2016-08 (八月禱告信)

訪問學者事工 – 建立明天的國內基督徒教授



A. 多在生活上關心與幫助


B. 多邀請他們來聚會


C. 要用中文查經


D. 多做個人福音工作


E. 鼓勵他們早日接受洗禮


F. 儘早開始跟進造就的課程


G. 儘早進行事奉裝備


H. 鼓勵多參加訓練營


I. 設立訪問學者團契或小組





感謝主!有近一百位弟兄姊妹帶著他們 37 位孩子來參加,在汪川生牧師、李玉惠姐妹及中心同工的帶領下,興致昂然地讀摩西五經。參加的人中有從東西兩岸來的,除了學生外、還有許多上班的夫婦請假,攜家帶眷來參加,除此外,也有學校的教授、神學生與傳道人。聚會結束前,大家決定組讀經小組,藉著網路或微信彼此交通,大家也相約一起來讀明年一月“從約書亞至所羅門”的歷史書 ,至今已有 107 位弟兄姊妹繳交了報名表。報名表將儘速上網,時間為 2017 年1 月1 日至7 日,講員為諶志豪牧師、及高昭鑾姊妹,請弟兄姊妹為自己在神面前的追求參加及聚會禱告。


馬上就是新學期的開始,迎新工作固然重要,建立新同工更是必須的,但校園教會若只是在這一個星期忙著迎新事工,卻失去了造就下學期同工的機會,就太可惜了,並會影響團契未來一年的事奉。感謝主,有近 60 位弟兄姊妹來參加八月門徒訓練,在講員楊光甫牧師、林心昂牧師的帶領下,大家不僅靈性得到復興,對事奉、聖經及護教學上都得造就。聚會當中我們也分享學生事工的重要性,在結束前,大家都立志回到校園後,好好的服事並傳福音,特別在迎新中與短宣一起配搭領人歸主,求主祝福他們的立志,在新學期能夠帶動校園團契及教會的復興。


「成千上萬」的新同學在這幾週不斷湧入美中各校園,美中許多大學,中國同學的人數,常常超過全校人數的十分之一,例如Champaign, IL, Iowa City 與 Ames, IA都有四、五千位中國同學。這是一個很好傳福音的機會。求主幫助我們把握八、九月份,傳福音給這些新同學,因為有 90%的新同學,只來教會一次(不論我們傳不傳福音給他們),從此就找不到他們。因此迎新不能只作愛心的關懷,友誼的建立,更要同時將福音傳給他們;迎新聚會中,要有半小時,將一個完整的福音傳出去,主的道能改變人心,使人對福音產生興趣。18%的弟兄姊妹是在來美第一個月信主,迎新時切勿以福音為恥,除了用愛心關懷──傳出我們的愛,也要同時將福音傳出──傳出主的愛;好得著人心歸向主。





Visiting Scholar Ministry — Building Up Tomorrow’s Christian Professors in China

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace to you in the Lord!

Over the summer as usual the number of students on campus decreased everywhere. However, also as usual the number of visiting scholars on campus did not decrease. They usually spend one year in the United States for intense study and research. When that time comes to an end, they return to China and continue to teach in universities. Visiting scholars are a very important group with whom we need to share the gospel and build up. Although their time in the United States is fleeting, may God allow us to see how much His heart desires to win these Chinese intellectuals for the Lord. What is done in their lives will influence China and wherever they return. God brings them here! And here, campus coworkers build them up. They return home as coworkers on Chinese campuses, with the ability to lead and pastor students, to witness for the Lord on campus, and to influence other Chinese intellectuals to turn to God. When we receive this vision, we should pray specifically for visiting scholars and their families. We need to accomplish the following during their short visit period:

A. Frequent care and support in their daily lives

When visiting scholars arrive in the United States, they need help in many areas. Compared to younger international students, it takes longer for them to adjust to the new environment, especially when they bring spouses and children. They need brothers and sisters to show concern and provide help in their daily lives. Starting with these loving actions, we can usually influence their hearts to become open very quickly and be willing to learn more about the Christian faith.

B. Frequent invitation to fellowship and meetings

Visiting scholars’ time in the United States is limited to usually just a year or so. Therefore, we should encourage them to attend every meeting as much as possible and arrange rides for them, eliminating their concerns about transportation.

C. Study the Bible in Chinese language

Many visiting scholars hope to attend English Bible study with the main purpose of learning English. They may take longer to accept the Lord. Therefore, in addition to helping them study the Bible in English, we should study the Bible in Chinese with them, that God’s Word can enter their hearts as soon as possible. For example, those who attend English Bible study on Fridays can study with the Chinese gospel group for Sunday school.

D. Maximize personal evangelizing ministry

For visiting scholars who are interested in the gospel, we need to seize the opportunity to share the gospel with them. It would be best to have monthly personal evangelism, to more intentionally help them understand and receive the gospel.

E. Encourage them to receive baptism without delay

Some visiting scholars are not willing to be baptized due to their work after returning to China. Some may request private baptism. Nevertheless, we should still encourage them to be baptized publicly. Baptism is meant for believers to openly testify before people, at least before brothers and sisters in the Lord. If they don’t dare to testify for the Lord before believers in the United States where there is religious freedom, it will be even more unlikely for them to testify for the Lord in Mainland China, where atheism and communism reign. They will only be able to live as a Christian in secret. It will be easy for them to forget they are Christians. They will not witness for the Lord in China, not to mention leading students to follow the Lord.

