2022-03 (March Prayer Letter)


Our Invitation for  you to Attend Pastor Ko’s Special
Thanksgiving Meeting-in Person or Online

We thank  all the brothers and sisters’ unceasing prayer for Pastor Ko.  Some expressed that they wish  to visit Pastor Ko personally. Pastor Ko wants to see each one of you badly too so that he can keep reminding you to love the Lord. But his health does not allow him to accept each one of you. Mrs. Ko suggested holding a meeting so that everybody can see him. So we plan this special   “Thanksgiving & Sharing” meeting. Pastor Ko will share his “the Longer I serve Him, the Sweeter He grows” experience. So, not only can you see Pastor Ko, but can praise God’s  surpassing greatness with us.  We are not to honor man, but to exalt God alone!  Please set aside your time to attend.  You have the option of attending the Thanksgiving Sharing only, or participating in the Gospel Camp (you need to register for the Gospel Camp).  The Thanksgiving Sharing meeting will be held on March 12 (Saturday) afternoon. Our arrangement is as follows:  from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  is “Thanksgiving Sharing”. There will be hymns, Pastor Ko and other brothers and sisters’ sharing. We will provide a children ‘s program. After the meeting, we will serve the snacks. You are free to stay until 6:15 pm. The Center will provide the simple supper box.  If you plan to attend in person, please make sure you will register online. So that we will count the heads and prepare enough chairs, snacks and the child care. From 7:00 pm, we will go back to the original evangelistic meeting for the Gospel Camp. If you can not come personally because of  the long journey, we provide an online program too. Please go to our website for more details.


Dear Brothers and Sisters, Peace to you in our Lord! 

Although in mid and late February, we had two snowstorms, at the same time, I saw the green buds of daisy sprouting in the flower garden, and I believe that soon, the dead branches of the tree will be replaced by green leaves. Winter to Spring, this is the wonder of God’s creation!  It reminds me of Song of Song 2:10-13, ” “My beloved responded and said to me, ‘Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come along. For behold, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone.  The flowers have already appeared in the land; The time has arrived for pruning the vines, and the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land. The fig tree has ripened its figs, and the vines in blossom have given forth their fragrance. Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come along!”.  Brothers and sisters living in North America! Are we also getting ready to get out of the long-dormant heating room, take off our heavy winter coats, and run and follow the Lord?


Headed by Christ

[2 Corinthians 2:14] Thank God! Always lead us to triumph in Christ, and through us manifest everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ.

Once I participated in a board of directors meeting of a seminary, the directors, teachers and students of the school were together. During the meeting, the chairman of the board asked me a question in front of everyone. He said in English that an American brother who was a pilot wrote a book, called “God Is My Co-Pilot”. He then asked me if I felt the same as “God is my co-pilot” when I flew the plane?  I thought about it for a moment, and said, in more serious terms, “How can that be!  He is my captain. I am His co-pilot.” 

There was one time when I flew from Columbia, MO all the way to Wichita, KS. (During that time, I flew a very strange plane.  People often came and asked when it was parked at the airport, “Where is the front of this plane?  Where is the back?”  because it looked different from an ordinary airplane in which the big wings of the aircraft are in the front, the small wings are in the back.  This aircraft is the opposite, the small wings are in the front, the big wings are in the back. The plane also had no doors, and like the F-16 fighter, you had to open the glass lid on top to climb in.)  When I flew to Kansas that day, the engine of the plane suddenly stopped, and I thought it didn’t matter, because the fuel in the right tank must have run out of gas, I could switch to the left tank and the engine would start again. Unexpectedly, after switching to the left tank, the engine still could not be restarted. After many attempts, it still could not be restarted. I had to call the air traffic control center that my aircraft engine was not moving, and he asked me, “What’s your plan?” I said I needed to find an airport to land at. He said the closest airport was 16 miles northwest, and I replied, “I can’t glide that far.” The control center asked, “What do you think?” and I said, “I saw a flat field underneath, I could land the plane on that piece of farmland!” The control center said “Granted,” and I was ready to force to land.

For me in an emergency landing, the first thing was to pray. This prayer can’t be too long either, because there’s so much to do with an emergency landing. I prayed to God, “God, I’m leaving everything to You!” it means, “O God! You are the Captain, and you are in charge of everything.”  After praying, the emergency landing procedure is performed. Right at that moment, I heard the control center page another plane saying, “Aircraft so-and-so, please turn to this course, there is a plane making an emergency landing, please watch him land.” I thank God for it and my heart was more at ease that at least someone would see where my plane lands and I will not lose contact. I continued to glide the plane in the direction of the wind, but when the plane was about to reach the ground, the very flat field I had seen in the air was not the case.  It was the week before Thanksgiving, the farmer had already plowed the land to prepare for the winter, so the ground was very soft and uneven, and if the plane landed on such a field, it would be very dangerous, and possibly overturned.  It doesn’t matter much for other planes if flipped over, because there is a door next to it, people can still go out, but my plane has no door, and when it is flipped over, it will press the lid of the upper exit underneath and cannot be opened, and I would not be able to get out; what’s more, if the glass lid is broken, the weight of the whole plane will be pressed on me, which will be fatal. I prayed to the Lord that He will not allow the plane to be flipped over. After praying, I continued to land. When my plane reached very close to the ground, suddenly wind of mud and small rocks flew up, covering the whole plane, and nothing could be seen in the darkness.  After a while, the plane finally settled down.

