2013-03 (三月禱告信)

親愛的弟兄姐妹, 在主裡向您問安!

這一個星期連續兩場的大風雪襲擊了美國中西部地區。每一次在基督工人中心都降下了三至四英吋深的雪量。但在某些地區,例如 Columbia, MO 就降下了約一呎深的厚雪!中心也因此斷了十八小時的電和暖氣。讚美神!我剛剛聽說電力已恢復供應了。同工們和他們的家人也都平安,神的恩典與能力夠我們使用!


福音營: 向慕道朋友分享好消息並帶領他們歸入基督、得著永生是非常重要的。春季班再過兩個月就要結束了,求神使您的福音朋友在離開學校前能認識、並接受基督為他們的救主。春假福音營是專門為他們預備的!但是,若是沒有您,他們怎能來到這個營會?若您來參加,他們必定也願意來參加。感謝神,加蓋的八間宿舍到時候也將完成,供您和您的朋友們使用。莊祖鯤牧師和蔡炎康牧師是兩位主要的講員。另外,兩支加州的短宣隊也將前來分享信息並在我們當中服事。聚會日期為三月十五日晚餐後(不供應晚餐,僅來過夜) 至十八日中午。請為聚會、講員、短宣隊代禱,更特別為福音朋友的得救代禱。各項資訊已郵寄至各教會與查經班。您也可以到中心網站下載表格並電郵報名。也歡迎團體,報名資訊請按此處。

聖地進修團 – 這個進修之旅將豐富您對主耶穌基督和使徒保羅在世時的生命、及事工的認識。跟隨他們的腳蹤將帶給您畢生難忘的經歷,並使我們的心受到極深的震撼。主題是:「保羅宣教行程」。許多類似的進修團行程只安排土耳其和希臘;我們這一團將從耶路撒冷開始。這是主耶穌事工很主要的地點,也是福音的發源地,以及猶太人和羅馬人捉拿保羅的地方。耶路撒冷之後,我們將跟隨保羅的腳蹤到他被囚坐監兩年的該撒利亞;再到彼得看見異象的約帕;隨後我們將搭乘飛機由以色列飛往伊斯坦堡。伊斯坦堡是繼新約聖經之後,在基督教歷史中很重要的一個城市。我們將去看啟示錄中小亞細亞的七個教會。再從以弗所到保羅得著馬其頓異象,開始他第二次宣教之旅的特羅亞,並繼續前往腓立比、帖撒羅尼迦、庇哩亞、雅典和哥林多。走過這麼多地方,我們必定會對聖經地理與歷史有更深一層的認識。聖地進修團將於六月十七至廿八日成行。為了節省時間,我們在土耳其和希臘將搭乘當地國內班機。由於座位有限並爭取最便宜的票價,若您有意參加,請儘速報名。詳細的資訊及報名表可到中心網站按此處下載。


  1. 五月門徒訓練– 這是專為願意在主裡成長、並接受裝備服事主的基督徒所預備的訓練。將於五月十九(週日)晚上至廿四日(週五)中午舉行。感謝神預備林三綱弟兄及陳若愚牧師為我們的講員。目前已有五十六位弟兄姐妹報名。若您有心來參加,請勿拖延。報名截止日期為五月十七日。報名表請按此處。
  2. 國殤週末帶職同工訓練營– 國殤週末的訓練營是專為全職工作的基督徒舉辦的訓練營。全職學生 (包括博士班學生)必須先參加五月門徒訓練後才能繼續參加此一聚會。除了林三綱弟兄及陳若愚牧師兩位講員之外,謝文傑長老也是講員之一。聚會將於五月廿四(週五)晚上至五月廿七日(週一)中午在中心舉行。報名截止日期為五月十七日,請勿遲延。報名表請按此處。
  3. 青少年門徒訓練營 – 這是為講英語的青年基督徒所準備的營會。聚會將於六月二日晚上至八日中午在中心舉行。更多資訊將於近期內張貼上網。




您們所有「2012 年對中心的奉獻收據」已全數郵寄出去。若您沒有收到,可能因地址錯誤,已退還至中心。請惠賜下您的新址,當再郵寄給您。







Dear Brother and Sisters, Greetings in the Lord!

Two separate snowstorms hit the plains of the Midwest this week. Each storm brought CWC three to four inches snow. But for some other areas, like Columbia, MO, they had one foot of snow. The coworkers in the CWC lost electricity and heat for about 18 hours. Praise God, I just heard that the power came back. All the coworkers and their families are fine. God’s grace and power are sufficient for us.

