2013-06 (六月禱告信)




五月門徒與同工訓練營 – 感謝神,近九十位弟兄姐妹參加了這次的訓練營,其中更有多位是在他們畢業前夕趕來參加聚會的。


前幾個月裡,“Motel B” (又稱為「別是巴樓」) 的建造工程進行相當緩慢。感謝神差派了Harold Shull牧師來幫助我們完成這項工程。「迦南樓」也是藉Shull牧師手完工的。他和他的孫子每天都非常認真地投入工作。請繼續為這項工程的進展代禱。當然,工程繼續進行,經費的需要就更大。請在禱告中記念我們在財務上的需要。盼望這項工程在今年內能夠完工。


  1. 青少年門徒訓練營 (六月二日晚上至八日中午)
  2. 聖地進修團 (六月十七至廿八日)
  3. 八月讀經營 (七月廿八至八月三日)
  4. 八月門徒訓練營 (八月四日至十一日)







Dear Brothers and Sisters, Greetings in the Lord!

We thank God for His great blessings on us in the past month, as I’ll share. I ask for more prayer.

Thanksgiving for the past two Discipleship Trainings in May
May Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp – Thank God, almost 90 people came for this camp. Some of them only days before had graduated from university.

Lay Ministers Training Camps
More than 85 people came for this camp over the Memorial Day weekend. Many of them came to this camp for the first time. They were moved by the message. Many people decided to follow Christ and witness for Him in their work and daily lives. Many even decided to take one more week off from their work to attend the August Bible Camp or the August Discipleship Training. Thank God, these people are willing to change their life style and put the Lord above their work. May God keep using them in their churches.

Extension of the Family Dormitory
In the preceding months the construction of “Motel B” (also known as Beersheba Hall) went very slowly. We thank God for sending Pastor Harold Shull to help finish this building. Pastor Shull was the builder of Canaan Hall. He and his grandson are working diligently daily. Please keep praying for progress on this. Of course, when construction is progressing, the financial need is greater. Please also remember our financial needs in your prayer. We pray that this work can be done this year.

Future Meetings:

  1. Youth Discipleship Training Camp (June 2 to 8) – It is a camp to develop English-speaking youths to follow Christ and serve God as His faithful servants in their whole lives. As of the due date, more than 60 applied. Please remember them and their spiritual growth in your prayers.
  2. Holy Land Study Tour (June 17 to 28) – 25 people will join this Paul’s Missionary Journey. We will follow the footprints of Christ and of Paul. Please pray for journey of blessings and meaningful study for all who attend the tour.
  3. August Bible Camp (July 28 to August 3) – This time we will study the Epistles of Paul. So far more than 100 people have already applied for this Camp. Most of them started to do their home work in January. The speakers will be Pastor Chih-Hao Shen and Sister Grace Lee. The strict due date is June 10. If you wish to attend, please do not delay. The application forms have been posted on the web site. Please remember this meeting in prayer. .
  4. August Discipleship Training Camp (Aug. 4 to 11) – It is an important opportunity to prepare for new coworkers to serve in their own campuses in the new school year.

August and September Short-Term Mission Teams
Currently many east coast and west coast churches are recruiting their short-term mission team members and plan to work with the CWC to reach out to new students in the fall semester. It is very important to lead new students to Christ in the beginning of the new semester. When they are settled down, bought a car, and have sorted out some friends, it will become harder to reach to them and lead them to Christ. Please pray for those mission churches and mission teams. If your campus needs mission teams to help to reach out to the new students, please let us know.

Pastor Moses Yu’s Little Shepherd Training Program
Before our founder Pastor Moses Yu passed away, he has developed the “Little Shepherd Training Program” in order to equip brothers and sisters to follow Christ and serve Him. The program includes 500 hours of Pastor Yu’s messages recorded in the video. The contents include Spiritual Growing, Discipleship Training, Bible Teachings, Theology Education, Ministry Methods, and How to Study the Bible and How to Share the Word of God, even How to Preach. Part of Pastor Yu’s teaching video recording are already uploaded on the website. It is free to use. You may watch it from the website by clicking here.

We thank you for your love in the Lord, your financial support, and your prayers remembering our ministry and the coworkers. These all strengthen our coworkers to keep serving Him without tiring. May the Lord continue bless you and your family.

Serving together for His Glory,

Billy Ko (Pastor)