F. Begin follow up and edification classes as soon as possible

Since visiting scholars’ time here is very short, we need to provide them with the opportunity for building their fundamental faith after they become believers. If the church’s usual “New Believers” class is not in session, a special class should be held for them as soon as possible.

G. Equip them for service as soon as possible

On return, believing scholars can lead students and others in understanding the word of God. We must help them build up strong spiritual foundations as well as receive basic equipping regarding serving God. This includes: 1) Basics of Bible Reading; 2) Preparation for and leading Bibles study; 3) How to do personal evangelism; 4) Caring and visiting ministry; 5) Basics in serving.

H. Encourage them to attend training camps

Training camps can build the firm foundation for them to become coworkers in the shortest time available. The week-long training camps will especially produce great influence in their lives.

I. Create fellowship or small group for visiting scholars

Those with similar age and background can influence one another. If there is a fellowship or small group just for visiting scholars, one or two visiting scholars who are pursuing the Lord will affect other visiting scholars to quickly believe in the Lord. We can build them up to be coworkers. Lastly, we should invite brothers and sisters who are professors to do the above mentioned work, because they are the people for whom visiting scholars have the most regard. If they can spend some time to care for and lead these scholars, it will be very encouraging and a positive force in their coming to Christ and seeking the Lord.

Leading visiting scholars to faith in Christ, building them up so they can lead others to the Lord—this is the purpose of God leading them to the United States! Most of the visiting scholars had great influence over students in China even before they came to the United States. God wants to win them and equip them to return and influence students to turn to God. Their time in the United States, however, is only about a year, so we must be expeditious in this ministry. This is not an easy task, but it must not be overlooked. We must seize this opportunity to build up in the United States the Chinese Christian professors of tomorrow, to move campus fellowships everywhere in China to revival! May the Lord add to our strength to accomplish His will!

August Bible Camp:

Praise the Lord! Around 100 brothers and sisters with their 37 children attended the Bible Camp. Under the teaching of the speakers Pastor Chuang Seng Wang, Sister Grace Lee, and CWC coworkers , they read the Pentateuch enthusiastically. Among them some are from east and west US coasts. Besides the students, many working people brought whole families here. Many professors, full time ministers, and seminary students also attended this Camp. Before the end of this Camp, they established an online “WeChat” study group so that they can study and encourage one another for the next Bible Camp. As of now around 107 have turned in their January Bible Camp application form so they can come back again and study together the next unit, “Bible History from Joshua to Solomon”. The application form will be posted on the web site soon. The time is January 1 to 7th, 2017. The speakers will be Pastor Chih-Hao Shen, Sister Chao-Luan Kao. Please pray for yourself that you can come to be equipped in this Camp and also remember this January Bible Camp in your prayers. .

August Discipleship Training:

The new semester will begin soon. Welcoming new students is certainly important. It is even more essential to build up new coworkers. It will be a pity if campus churches are busy to prepare for only new students and miss the opportunity to build up coworkers for the next semester! Coworker training affects campus ministry for the entire year to come, and beyond. Praise God. Around 60 brothers and sisters attended this August Discipleship Training. Under the teachings of Pastor Kuang-Fu Yang, Pastor Andy Lin, not only were their spirits revived, but also they were edified on service, Bible, and apologetics. In this meeting I specifically shared the importance of the student ministry. Before the end of the meeting, brothers and sisters were committed to share the Gospel and serve the Lord as their priority after they return to their campuses. They are also determined to work with the mission teams to share the gospel in the “new students welcome meetings” to win more people to the Lord. May the Lord remember their willing hearts and bless them so that the campus fellowships and the churches can be revived in the new semester.

New Student Ministry and Short-Term Missions:

“Thousands and tens of thousands” of new students will pour into Midwest campuses over the next few weeks. In many universities in the Midwest, the number of Chinese students often exceed a tenth of the total number of students on campus. For example, Champaign (Illinois), Iowa City and Ames (Iowa) each have four to five thousand Chinese students. This is a very good opportunity to share the gospel. May the Lord help us make good use of August and September to share the gospel to these new students. Ninety percent of new students will come to church once—and only once. We share the gospel with them now, because we will not be able to find them afterwards. Welcoming new students, therefore, should not stop at loving and caring acts or building friendship. We must share the gospel with them at the same time. During welcoming meetings, we should spend half an hour to present the complete gospel. The word of the Lord can change people’s hearts and cause them to take interest in the gospel. In recent years, eighteen percent of brothers and sisters came to the Lord within their first month of being in the United States. When we welcome new students, we must not be ashamed of the gospel. Yes, love and care for them, but don’t neglect at the same time to share the gospel, so we may win people’s hearts for the Lord.

Praise the Lord! This month there are five short-term mission teams coming to Midwest campuses to share the gospel. During the time of welcoming and receiving new students, many brothers and sisters will be busy with taking care of new students, and the short-term mission team members can share the gospel with them. Praise the Lord! As campus brothers and sisters and short-term mission teams work together, we will see many students come to accept Christ within the first two months of being in the United States. According to CWC statistics most brothers and sisters on campus came to the Lord within the first six months of coming to the United States. If we are willing to seize the opportunity to share the gospel with new students, we will have an abundant harvest. If campus coworkers collaborate with short term mission teams, campus ministry will thrive. Please pray for the two rounds of Midwest short term mission in August and early September; may God use them. (First round: August 19th to 28th; Second round: September 9th to 18th)

May the Lord help us see the power of the gospel in the new semester! May He bless us to serve in unity!

In Him,
Billy Ko