Before these two storms, we had glimpsed spring around the corner. Green grass and the roots of the flowers burst out. With winter ending, it is time for new life. Let us pray that God will revive His work in all the campuses. Many churches’ revival began with the revival of students. God revived the lives of John Wesley and his brother Charles during their college years. They started Bible study groups in their college. These spread to many other campuses. Then this student revival led to great general revival of England and the formation of Methodist Churches. Hudson Taylor dedicated his life to serve God and prepared his life to be a missionary to China. He brought the gospel to China. Taylor’s China Inland Mission influenced many students’ lives and motivated them to be missionaries for God’s kingdom. Through D. L. Moody, great revival lit up America and Europe. Many college students dedicated their lives to mission and studied at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. They extended the gospel to a greater, worldwide mission field. During the Chinese and Japanese war, great revival happened among college students, including renowned Chinese church leaders such as pastor Philip Teng, pastor Stephen Chen, and brother Yunbo Bian. For more information on student/missions connections, please click here to read The History of Chinese Campus ministry. Let us keep praying that God will give revival to the campus ministry of today! Pray for the ministry of CWC and all the CWC coworkers in different campuses.

Gospel Camp: It is important to share the Good News to non-believers and lead them to Christ for eternal life. Only two months remain before the end of this spring semester. Pray that your non-believing friends can know and accept the Lord as their Savior before they leave their campuses. Spring Break Gospel Camp is for them! Yet, without you, how will they come to this Camp? When you come, they can follow. We thank God that the eight additional dormitories will be ready at that time for you and your friends. We have two main speakers, Pastor Tzu-Kung Chuang and Pastor Vincent Choi. Also, two California mission teams will come to share the messages and minister among us. The dates cover March 15 (come to stay overnight) to 18 (noontime). Please pray for the Gospel Camp, speakers, mission teams and, especially the salvation of the nonbelievers. All the forms have been postal-mailed to the churches and the Bible Study groups. You can also from our website download the form and email us. Group registration is available. Please click here.

Holy Land Study Tour:

This Study Tour will enrich your knowledge of the life and the ministry of Christ and the Apostle Paul. Following their footprints will give us life experience and deeply touch our hearts. The theme of this study tour is, “The Footprints of Paul”. Many such tours cover only Turkey and Greece. Our Study Tour will start from Jerusalem. Of course that was the site of much of the ministry of our Lord Jesus, the ignition-place of the gospel, and where the Jews and Romans captured Paul. From Jerusalem we will follow the footprints of Paul as he was escorted to Caesarea for two years in prison. After a short visit to Joppa where Peter saw the vision, we will sail off—by plane though!—from Israel to Istanbul. Istanbul is a very important city in Christian history following the New Testament. From there, we will visit the seven churches recorded in the Book of Revelation in Asia Minor. Then from Ephesus, we will go to Troas where Paul saw the Macedonian vision and began his second missionary journey to Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens and Corinth. In visiting so many locations, we will much better appreciate Bible lands and history. The tour date is from June 17 to 28. To save time, we will use three domestic flights in Turkey and Greece. Those seats are particularly limited. If you wish to join, please apply as soon as possible to get lower flight fare. You can visit our website by clicking here for the detailed program and the application form.

Upcoming Training Camps:

  1. May Discipleship and Coworkers Training Camp – It is designed for all the Christian who wish to grow and be equipped to serve in the Lord. The dates are from May 19th evening to 24th noontime. Thanks be to God; He has provided Brother Bellman Lin and Pastor Lawrence Chan to be our speakers. So far 56 brothers and sisters have turned in their forms. If you wish to apply, please do not delay. The due date is May 17th. You may click here for the application forms.
  2. Lay Ministers Training Camp – This Memorial Day weekend training is reserved for fulltime working people. If you are students (Ph. D included), unless you also attend the above regular May Discipleship Training, you cannot attend this Lay Ministers Training. Besides the above two speakers Brother Bellman Lin and Pastor Lawrence Chan, we will have another speaker, Elder Wen-Jai Hsieh. The date is from the evening of May 24 to 27th noontime. If you wish to apply, please do not delay. The due date is May 17th. You may click here for the application forms.
  3. Youth Discipleship Training Camp – For English-speaking Christian youths. The date is from the evening of June 2 to noontime of 8th. Further information will be disclosed soon.

New Dormitory:

We made six rooms usable for December’s meetings. We plan to open a total of eight rooms for the Spring Gospel Camp. With more students coming, we will need these added rooms. We have only two weeks before the Gospel Camp. Please pray for the construction progress. And thanks for remembering the building fund needs so that we can finish the whole building by the end of this year.

Last Note:

All of your 2012 offering receipts have been mailed out. If you did not get it, it means it has been returned to the CWC because of the wrong address. Please give us your current address, we will postal-mail to you again.


Thanks for your love, prayer and financial support to this student ministry of the CWC.

God bless you!


Billy Ko

Pastor and Director