Thank be to God! The plane didn’t flip over, it was parked alright and I was able to open the glass lid and got out safely.  Within a few minutes, the ambulance and paramedic personnel came because the air traffic control had informed them that I was going to make an emergency landing.  They also watched me land. Before they arrived, I walked around the plane and found that both of its big wings were broken, but my hands and feet were fine. When I looked closely, I noticed something unusual: usually for landing on soft soil, the wheels of the plane should have left trails of track on the dirt when they slid over the ground, but this time there were no marks on the ground. What had happened?  I believe this was what had happened: at that time, the plane landed like a helicopter, gently falling from the air to the ground, so there was no mark of the wheel on the dirt, but also because when the plane was very close to the ground, the left wing of the aircraft was tilted too much, and was broken by the impact when it touched the ground, causing the right side of the plane to be too heavy, and then oblique to the right, the right wing tilted and was also broken.  Each wing hit the ground, causing flying mud and rocks, and also greatly reduced the speed of the aircraft, and the plane stopped without turning over.  Thanks to the Lord! In such cases, this is really the best and safest way to land. I never wanted to land this way, not only would I not, but I wouldn’t have the skill to make such a landing. I know that this is God Himself taking over my plane, that He controls this landing, because God is the Captain of this plane, and I am only His co-pilot. The plane was in God’s hands, and He used this wonderful way to get the plane to land safely, and I was not harmed, which was absolutely by the grace of the Lord and His wonderful work.

In the same way, when we have Christ be our Lord, God will be in control of everything in the most difficult and dangerous times, and we will be victorious by the power of Christ. Paul says, “Thanks be to God, who always leads us to triumph in Christ, and through us manifest in every place the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:14).  Paul reminds us to have Christ as our Head of State, and as the Commander to lead us.  “Leading” is to let Christ be the Commander in charge leading us, so that we can triumph by following Him. We are not to boast of our abilities, talents, or capabilities, but of Christ so that His power and glory can be manifested through our difficulties. We will face many difficult things in life, whether it is the trouble from work, personal relationships, physical weaknesses, or temptation of sins, we won’t be able to overcome them on our own, but by letting God be our Commander, lead us, the resurrection power of Christ can be manifested through us.  With the enthroned Christ leading us, we can be more than conquerors. “Always leads us” reminds us not to wait until when facing temptation or danger to ask God be our commander, but to let God be our Captain all the time, to acknowledge that we need Him in charge of us every moment of our life so that we have the confidence to fight the good battle through Christ by faith.

As we live a victorious life by the leadership of our God, we can manifest the fragrance of Jesus Christ everywhere, people around will be drawn to the glory of Christ and be willing to acknowledge Him as the Lord of their lives.


(The following ministry part was written by Sister Cindy Chiang)

Pastor Ko’s update and online Sunday Bible Study and Prayer meeting  

On February 13, the doctor at the hospital came to inform them that the CT scan showed that in addition to liver inflammation, they have found new tumors. The oncologist concluded that chemotherapy has been ineffective, and decided not to try other drugs, and no other treatments will be given after the scheduled radiation treatment on the brain is done. On February 21, a social worker came to discuss the palliative treatment with Pastor Ko and Mrs. Ko. Because Columbia does not have such facilities, the arrangement will be that Pastor Ko stays at home and has physical therapists and occupational therapists come for home visits every week.  After this message was posted on the CWC’s prayer chain, many brothers and sisters called or wrote to offer other possible treatments, Mrs. Ko said, “If the Lord allows and opens this door, may the will of the Lord be done.” Thank you, brothers and sisters, for frequently checking the CWC website for the updates and for remembering Pastor Ko and Mrs. Ko in your daily prayers, please continue to sustain them with prayers.

Please check Pastor Ko’s  most up-to-date situation on  https://rb.gy/2m3v1a. We also welcome you to join this 24 hours unceasingly prayer chain. 

Please also join our online Bible study and prayer meeting every Sunday at 6:30 pm Central time on Zoom.  The Zoom ID is 8110999917 and the passcode is 737903.   Let’s study the Bible and pray for Pastor Ko’s health together.    


