2021 Annual Letter 🆕

December 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Peace to you in the Lord!

A year is coming to an end, thank you for your constant prayers and support to the ministry of Christian Witness Center! Without your prayers and financial support, the ministry of CWC would not be able to operate effectively in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic.

It is also in the pandemic that God has given abundant grace to the Chinese in North America. As most of the brothers and sisters could work from home, saving time to commute to and from their jobs, Lots of Americans, however, had to risk being infected by the virus and go to work in person. By the time the government loose the restrictions and allowed assembly of large groups, most of the doors of American churches were reopened immediately, brothers and sisters flocked in, and the church was once again full while a lot of Chinese churches were still reluctant to reopen. After Chinese churches finally resuming services in person, less than 50 percent of the congregation returned. Some of those who have not returned were due to fear of being contracted the virus, some have used to attending church online and not ready to go back in person. When most American workers had to go to work physically during the pandemic, and American brothers and sisters immediately return after the reopen of the church assembly, we realized that we truly have taken God’s grace for granted. As we get used to not going to church, we missed many opportunities to serve the Lord which not only damage our own spiritual growth, but God’s kingdom suffered losses that number of those being saved also greatly decreased.

Over the past year, the focus of CWC’s trainings have been on training and equipping brothers and sisters, being steadfast co-workers to their church or campus fellowship that they may become role models for other brothers and sisters by attending church meetings in person, willing to be the courageous soldiers of the Lord, and serve the Lord with humility, preach the Gospel effectively and bring the Truth of God to others so that revival can come to the church once again. Therefore, as long as the government permits, all of our meetings have been held in person so that brothers and sisters can offer themselves further pursuing God’s Kingdom,

Training Camps

(1) Winter Conference 2020 – It was originally planned for group assembly at the hotel, but the City of Kansas City announced in early December that all gathering should not exceed ten people and we had to hold the meetings online instead. The theme of the camp was: “People Who Change the Times” with the goal that brothers and sisters would be changed by the Lord and become people who change the society.

(2) March 2021 Gospel Camp – For brothers and sisters inviting gospel friends out and come to the Camp to hear the gospel of peace.

Thanks to the Lord, there are many gospel friends who, in the shadow of the virus, were still willing to come that seeds of the gospel had planted in their hearts.

Gospel Camp

(3) Two Training Camps in May – In addition to strengthening the hearts of brothers and sisters to love the Lord and stand firm for Him, the teaching was focused on having better understanding to the content of evangelism so that the full gospel of Jesus Christ can be shared precisely.

(4) August Bible Camp – We studied Books of Major Prophet. Brothers and sisters had further studied how God had restored the spirit of His people in a sinful society. Our hearts have been compelled once again and committed to co-labor more fervently with God in today’s world.

(5) August Discipleship Training Camp – Focused on the approaches on preaching the gospel so that we can share the gospel more effectively in a changing world.

(6) 2021 Winter Conference – The theme is “Walking with God”. May the Lord strengthen the hearts of His children in the midst of the pandemic that they may be brave enough to attend the conference, testify the Lord and proclaim the Lord. Online registration is open now, please refer to CWC website cwcnet.org. The deadline for registration is 4 p.m. on December 19.

(7) December Discipleship Camp – “What Is My Role in the Midst of a Crooked and Perverse Generation?” will be focused in this camp. We all need to equip ourselves to be soldiers of the Lord in this rapid corrupt world. Please refer to the website cwcnet.org for registration.

The Children’s Activity Center is nearing completion and thanks to the Lord for leading the whole process. We praise and thank the Lord for blessing CWC by sending Pastor Harold Shull in the past thirty-seven years. With his love for the Lord and skillful hands, many buildings at CWC campground had been finished with our limited funding and we wholeheartedly appreciate him. Pastor Shull is getting old, and has been troubled by heart problems for several years, it seems that this will be his last project at CWC. May the Lord remember his devoted work for Him and continue to bless and use him in the future.

Pastor Ko was diagnosed with stomach and duodenum cancer May of 2020, underwent four months of chemotherapy, had surgery removing the tumor last November, and had recovered well this spring, thanking the Lord for His merciful healing! Unfortunately, the cancer recurs in mid-August and he has been treated in and out of the hospital for treatments for more than three months. Thank the Lord, Pastor Ko is doing well and continue to have chemotherapy every two weeks. Please remember him in your prayers. Please visit CWC website cwcnet.org for Pastor Ko’s updates and witness the marvelous work of the Lord upon him.

May the Lord richly bless you and your family !

Little Servant in the Lord Billy Ko