障的女兒,需要他和他太太特別的照顧。謝謝您常常在禱告中托住這個家庭。


Dale Beyer弟兄的近況
Beyer弟兄一家將於五月搬到瓜地馬拉宣教,現在他們正忙著到各處行前述職, 請在禱告中記念他們。


  1. 請為五月的兩個訓練營及青少年門徒訓練營代禱。
  2. 請為那些已經繳交報名表、和那些計劃要來參加五月訓練的弟兄姐妹代禱,求神預備他們的心來接受裝備。
  3. 請為五月及六月各營會的講員代禱。
  4. 請為六月的聖地進修團代禱。
  5. 請為已經報名參加八月讀經營的弟兄姐妹在這幾個月要準備功課代禱。
  6. 為那些今年暑假畢業的學生代禱!願神帶領他們,在他們未來的工作和教會中成為神所使用的器皿。
  7. 求神興起更多學生願意接受裝備,在新學年中預備好自己在校園裡服事神。
  8. 請繼續為擴建新宿舍的財務需要代禱,求神預備。我們有一個很好的開始,但最近對這個工程收到的奉獻比較少。請記念此一需要。這個工程完工後,我們將會有十九間家庭宿舍,總共可以多容納約九十個人。您的代禱和奉獻將祝福那些來到中心接受裝備的弟兄姐妹。
  9. 經濟的不景氣影響了中心所收到的財務奉獻。請您在禱告中記念基督工人中心的事工。





Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May is graduation season in the Midwest. Thank God, He blessed this Spring semester. By God’s grace, He gave strength to the CWC staffs, that we go forward despite heavy ministry load. In May, many students will graduate and leave. I am not overly worried that students must leave campus and their service in their churches and the Bible Study groups. They will serve where the Lord leads them. I am more concerned that the graduation rate is faster than our soul-winning or disciple- equipping. Please pray that we will have more wisdom to build up new students to follow Jesus and to serve Him in the campuses. All of the CWC’s summer camps are designed to train more student coworkers for the new semester. Since churches and Bible study groups need more coworkers, we ask you to pray for these camps.


Holy Land Study Tour (June 17 to 28)
If you plan to join this Holy Land tour, it is not too late to join us. This is not a sightseeing tour, but a study tour to help brothers and sisters better understand the background and history of the Bible, know the life of Christ, and walk in the footprints of Paul. If you are interested, you may either go to our website (click here) or you can contact the CWC for more information on how to book tickets and so on. We do not organize this kind of study trip frequently. So, please do not miss this year’s opportunity.

May Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp (May 19th evening to 24th noontime)
Thank God that many people have applied for this camp. They all wish to be equipped to serve the Lord on their campuses in the next school year. Some of them wish to be more equipped before they return to their home countries to share the good news to their parents and friends. Please pray for them. The speakers of this Training camp are: Brother Bellman Lin and Sister Martha Lee. The due date is May 17. Please visit the website for more detailed information.

Lay Minister Training Camp (May 24 evening to 27th noontime)
The goal for this camp is to edify more fulltime working people to serve God on the campuses or jobs and at their churches. It is important to equip fulltime, working Christians to serve and reach more students for Christ. This camp is not for fulltime students or fulltime ministers. It is specifically designed for fulltime working people. Besides Brother Bellman Lin, Sister Martha Lee, we have one more speaker: Elder Wenjai Hsieh who has worked in the industry field for many years. We request all attendees to arrive at camp before the 5:30 pm Friday evening dinner. The due date for the camp is May 17. Your whole family is welcome. We have a children’s program. Please plan and apply early. For additional information, please visit our website.

Youth Discipleship Training Camp (June 2 evening to 8th noontime)
There are many youth camps during the summer in the Midwest area. But there are few youth discipleship training camps. The goal of this camp is to train the youths to be disciples of Christ, to follow Him, and to serve Him. Attendees must be born-again Christians who are requested to attend fulltime. Pastor Peter Fong and other speakers who have passion for training youth will teach in the camp. The due date for application is May 28. Please visit our website for additional information.

August Bible Camp (July 28 – August 3)
Many brothers and sisters have been studying hard to prepare for the camp. The goal for this Bible Camp is to lead people to enjoy studying the Bible for their whole lives. This time we will study the Epistles of Paul from the book of Romans to the book of Philemon. The speakers are Sister Grace Lee and Pastor Chih-hao Shen. Please apply earlier so that you can start to do the homework earlier. The due date for the Bible Camp registration is June 10. This is earlier than in previous years because of the Holy Land trip. Please visit our website for additional information.