  1. For this Sunday online Bible study and prayer meeting, we also match the schedule of the August Bible Camp. Currently we are studying the Book of Genesis.  Brothers and sisters who have applied for the August Bible Camp are encouraged to join this meeting to prepare for it step by step every week.
  2. This is a good opportunity to meet Pastor Ko online.  Seeing you studying the Bible and praying diligently is his greatest comfort and satisfaction.  Please do not miss it.


Upcoming Meetings

1. March Gospel Camp (3/11 Evening to 3/14 Noon)

This year’s Gospel Camp is an opportunity for us to step out of the shadow of COVID-19 and invite more gospel friends back to church to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.

This March we invite Pastor Xiao Yuan from China and Pastor Puong Ong Lau to be our speakers of the Gospel Camp. Pastor Yuan graduated from the school of Software Engineering, Beijing University of Technology.  He came to the United States in 1987 to do biomedical research at John Hopkins Medical School. He was once an atheist, but when he came into contact with Christianity, he was deeply touched by the truth of the cross and the love of Christ and Christians, then he became a Christian.  Gospel camp is a great opportunity to lead people to find the meaning of life.  Please start praying for your gospel friends and invite them to come.  Pastor Lau’s messages are for the brothers and sisters. So everyone who attends the camp will gain greatly. The due date is March 10, 7:00 pm. For more information, please check our website.

2. May Discipleship Training (5/22-27)

We still plan to hold an in-person meeting this year, please set aside time on your calendar to attend. The speakers of the training camp are: Pastor Tsu-Kung Chuang, Pastor Jay Huang and CWC co-workers. Pastor Chuang, who is pastoring The Emeth Chapel in Boston, has come every year to help with CWC’s Gospel Camp, Discipleship Training Camp, and/or Winter Conference.  This time he will lead the Discipleship Training and the Lay-Minister Disciple training. Pastor Huang graduated from the Department of Nuclear Engineering of National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan, came to the United States in 1974 for further studies, and was later born again as a Christian. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Materials Science from UC Berkeley, and MIT, and later his M. Div. from Weston Theological Seminary.  After 18 years working in industry and the National Laboratory, Pastor Huang responded to  God’s calling to be a full-time minister.  Currently, Pastor Huang is pastoring the Tri-Valley Chinese Bible Church he co-founded after 15 years ministering at Chinese for Christ Church of Hayward in California. Do not miss this in-person meeting, and start preparing yourself and encouraging brothers and sisters to participate. Please pray for this meeting, speakers, and co-workers. The registration form has been posted online, Please Click Here.

3. Lay-Minister Disciple Training (5/27-30):

There are few preachers with high student turn-over in the Midwest, the career group or faculties in universities who settle here have become the strength of the campus ministry and local churches.  Since they are more mature in age, and have more life experience, they can become a role model for young students if they are well equipped in the Bible, and live a life of character according to God’s Word. Memorial Day weekend Lay-minister Training is set up for this purpose. This is a long weekend meeting, though short, the attendees are required to participate full-time. It is suggested that brothers and sisters take a half-day off on Friday, so that they can come to the meeting at 5:30 pm on time. Please take the opportunity to attend this once-a-year training.  For working people who would like to attend the Bible Camp, this will be the camp to fulfill the requirement (must have attended at least one discipleship training in two years).  For full-time students (including TA, RA, or PHD students), you have to attend the May Discipleship Training (5/22-27) before continuing this camp.  The speakers are: Pastor Tsu-Kung Chuang, Pastor Jay Huang, Elder Kaleung Lee, and CWC co-workers. Elder Jialiang Lee works full-time in Austin, TX.  Besides his job, Elder Lee has been faithfully serving the Lord at his church, and by obeying the Great Commission to preach the gospel, he has participated in the September Short-term Mission for the past five or six years.  The Austin Chinese Church has ordained him as an elder of the church two years ago, indicating that the church also confirms that he meets the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 Paul’s teaching for overseer/elder.  We believe that it will be beneficial to have Elder Lee share his life testimony for all lay-ministers.  Registration form has been posted online, please do not miss this rare opportunity, and start preparing yourself early and encouraging other brothers and sisters to attend.  Please also pray for the meeting. 

4. Holy Land Study Trip (6/20 to 6/30): Theme: Exodus of Egypt to Canaan, The Footprint of Jesus

For many years, brothers and sisters love to attend the Bible Camp to study the Word of God.  If we can actually visit the Bible places, we would have more profound impressions.  For this reason, the Center holds the “The Holy Land Study Tour” every 3 years.  Since we will study the Pentateuch in the August Bible Camp, therefore, this holy land trip in June will be very meaningful.  Let’s make an advance notice now and get ready to join us.  We will take the route of the Israelites out of Egypt, enter into the Kingdom of Jordan, cross the Jordan River into Jerusalem, travel the desert of Judia, then Samaria (very few tour groups will arrange this route), enter Galilee and fly back to the United States from Joppa (now Tel Aviv).

