2013-07 (七月禱告信)


謹從炎熱的密蘇里向您問安!願主使您的暑期過得更有意義, 並幫助您為祂多結果子。

為青少年營感恩: 我們的青少年營強調門徒訓練,所以即使比一般的青少年營嚴格, 但神仍吸引了約 70 位年青人參加了六月的青少年門徒訓練營;也正因為他們的心已經預備好了, 所以都有甚多的得著; 相信這個營會對他們的一生會產生深遠的影響。

為聖地進修團感恩: 逾 25 人參加了此次的聖地進修團。 感謝主賜給我們豐富又平安的旅程! 我們除了實地參觀所有重要的歷史景點, 我們心裡的眼睛同時也被打開, 學到許多屬靈的功課。當我們循著耶穌的腳蹤行,我們看見祂如何為全世界奠下了福音的根基,也差遣我們在這個世界成為祂的見證。 當我們循著保羅的腳蹤行,我們看見他是如何忠心地在許多國家宣揚耶穌的福音。 當我們參訪這些歷史上的教會所在地,我們學到:教會必須為神保持興旺,當教會不再為基督發光, 他們的燈台就會從她們的所在被挪移, 而今天這些教會就成了一片廢墟。

新的建築工程: 兩位建築工人每天都殷勤地在炎夏下建築新的宿舍工程;目前他們正在做外面「風暴水利系統」;我們期盼年底前就可完成外部、 外牆及地下室的工程, 請為這項工程禱告。


  1. 八月讀經營:將於七月 28 至 八月3 日舉行。在六月十日報名截止前, 已有超過120 位弟兄姐妹報名參加; 目前他們正認真地與他們的輔導緊密地聯繫作最後一階段的指定專題作業, 請在您的禱告中記念他們。
  2. 八月門徒訓練:將於八月 4 日至10 日舉行。 在新學年即將開始之前, 這是一次很重要、為校園的團契預備新同工的機會。 柯聯基弟兄及楊光甫牧師將為我們的講員;請在禱告中記念此營會,並邀請人來參加。


感謝主在八月間打發許多新同學來到美中求學, 這是一個向他們傳福音的絕佳良機。 我們禱告主: 讓他們可以在第一學年接受耶穌做他們個人的救主, 並且能儘速地接受裝備成為基督的門徒, 如此他們就能儘速地在未來求學的兩年間, 在他們的校園團契或查經班服事主; 他們的服事必能帶出校園的復興。為達成此目標,新學期開始的短宣隊就變得極為重要。

新的學年即將來到, 擺在我們前面的是為神的國度贏得年青人的另一年, 為了達成此目標, 我們需要您在禱告與財力上的支持, 謝謝您能在每天的禱告中記念我們。





Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings from the hot summer in Missouri! May the Lord make this summer meaningful to you and help you bear much fruits for Him.


Even though our Youth Camp is very strict and we emphasize Christian discipline, still almost 70 youth attended the June Youth Discipleship training camp. With their hearts prepared, they learned lots. This camp will have lasting impact on their lives.


Over 25 people went for this study tour. Thank God for giving us a fruitful and safe trip. Besides visiting all the important historical sites, our inner eyes were opened to see many spiritual lessons: When we follow the footprints of Jesus, we see He established the gospel for the world and sent us to be His witness to the world. When we follow the footprints of Paul, we saw how he faithfully shared the gospel of Jesus to many nations. When we visited those sites of historical churches, we learned that churches must keep their revival for God. When the churches cannot be lights for Christ, their lampstands will be removed from their places. Today, those church sites are ruins.


Two workers are working hard on the new building daily even in the hot weather. Currently they are working on the outside storm water system. We expect to finish the outside construction, siding, and the basement by the end of the year. Please pray for this project.


  1. August Bible Camp will be held from July 28 to August 3rd. By the June 10 due date, more than 120 people had applied for this Camp. Currently they are working hard on their last stage homework and are keeping close contact with their advisors while writing their assigned topics. Please keep them in your prayers.
  2. August Discipleship Training Camp will be held from August 4 to 10. It is an important opportunity to prepare for new coworkers to serve in campuses for the upcoming new school year. Brother Jeremiah Cua and Pastor Kuang- Fu Yang will be our speakers. Please pray for this camp, and invite people to come


Thank God for sending many new students to different campuses in the Midwest in August. It is a great time to reach out to them. Our prayers are that the new students can accept Jesus as their personal Savior in their first semester and immediately be equipped to be disciples of Christ. Thus, soon they can become coworkers in their Campus Fellowships and the Bible Study Groups for their two years on that campus. Their ministry can bring revival in their campus. Short term mission teams will be very important to reach this goal. Please pray for them.


The new school year is coming. In front of us is another year of winning young people for the Kingdom of God. We need your prayers and financial support to reach this goal. Thanks for remembering us in your daily prayers.

Serving together for His Glory,

Billy Ko (Pastor)