2017-06 (六月禱告信)




III. 建立渴慕神話語的主日學 (接續上期的禱告信)




  1. 神話語的興旺與教會的興旺成正比: 神的話是教會的根基,弟兄姊妹愛慕神的話,認真學習神的道,他們就會有根有基地在主裡成長,教會也會有根有基地被建立起來。
  2. 要鼓勵學生與學者們用他們知識的頭腦,去認真研讀神的話,因為他們一被神的話所吸引,就會有一個饑渴慕義的靈。
  3. 弟兄姊妹彼此的鼓勵,成為群體追求主道的動力。
  4. 不要只是有聖經知識的灌輸,要栽培弟兄姊妹自己閱讀神話語的能力,並在課堂中也經常有大家的分享。
  5. 藉主日學的分享與教導,建立新一代的主日學老師,由此建立教會中神話語的管家。
  6. 經常提醒弟兄姊妹週六晚上早點去就寢,這樣主日才能早起參加主日學。
  7. 不要用主日學的時間拿來用作詩班練習。詩班練習是為了今天主日崇拜的需要,主日學是為了弟兄姊妹得建立,好作教會日後的同工。詩班練習應當另外找其他的時間。


  1. 五月門徒與同工訓練營 (21 至 26 日) – 感謝神,有八十位弟兄姐妹帶著他們的七位孩子來參加了這次的門徒與同工訓練營,其中更有多位是在他們畢業與工作前來參加聚會,求主使他們畢業後雖然分散,卻能在各地教會中成為主的精英; 也有十多位弟兄姐妹趁暑期間回國前夕趕來接受裝備,在回國後帶著工作事奉主,看著他們帶著神的話與傳福音的使命回去傳福音,我們為他們感謝主,求主使用他們。
  2. 五月帶職門徒與同工訓練營 (26 至 29 日) – 感謝神,有近一百六十位工作的弟兄姐妹及眷屬,帶著他們近六十位孩子來參加了這次的帶職信徒訓練營,中心的家庭宿舍及單身宿舍都安排得非常緊湊。他們其中有許多是教會及查經班的領袖。感謝主,藉著四位不同的講員,從不同的角度,或研經,或事奉,或家庭,或靈命,或教養孩童,或在職場上,或校園的服事等多方面的教導,弟兄姊妹都有豐富的領受,求主使用這些上班的弟兄姊妹回去後,能在教會及校園好好地服事主,在這個時代作主美好的見證,興旺神的國度。

六月青少年門徒訓營 (六月四日至十日)


八月讀經營 (七月三十至八月五日)

讀經營不僅能幫助弟兄姊妹了解神的話,更是為了提升弟兄姊妹讀經的興趣與能力。參加讀經營者很多在半年前就已報名參加,並開始研讀這次讀經營的內容:「列王與先知」,半年的研讀與做作業,幫助弟兄姊妹建立讀經的習慣,神的話也深入他們心中。 讀經營的參加者必須是基督徒,並在過去兩年內至少參加過一次門徒訓練。這次講員有汪川生牧師與李玉惠姊妹,報名日期已截止,請改報八月門徒訓練或明年一月的讀經營。

八月門徒訓練營 (8月6日至12日)


八月 、九月短宣隊



餐廳的擴建工程,在主的恩手中已順利展開及進行,上月份地基工程已經完工,本月開始往上建造,求主保守工程的進度,為Pastor Shull 過去三十年在中心建造房子感恩,目前他與他的孫子一同建造餐廳,求主賜福他們手上所作的工,也預備所需的經費,約八萬美元。


  1. 求主加增中心同工事奉的力量與智慧。
  2. 求主預備有更多義工與中心同工一同配搭事奉。
  3. 求主加添中心同工事奉的果效,能栽培更多同學畢業後,為福音回國,成為全職或帶職的福音同工,在國內為主得更多靈魂。
  4. 求主幫助你能鼓勵教會的弟兄姐妹來參加八月的營會和讀經營。
  5. 記念中心在財務(經常費、建築費、訓練經費)上的需要,求主彰顯祂的豐盛與大能。
  6. 為餐廳的擴建工程禱告,求主賜福Pastor Shull手上所作的工,使工程順利完成。
  7. 為餐廳擴建的經費禱告,求主預備所需要的八萬元建築經費。
  8. 為八月、九月短宣隊的安排禱告,求主預備短宣與弟兄姊妹的心,同心得新同學的靈魂。



Dear Brothers and Sisters, greetings to you in the Lord!