In last month’s newsletter we announced that If we have enough people sign up, we will then organize this Holy Land study tour.  If you are interested in participating, please let us know before the end of March that we may make the decision as soon as possible. 

5. June Youth Disciple Training (6/5-11)

June Youth Disciple Training Camp, the most anticipated camp for young people, is now in preparation for in-person meeting.  Please pray for the speakers: Pastor Steve Tan and Berry Edwards, and organize young people in your church to attend. Details will be posted online soon.  

6. August Bible Camp (7/31-8/6) 

This time we’re going to study the Pentateuch. As we all know, the CWC Bible Camp is a six-year study of the Bible.  We are starting a new round this August. The Pentateuch is a very valuable scripture, with thorough teaching on the history of Israel, the beautiful footsteps left by the patriarchs, and God’s establishment of the priestly kingdom. There are also great lessons and reminders for us to walk on the spiritual path today. So far, more than fifty brothers and sisters have signed up. Reading schedule and registration form have been posted on CWC website. The speakers are Pastor William Sun and CWC co-workers. Born into a Christian family, Pastor Sun became a Christian at the age of 12 through his parents. He majored in architecture in college and later studied abroad and got his master’s degree. After 10 years of work, he responded to God’s calling to go to Singapore Theological Seminary with his wife and received M.Div., and then to the United States to continue his theology studies. In 2000, he pastored a church in California, and in 2005 began involvement in theological education, specializing in the Old Testament. He is currently the president and Old Testament professor at Christian Leadership Institute and is regularly traveling to Asia in training at different churches. This meeting is planned to be held at CWC campground, and the strict registration deadline is June 15.  Please Click Here for details and registration form.


Thanksgiving and Prayer Requests

1. For CWC Co-workers

  • Pastor Ko and Mrs. Ko: Thank you brothers and sisters for your uninterrupted prayers for them. Your prayers have become the strength of Pastor Ko. Please continue to pray for the health of Pastor Ko that the healing power of God comes upon him. Please also pray for Mrs. Ko, who also has chronic thyroid problem, has been taking care of Pastor Ko day and night wholeheartedly. Pastor Ko’s oldest sister is undergoing chemo treatment for lung cancer, may the Lord fill her with His peace that she may experience the healing from Him physically and spiritually.
  • Sister Cindy Chiang: Thank the Lord for the abundant grace that she has finished the office work and account related business step by step. She will be busy preparing for the upcoming Gospel Camp in the next couple of weeks.  May the Lord grant her wisdom, good health, and manage her time to take care of the CWC business by trusting Him in everything she does.
  • Brother Qing-Long Liang: Pray that God will help  him to establish a stable personal prayer life, to lead his family to pursue and serve the Lord in unity, to accompany brothers and sisters to build a regular spiritual lives,  to have wisdom to co-work with brothers and sisters to serve in various campuses,  and to better care the people God has placed around him, and to take the initiative to share  the gospel everywhere.
  • Rev. Charles Huang: Pray for Pastor Huang and his wife’s student ministry in Champaign, Illinois. Please pray to God  to give them wisdom to work together with the Champaign Chinese Christian Church on developing student ministry, to evangelize and to build disciples during this pandemic  period.  Also Pray for his family life in Champaign and his 3 children’s adjustment to schools. 
  • American coworkers Scott Jerome: Please pray for his whole family’s spiritual lives and ministry. And also remember him in the prayers while  he starts to prepare for the Gospel Camp and his wife starts to prepare for the children ministry. 

2. For Expansion Project

  • Pray for the construction of the children’s activity center.  Pray for Pastor Harold Shull’s safety, construction progress, and the required funding.  Also pray for his health, ask the Lord to heal and protect. 

3. For Financial needs

  • Pray for the monthly fund needed by the Center and ask the Lord to show His abundant supply and let more brothers and sisters experience the blessing of offering.

4. For CWC

  • Pray that the Lord will bring more co-workers to the Center for the furtherance of the gospel ministry in the MidWest.

5. For churches in the MidWest during the Pandemic

  • Pray God to give brothers and sisters brave hearts to serve him diligently, resume the in-person meetings, and share the Gospel to the nonbelievers earnestly.  May the Lord use the vaccines to effectively control the pandemic around the world.  Although Omicron is still  spreading, we ask the Lord to give church coworkers wisdom to know God’s will and lead the church during this time.  Pray the Lord to heal those who have been infected, not only be healed physically but also to walk in victory with joy in the name of Jesus.


** Thank you brothers and sisters for your financial support in the past year.  2021 contribution receipts have been sent out, if you have not received them, it may have been returned to the Center due to an incorrect address, please contact the Center.




       In Him,

       Billy Ko (Director)