2023 July-September Prayer Letter

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Peace to you in our Lord!

Right after coming back from the Holy Land Study Tour (6/19-7/1), I immediately was caught up in the busy ministry: reading the reports handed in from brothers and sisters of August Bible Camp, and to arrange the schedule for the August and September short-term mission trips until  July 30, the beginning of the Bible Camp. After one week long Bible Camp, from Aug. 6-12, there is another week long Discipleship Training. Five days after the  Discipleship Training,  six mission teams came to the Midwest for short-term mission (8/18-27). So I was extremely busy this summer.  As you receive this letter, our co-workers are getting ready to embark on another 10-day mission trip (September 8-17) with another six mission teams,  we do need your prayer support.

In the past two years, due to the raging pandemic, Chinese churches in North America have been hit hard, especially when people have become used to online meetings. So even after the church began to meet in person, it still cannot restore its former “prosperity”. In particular, gospel friends have disappeared, and without those who are seeking the Truth, less believers has been added to the church,  that the motivation and vitality of the church have decreased. As the “travel restriction order” being lifted in all countries, people have started travel for vacation, visiting family, and for pursuing study. At the beginning of the new school year, how can we seize the opportunity to share gospel to  them? Pastor Moses Yu, founder of the Christian Witness Center, often says, “If one person leads another person, and the church will be filled with people”. So in this issue we specially ask our co-worker Brother Qinglong Liang  to share: “Serve Sweetly by the Grace of the Lord”.

Serve Sweetly  by the Grace of the Lord

Brothers and sisters who knew Pastor Ko must have been familiar with one of his favorite hymns “The Longer I Serve Him, the Sweeter He grows”. And this is also a summary of his life’s experience of serving the Lord. For me, who had a hard time singing, learning a new a song was always challenging, but for this hymn the biggest challenge has surfaced after I learnt singing out the tune. Although the song can be sung, but the more I sing, the more I realized that I have not experienced that “the longer I serve the Lord, the sweeter He grows” in me. On the contrary, when encounter with many difficult situations in ministry, I have always had thoughts of escaping, or would rather do things that I like, or stop taking initiative to carry out more projects. Brothers and sisters, what is the state of your life like now? Have you ever experienced that the more you serve, the sweeter He grows? Or are you also very tired physically and mentally that there is no way to add any more serving commitments, or you don’t want to serve anymore, or you don’t even want to hear the word “serving” at all, lost interest in the message that encourages everyone to serve, and try to avoid the person who preaches about serving lest you be dragged to serving more in ministry, not to mention take the initiative to take greater responsibility or inquire and participate in more ministry involvements at home, church, work or in school.

With the upcoming short-term mission in August and September, such a large field in the Midwest requires a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources.  What is your reaction to these needs when thinking of this? You probably already know the standard answer that we should certainly participate in this kind of ministry with joy. How much can really be done? How do you break through this dilemma? How can we truly experience that the longer we serve, the sweeter the Lord grows in us?

Let’s learn from the experience of sweet ministry from Paul, who wrote to the brothers and sisters in the church of Ephesus when he was in prison, ” … you have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace which was given to me for you; “, Paul’s concept of ministry has the following characteristics:

First, he aspired the good work. He knew that his ministry of caring was known to all, and he was willing to let brothers and sisters know that it was God who entrust him with this ministry and was a gift from Him to shepherd His flock, and he is happy that all of God’s children receive spiritual help from him. Instead of feeling pressured, this ministry became a mission he desired to accomplish. Brothers and sisters, in the same way, we should also know that our ministry of serving is known to those around us, and we should also eagerly live out the status God has given us with our lives and in daily livings. When brothers and sisters are in need, we should take the initiative to help, do not be afraid that we will not be able to deal with it, and do not be afraid of affecting ourselves. Pray that we will all desire in participating in this year’s short-term mission and local evangelistic ministry.

Second, he treasured the grace of the Lord. He knew that the reason he could serve was solely by the grace of God. Paul did not mention that he was stressed to care for God’s children everywhere or that it was too difficult to accomplish. Rather, he said that he was able to care for others was solely by the grace freely given to him by God. He saw from God’s perspective with obedient heart in the ministry God had entrusted him. As his ministry expanded, he experienced the greater grace of the Lord. Such service not only did not crush him, but became an opportunity for him to regain strength from the Lord. Since it was all grace, he had nothing to boast of, and the more he served, the humbler he had been before the Lord and man. Pray that in this year’s short-term mission, we will not only be willing to participate, but also willing to serve wholeheartedly in all aspects with each other, and share the gospel with more gospel friends. Don’t miss any opportunity the Lord has for us.