We give thanks to the Lord for giving CWC coworkers strength in the past month. God also used many mission team members, seminary students and voluntary workers to serve with unity in the past two May discipleship camps and the June Youth Camp. Brothers and sisters were greatly revived as a result. They are more willing to pursue the Lord and seek to minister to others as little shepherds. The work of the meetings delayed this June newsletter. Please understand and keep remembering our ministry in your prayers.

To keep pursuing God’s Words and lay a foundation for truth within the whole Church, the function of Sunday School is extremely important. I’d like to continue sharing from the last two months.

III. Establishing a Sunday School that earnestly pursues God’s Word (continued from last newsletter)

God’s Word is the foundation of our faith. The more brothers and sisters seek and live out God’s Word, the more thriving the church would be. Weekday Bible Studies in the fellowships mainly focus on sharing and discussions, while Sunday School mainly focuses on teaching. The emphasis of Friday Bible studies in the fellowship is more Gospel-oriented. The focus of Sunday School should be helping brothers and sisters to learn God’s Word systematically so as in the long run to build a foundation of truth and to enhance brothers and sisters’ thirst and ability to study God’s Word.

Columbia Chinese Christian Church (CCCC) started to have adult Sunday School in 1988 while it was still in its start-up phase. In the beginning there was only one Sunday School class. It met in a university dormitory living room right before Sunday worship services. After half a year, the Sunday School moved to brothers and sisters’ homes. Since we were able to use the facility of an American church in 1989, from early 1990 we had two to three Sunday School classes. The participants became serious in their studies of God’s Word once the leader invested time and energy in leading the Bible study. CCCC currently has three different Sunday School classes: one of them sequentially studies different books of the Bible, the other one uses Pastor Moses Yu’s discipleship training materials titled “Little Shepherd”. The third class uses Pastor Patrick Y. Tang’s Bible Study Class (CBSC) materials. CBSC rouses more engagement in that it requires completion of homework before the class. If anyone fails to complete his or her homework, that person cannot participate in the class discussion. Each class lasts for two hours, beginning at 8:30am. It is usually difficult for students to come so early in the morning, but we have 20-30 in attendance. Their determination motivates others who were slacking to join in studying God’s Word. A church prospers as the congregation loves and pursues God’s Word, thereby witnessing growth in number of attendees as well as in converts. Following is what I learned from serving in Sunday School ministry among campus churches:

  1. Revival of the church is directly proportional to the love of God’s Word. God’s Word is the foundation of the church. When the brothers and sisters love the Word of God and seriously study the Word of God, then they can grow in the Lord with good roots and foundation. At the same time, churches will be established with good roots and foundation.
  2. Encourage students and scholars to seriously and intelligently study the Word of God. Once they are attracted by God’s Word, they will have spirits thirsting for righteousness.
  3. Mutual support and encouragement among brothers and sisters motivates the pursuit of God’s Word as a group.
  4. The teacher must not simply pour out Bible knowledge. Rather, the teacher must establish brothers and sisters the ability to study God’s Word independently. This achievement tends to follow from giving brothers and sisters more encouragement and chances to share in class concerning the passages of the day.
  5. The sharing and teaching during Sunday School classes builds up Sunday School teachers for the new generation, and stewards of God’s Word in the church.
  6. Frequently encourage brothers and sister to go to bed earlier on Saturday nights, so as to get up earlier for the Sunday School.
  7. Do not use the Sunday School time to do the choir practice. Choir practice mainly serves that Sunday’s worship. But Sunday School establishes brothers and sisters to become the future coworkers of the churches. Find another time for choir practice.

Thanksgiving for the two May Training Camps

  1. May Disciple Training Camp (May 21 to 26) – Thanks be to the Lord that nearly 80 brothers and sisters with their 7 children attended this camp. Many among them attended just after their graduation and before starting their careers. May the Lord use them to be the good coworkers among all the churches even though they will be scattered to different areas. More than ten brothers and sisters attended the camp to be equipped before they return to their home countries and continue to serve the Lord with careers. We give thanks to God that these brothers and sisters are going to bring with them God’s Word as well as the mission to share the Gospel as they serve as lay-ministers in their home countries. May the Lord use them.
  2. May Lay-Minister Training (May 26-29)—Thanks be to God. Almost 160 working people and their spouses and nearly 60 children attended this Lay-Minister Training. All of our family and single dormitories were packed with attendees. Many churches and Bible Study groups leaders came to this Training. Thank God to use four different speakers from different perspectives to edify the brothers and sisters on Bible study, ministry, family, spiritual lives, rearing children, careers, campus ministry, and more. All were abundantly blessed. We pray the Lord to use those working people to fruitfully serve the Lord in their churches and campus Bible Study groups, that they can witness for the Lord in this era, and revive the Kingdom of God.