Sister Cindy Chiang
Both weekdays and weekends are full for Sister Cindy. On weekdays she is busy taking care of all the CWC office work. It also includes all the meeting preparations, from contacting the speakers to completion and mailing of the forms. On weekends, she is busy on campus ministry. Please pray the Lord to give her wisdom and strength.

Sister Vivian Tsen
While the pastor of Ames Chinese church has been retired, Sister Vivian has to spend more time to work with the elders and deacons there. Her burden is more than before. Besides Ames, she also needs to take care of other campuses in the state of Iowa. Please pray for her. Thank God that more students are ready to serve the Lord on campuses. Please continue to pray for those students even after their graduation in the summer.

Sister Ching-Chun Kuan
Every day, Sister Kuan shows her loving care to the students, mothers, and the elderly in Fayetteville, Arkansas campus. Her ministry is much appreciated by many people. Fayetteville student ministry grows and more are willing to serve the Lord. After this summer many students will leave. Please pray that more students will be raised, be equipped, and work with Sister Kuan in the new semester.

Brother John Pan
Though the Mississippi universities have not recruited as many foreign students as other states in the Midwest, there are still plenty, and Brother Pan puts much effort to make disciples and equip coworkers to serve God in Mississippi. God has opened many doors for Brother Pan. Besides Mississippi, he frequently visits many campuses in Alabama and Tennessee where the Chinese student population recently has grown faster. Please keep praying for him, his family, and his busy ministry.

Brother Liyu Tu
He has been serving with Pastor Ko in Columbia, MO in the past one year. God uses him to reach out to many students. Besides Columbia, MO, he has also ministered on campuses in Arkansas and Illinois. Driving so many hours is not easy for him in the first few months he started to serve in the Midwest. But by God’s grace, right now he is more used to the long trips. Please continue praying for his ministry and safe journeys.

Brother John Besse
Last year we spent much time on the construction of the walkway and the expansion of the new dormitory, so other CWC maintenance was delayed. From January, Brother John has been working hard for all the catch-up repair work. Besides the expected projects, there have been surprises. We found out our lagoon is too small to handle the sewer from increased camp attendance. John is digging a bigger lagoon to solve the problem. Please keep praying for his works. He has one daughter who is severely disabled. She needs more care from John’s wife and John. We appreciate you continually lifting up this family in your prayers.

Pastor Billy Ko
Besides ministering in Columbia, MO, Pastor Ko also needs to visit many campuses. Although Pastor Ko has to spend much time to help other campuses, Columbia church people are very supportive. They initiatively pick up many church ministries. We can see the church is growing. I especially thank God that everyone in the church is involved in studying the Word of God together and serving God together. In April, Pastor Ko flew to Las Angeles to visit Mrs. Ko. Thank God, she is doing better physically. After LA, Pastor Ko flew to China for four Discipleship Training camps for college students and coworkers there. China campus ministry needs revival. The first China campus ministry revived in the year of 1940 when God used Pastor Moses Yu and other His servants to serve on the campuses there. At that time many young college students not only turned their lives to God, but also stood up to serve God fulltime faithfully. China needs to have the second campus revival. Even so far we cannot see the result, but let us keep praying for this.

Brother Dale Beyer’s update
In May the Beyer family will move to Guatemala to serve as missionaries. Currently they are busy with deputation. Please remember them in the prayers


  1. Pray for the preparation for two training camps in May and Youth training camp in June.
  2. Pray for those who have turned in the forms and those who will plan to attend the Trainings in May, that they will be ready to be edified before they come to the meetings.
  3. Pray for all the speakers for the camps in May and June.
  4. Pray for the Holy Land Study Tour in June.
  5. Pray for those who have already applied for the August Bible Camp while in these few months they are doing their homework.
  6. Pray for the future of those students who will graduate in the summer! May God lead them to be His vessels in the society where they will work and the churches they will serve.
  7. Pray for more students will be equipped and ready to serve the Lord on their campuses for the upcoming new school year!
  8. Please continue to pray that the Lord will supply the financial need of the expansion of the new building. After a good start, recently donations for this have been slow. Please continue remembering this need. Once the expansion is finished, we will have 19 new family rooms that can accommodate around 90 people. Your prayers and offerings will bless those who come to the Camps to be equipped.
  9. The bad economy has hurt our financial support generally. Please continue remembering the CWC’s ministry in your prayers.

Once again, thank you for your love and your financial support. Please always put our ministry and the coworkers in your prayers. It is important for us to keep serving Him. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

Serving together for His Glory,

Billy Ko (Pastor)