Third, he valued God’s trust, and he knew that God had made him serve people, and that God valued him, and he was to take good care of God’s flock and everyone he touched. Pray that the Lord will also help us to team up with brothers and sisters in short-term mission; to regard one another as more important than ourselves; to learn to value and appreciate God’s gifts to brothers and sisters; to be willing to humbly listen to each other’s advice; to always pray for each other and to thank God for each other. When approaching gospel friends, look at the precious souls that God values and is willing to save, and pray that we will love every gospel friend we come into contact with God’s love, not only share the gospel, but also answer his/her questions with gentleness and reverence; and speak words that is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.

Brothers and sisters, God will not give us more burden than we can bear, and what He promises will be fulfilled. I myself am learning how to experience the sweetness of serving. May the Lord help us move forward hand in hand, and when we are through the short-term mission in August and September this year, we all can proclaim from my heart that the more we serve, the sweeter He grows in our heart, and that the life serving experience of God’s servants can also become our personal experience.

August and September Short-term Mission (8/18-27, 9/8-17)

We have a breaking record of 12 teams (six in August, six in September) this year. In addition to teams from California and New Jersey, five other teams are from Texas.  The August teams have been to the “closer” states: such as Arkansas, Kansas, Tennessee, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Alabama and Iowa. And September teams will go to the “farther” states: such as Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama, South Dakota, North Dakota, Louisiana.  Despite the pandemic and the suspension of student visas in the past two years, there are signs of recovery in various places this year. Please remember the team members in your prayers for the physical, mental and spiritual needs.  “The crops are ripe and ready to be harvested, so that those who sow and harvest may rejoice together.”

Future Meetings:

(1)  December Winter Conference (12/22 to 12/26) 

Still to be held at Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri. Speakers are: Pastor Tsukung Chuang, Elder Eric Wu, Brother Balex Sit, etc. Although the registration form will be ready later, please start to reserve time and invite brothers and sisters of the church and gospel friends to participate.

(2) December Discipleship Training (12/26 to 12/31)

Speakers are: Pastor Larry Wong, Brother Balex Sit.  The tentative application form has been posted online. Usually December discipleship training will be the largest number of participants, so please register as early as possible, the deadline for registration is December 17.

(3) January Bible Camp (12/31 to 1/6/2024)

We will continue to study the Books of History – “The History of the Exile and the Return of Israel”  Application form and the syllabus have been posted online. The deadline is November 15. There are only four months in preparation for the camp,  so for those who wish to attend this camp, please register as soon as possible so that you can start preparing your homework earlier.  Please also attend the Sunday evening Bible Study & Prayer Meeting. The coworkers of the CWC will help you step by step to prepare for the homework.

Past Meeting Reports:

(1) Holy Land Study Tour (6/19-6/30)

Thank the Lord!  Fifty-five people participated this Holy Land Study Tour.  During the whole journey we have followed  the footsteps of the Israelite’s exodus of Egypt, into Canaan, and the footprints of Jesus.  We climbed Mount Sinai, visited Moab, Edom, and set foot in the cities of Israel: Jericho, Jerusalem, Galilee, the Dead Sea, the plains of Megiddo, and even as far as to Caesarea Philippi, etc. The itinerary was quite tight, but everyone felt worthy. And many of them are looking  forward to the  “Paul’s Missionary Journey” Study Tour in year 2026.  We thank the Lord for His provision and protection, and for the abundant blessings to the brothers and sisters!

(2) August Bible Camp (7/30-8/5)

We studied “the History of the Divided Kingdom”, and 48 adults and 21 of their children participated. Thank the Lord that, before leaving the camp, brothers and sisters not only have memorized the order of the 39 kings of the north and south, but the greater gain for them have been understanding what it means to “do what is right in the sight of the LORD “? What are the “things that are evil in the sight of the Lord”?  CWC Bible Camp is to study the whole Bible once in six years, if you missed this time, please do not miss the next year’s  “The History of the Exile and the Return of Israel”.

(3) August Discipleship Training (8/6-8/12)

Thank the Lord! This time God has prepared for us two retired pastors who have been greatly used by the Lord: Pastor Kuang-Fu Yang and Pastor David Wu.  Both of them shared with us the essence of what they have received from the Lord over the years, whether it is the teaching on “Book of  First Peter”, or on “Christian Ministry”, “Church History”, “Spiritual Exercise” that the three generations of Christians – the older (who have believed in the Lord for many years, including CWC coworkers),  the middle aged (who believe in the Lord for certain years), and the younger (who are new Christians)- have learned a lot. Although the number of participants is not large (about 30 adults and children), but we had more time to pray together and share with one another. Thank the Lord for His grace that the unfolding of His Words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple!

