2011-07 (七月禱告信)







  1. 讀經營 – 截至六月十五日報名截止日為止,感謝神,共有一百一十七位弟兄姐妹報名參加八月的讀經營。目前他們正在準備作業。請為他們代禱,求神賜給他們對神的話有渴慕的心,並且不中途而廢。也請為講員諶志豪牧師及李玉惠姐妹代禱,求神賜給他們智慧來教導我們研讀這一段的舊約歷史。讀經營將於七月卅一至八月六日舉行。
  2. 門徒訓練營 – 將於八月七至十三日舉行。報名截止日期為七月廿九日。講員為陳鴻沫牧師及李玉惠姐妹。如果您錯過了八月讀經營,您仍可報名參加此一訓練。更多資訊及報名表請上中心網站查閱。我們相信:更大一波留學生將在新的學期來到北美。這將是裝備您自己在校園中服事這羣新同學的好時機。










Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the name of the Lord in hot mid-summer! May we always fire up for the Lord.


About 240 people attended the Chinese Congress of North American and European Campus Evangelization held in Chicago from June 22 to 25.Five Christian organizations including the CWC hosted this conference. Its goal is to help the campus ministers and coworkers win the new generation of young and hard-to-reach Chinese students. Many new strategies were introduced. Nevertheless, many people are amazed that traditional discipleship training is still both the most effective and the fastest way to bring students to Christ and to equip them to serve the Lord in their campuses. Even though there are many creative strategies for outreach, the old discipleship training has proven most effective to build up the new generation to serve on campuses and in the Kingdom of God. In the workshops, we spent much time discussing student discipleship training. We concluded that discipleship training on the local campus and the one-week Discipleship Training camps are both important for the student ministry. All parties must work side by side to make the maximum effect in the lives of students. Thanks be to God. Some ministers told me they will encourage more of their students to attend and they themselves will bring more students to the CWC Discipleship Trainings and the Bible Camp. It is very important that we team together to expand the Kingdom of God.

From June 5 to 11 around 65 youths came for the Youth Discipleship Training held at the CWC. This Camp trains young people to be good disciples for the Lord. It also builds them up to serve the Lord throughout their whole lives. Not only did we have Bible lessons, we also arranged mission projects for the students to share the Gospel in the community.


  1. Bible CampAs of the June 15 due date for August Bible Camp, we praise God that 117 people have applied for this Camp. Right now they are working on their homework. Please pray for them so that they have thirsty hearts to study the Word of God and will not give up. Please also pray for the speakers, Pastor Chih-Hao Shen and Sister Grace Lee, that they will have wisdom to teach us this part of history in the Old Testament. This Camp will be held from July 31 to August 6.
  2. Discipleship Training—will be held from August 7 to 13.The due date is July 29. Our speakers are Rev. Daniel Chan and Sister Grace Lee. If you miss the August Bible Camp, you still can apply for this Camp. For more details, you may visit our website for information and application. We believe an even bigger wave of students will arrive in North America for this new semester. It is a good time to equip yourselves to serve the new students on your campuses.


Thank God, this year more East and West Coast churches will send their mission teams to the Midwest to help reach out to students. We praise God for the good turnout last year. This year we plan to reach broadly to more new campuses and help those campuses start their new Bible study groups. We plan to stay longer and do deeper ministry in some campuses. This means we plan to do some discipleship training to equip the local campus brothers and sisters to grow and serve God. It is a challenging mission. With prayers and the power of God, this will be an exciting and amazing mission. Please remember us in your prayers.


For more than three years Brother Xiaoming Pan has been working with me at Columbia, Missouri. In July, we will relocate him and his family to Starkville, Mississippi, the home of Mississippi State University. For his new ministry, besides helping Starkville’s brothers and sisters, he will also support surrounding campuses in the states of Mississippi and Alabama. These areas have few ministers for the Chinese-speaking population. Please remember Brother Pan and his family in your prayers while they are packing and moving. Please also pray for their family and children’s adjustment in the new environment.

Once again through your prayers and financial support, we can work side by side to share the Gospel and also equip the saints on Midwest campuses for the Kingdom of God. May God bless you!

In Him
Billy Ko