June Youth Disciple Training Camp (June 4 to 10)

This year the attendance broke the record by more than 30. More than 100 youths attended this Youth Discipleship Training. This is a long-awaited annual event in which they seek God together as a group. Thanks be to God that through this Training, no matter whether they were in the classes, group discussions, mission trip on Thursday afternoon and night, or rafting on Wednesday afternoon, they all were blessed and learned a lot. We pray the Lord using this camp to let those youths meet the Lord so that their lives can be changed; that even when they leave home for college they will not leave the church family; that they can witness for Christ on campuses and lead classmates to the Lord; that after they enter society as workers, they can shine for the Lord in the world and becomes useful coworkers in the churches.

August Bible Camp (July 30 to August 5)

Bible Camp not only helps brothers and sisters better understand God’s Word, it also enhances brothers and sisters’ interest and ability in studying God’s Word. Participants for this camp registered half a year ago and began to study the designated contents for this camp: Kings and Prophets. Half a year of study and preparation helps brothers and sisters build the habit of reading the Bible, allowing God’s Word to speak to their hearts. Participants of the Bible camp must be Christians who have attended the CWC disciple training camp at least once in the past two years. Speakers are Pastor Chuang-Seng Wang and Sister Grace Lee. Bible Camp registration is past due now. But you still can apply for the August Discipleship Training and the January Bible Camp.

August Disciple Training Camp (August 6 to August 12)

The new fall semester is around the corner. No matter how many old coworkers will graduate, we still need to continue training new coworkers to succeed in the ministry. August Discipleship Training is not only a good opportunity to establish the students to become the Lord’s disciples, but also establishes them toward being influential coworkers. Only through this will there be a revival at campus ministry and leading many to Christ. Speakers are Pastor Jeffrey Lu and Sister Jenny Wu. Please pray for this camp and invite brothers and sisters and coworkers to come. The application forms have been postal mailed to each church and the Bible Study group. Please click here for more information. The due date is July 27, please do not delay.

August and September Short-Term Mission Teams

Do you hear them? A new batch of students comes to pursue their education in the Midwest in the middle of August. Again the Lord will open doors for us to share the Gospel, to lead these students to Him and to build them up to become future elite troops of His Kingdom. In August and September some churches at the East and West coasts are actively organizing short-term mission teams to cowork with CWC to share the Gospel to the new students. Love and Gospel will pour into the hearts of the new students, that they can accept the Lord promptly. Please pray for these short-term mission teams and their sending churches. Please contact us if your campuses need short-term mission teams to help care for the new students.

Dining Hall Expansion

The dining hall expansion project has advanced well in the gracious hand of our Lord. Upon completion of the foundation last month, we will continue to build from this month. May the Lord maintain the progress. We want to thank Pastor Shull for building various houses for CWC in the past thirty years. Right now he is building the dining hall with his grandson. May the Lord bless the work of their hands and also prepare the funds needed, approximately $80,000.

Prayer Requests:

  1. May the Lord add strength and wisdom to CWC coworkers.
  2. May the Lord prepare more volunteers to serve alongside CWC coworkers.
  3. May the Lord increase the effectiveness of the CWC ministry so that they can equip more students to become full-time or vocational Gospel workers to win over more souls upon returning to China after graduation.
  4. May the Lord help you encourage brothers and sisters from your church to attend the August disciple training camp and Bible camp.
  5. Please remember CWC’s financial needs (general funds, building funds, and training funds). May the Lord show His abundance fullness and might!
  6. Please pray for the dining hall expansion. May the Lord bless the work of Pastor Shull so the construction can be completed smoothly.
  7. Please pray for the funds needed for the dining hall expansion. May the Lord provide $80,000 construction cost.
  8. Please pray for the arrangement of August and September short-term mission teams. May the Lord prepare the hearts of the short-term mission team members as well as brothers and sisters in the Midwest to win the souls of new students.

Together serving with you in His glory,
Pastor Billy Ko