Sunday Online Bible Study & Prayer Meeting:

During the pandemic, many churches’ meetings were held online,  that was why Pastor Ko started this Sunday evening Bible study and prayer meeting to lead brothers and sisters continue to have a life of Bible reading, prayer, and spiritual sharing. After the August Bible Camp, CWC coworkers have decided to utilize this platform, not only to help brothers and sisters to prepare for the next Bible Camp (we will teach  how to study the Bible, how to do the outlines, and how to write the assigned topic reports), but also spend some time to pray for the need of CWC ministry.  We will shorten the meeting to one hour (7:00-8:00PM CT) so that it will not affect your next day schedule.  We will  study “The History of the Exile and the Return of Israel”.  Zoom account number is: 8110999917, passcode: 737903. Please come and study the Bible together that we will be equipped in the  Lord.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the  September mission teams:  Pray that the Lord bless their feet of sharing  the gospel of peace, and bringing glad tidings of good things that they may share the gospel of Christ clearly, and lead many to believe in Jesus.  Please also pray for those churches in the Midwest to show hospitality and team up with the mission team to preach the gospel in one accord (John 3:5-8). Pray that the Lord will bless both mission teams and the local churches that they will indeed bring the sheaves with them with a shout of joy. As for their daily itinerary, please check on the CWC prayer calendar and pray for them accordingly.
  2. Pray for the three meetings held in the Winter: Please pray for the preparations of all meetings, especially for the new registration computer program for the Winter Conference that it would be available on the CWC website on-time. And also pray for the speakers’ preparation of messages, for the brothers and sisters’ hearts to participate; for the nonbelievers are willing to come and accept the salvation; for the preparation of short-term mission teams from different churches, and for the cooperation from the staffs of the Sheraton Hotel, and so on.
  3. For co-workers:
  • Sylvia Ko: Thank God for answering prayers and granted her enough physical strength to help in the kitchen for the two camps in August. Also thank the Lord for protecting Mrs. Ko safe journey back and forth to the Center.  Please continue to pray for her grandson.  Although the operation has been postponed again (currently set for September 21), we believe that God is in control on His time and His way. Please continue praying.
  • Sister Cindy Chiang: (a) On the first night of the Bible Camp when a thunder storm struck, she used a side door (which she seldom used) in the kitchen to walk out without knowing there is a distance of about a foot and a half to the ground. As a result, she missed the steps,  and her right ankle (which stepped out first) and knees were twisted, severely swollen and injured. But thanks to the Lord that  X-ray showed that no broken bones at all.  Although for a month, walking for her is quite painful and difficult, but now it is on the road of recovery. (b) Since January, she has  known that this year will be very busy.  After returning from September mission trip, she will be busy to prepare for all the meetings in the winter. Please  pray for God’s wisdom and obedience to His will.
  • Brother Qinglong Liang: Pray that the Lord will give a willing spirit to serve the Lord and the people; and ask the Lord to give his wife Spirit of wisdom to raise their three children.  Pray that the Lord to  give him a humble heart to see clearly the guidance of the Holy Spirit  proclaiming Christ wherever he goes, and expand the kingdom of God.
  • Pastor Charles Huang:  Please intercede for the Champaign Chinese  Church’s Friday outreach ministry in the new semester, we are using “The Good Book” to introduce the gospel. May the Lord grant wisdom  that it will be a good opportunity to make disciples during weekly pre-study.  Pray also that the Lord will give him Words to feed the Champaign Chinese  Church as well as the surrounding churches.  Please also pray that the Lord will protect the CWC September short-term mission. Please remember his wife Judy in your prayers for the healing from the Lord on her spinal pain, and for their eldest daughter who is studying in Moody Bible Institute for her study and new life adjustment.
  • American coworker Scott Jerome:  Please pray for Scott that after the two August meetings, he has to do the maintenance work in the scorching weather. Please  pray for his wife, Becci’s shoulder. She just had a minor heart surgery  at the end of August. Also pray   for his family’s spiritual lives and their ministry, and for the growth of the children in the Lord.
  1. Please Pray for the CWC monthly financial need (General fund, Building fund, Training fund, etc.) asking the Lord to manifest His abundant provision and allow more brothers and sisters to experience the blessings of giving.
  2. For CWC:  Pray that the Lord will bring more co-workers to the CWC ministry for the furtherance of the gospel ministry in the Midwest.



In the Lord,

Sister Cindy Chiang